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Has "The Formula" worked before?


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I honestly don't know the answer to this question, so I'm hoping someone can provide me some examples of successes, or, some clarity that there hasn't been any evidence of this:

1. Fire the Offensive Coordinator on a statistically poor offense

2. Keep the young, struggling QB

3. Offense and QB improves dramatically.

My opinion on Sanchez is well documented. As are the opinions on Schotty of the majority of Jets fans. Neither are relevant to this thread. What I'd like to know is, has the above happened and how often?

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Do you think the Jets are going to release Sanchez, or replace him as the starter, before next season?

Do you think Schottenheimer would be a solid coordinator with a better QB?

If you answered no to the above questions, then regardless of the formula's success, I think you need to give it a try.

(But yes, the '9ers would be a good recent example).

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San Francisco -- Alex Smith

Chicago -- Jay Cutler -- Mike Martz _ not sure of the time line here but Cutler was doing very well under Martz ...There was a learning curve at the beginning where some didnt think it would work but it was just getting on a roll before the injury.

There were some in the past where OC came in and had an impact I just cant remember the names . it would be hard to look that situation up. But at least I have 2 recent ones

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Well you could say the Niners. New HC and OC, and even though Smith isn't technically young anymore, you can say his play has improved. Seems they put him in a better role to succeed.

49'ers turn around is based on hiding the qb, with great defense and solid run game.. Just like we did here.... also doesn't hurt that they play in by far the worst division in football

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San Francisco -- Alex Smith

Chicago -- Jay Cutler -- Mike Martz _ not sure of the time line here but Cutler was doing very well under Martz ...There was a learning curve at the beginning where some didnt think it would work but it was just getting on a roll before the injury.

There were some in the past where OC came in and had an impact I just cant remember the names . it would be hard to look that situation up. But at least I have 2 recent ones

Cutler had better years with the broncos..

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Cutler was erratic with the broncos.... no ? he would having a great year then go in the tank from what I remember

Its funny how Sanchez gets held to a different standard than anyone else by all his supporters. He was erratic his first 2 seasons, much like most young QB's but he was still infinitly better than Sanchez.

His 3rd season, when most QB's come into their own, he threw for 4500yrds, 28TD's, 63% comp. Dude was a monster. Team sucked, but he was a stud.

That said, he's not an example of this because he swtiched teams. To EY question: I honestly cant recall this ever happening.

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Chan how many times has a QB completely carried a football team and won the SB ?

Elway Carried a few broncos teams from what I remember but got Hammered in the SB by better Football teams

Manning no doubt has carried some Colts teams yet he only has 1 Superbowl in what 13 years of playoff apprearances and the year they won the defense played lights out.

Dan Fouts Carried many Charger teams who lacked defense and never won a SB

Dan Marino Carried many Dolphin teams and never won a SB

Brett Favre played 900 years and won 1 SB but that team was complete with a great defense.

Plenty of HOF type QB's out there that never won anything or might have won just once in long careers. This just proves it really takes more than just a QB to win SB's or Multiple SB's. Keep in mind the teams Montana, Bradshaw, Brady, Elway played for when they won multiple SB's all great defenses and very complete teams from to to bottom. Its not just about the QB.

Great QB's do win games great teams win SB's

Alex Smith is playing very good football right now but its his team thats winning games. That does not mean you discredit Smith Ive seen him make some pretty big throws this year.

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Its funny how Sanchez gets held to a different standard than anyone else by all his supporters. He was erratic his first 2 seasons, much like most young QB's but he was still infinitly better than Sanchez.

His 3rd season, when most QB's come into their own, he threw for 4500yrds, 28TD's, 63% comp. Dude was a monster. Team sucked, but he was a stud.

That said, he's not an example of this because he swtiched teams. To EY question: I honestly cant recall this ever happening.

What are you talking about ? Im making a case for Cutler Improving due to his relaionship with Mike Martz which is the same thing Im calling for, for Sanchez a new OC.... so whats your point ? Stop posting stats i dont care if Cutler threw 50 TD's the guy was erratic and had issues and its a big reason the team let him go. Stop trying to tie every issue with the Sanchez arguement

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What are you talking about ? Im making a case for Cutler Improving due to his relaionship with Mike Martz which is the same thing Im calling for, for Sanchez a new OC.... so whats your point ? Stop posting stats i dont care if Cutler threw 50 TD's the guy was erratic and had issues and its a big reason the team let him go. Stop trying to tie every issue with the Sanchez arguement

Making sense of anything Josh McDaniels did in Denver is stupid. You've numerous times mentioned that Cutler was this and that in Denver as a knock on him, yet you support Sanchez. My point is, the same reasons you give credence to Mark's play, you should be giving to Cutler while in Denver who is twice the player in his first 3 seasons.

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Do you think the Jets are going to release Sanchez, or replace him as the starter, before next season?

Do you think Schottenheimer would be a solid coordinator with a better QB?

If you answered no to the above questions, then regardless of the formula's success, I think you need to give it a try.

(But yes, the '9ers would be a good recent example).

Question 1: No.

Question 2: Yes. Solid. Not necessarily good, but I think coordinators are made by the play of their QB for the most part.

I agree it's going to happen, but honestly, don't get the idea that he's the reason Sanchez is struggling and that it will get better when he's gone.

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Making sense of anything Josh McDaniels did in Denver is stupid. You've numerous times mentioned that Cutler was this and that in Denver as a knock on him, yet you support Sanchez. My point is, the same reasons you give credence to Mark's play, you should be giving to Cutler while in Denver who is twice the player in his first 3 seasons.

JIF to be 100 % honest I saw the same thing in Cutler the guy has talent and I think he needed a change. Cutler had an attitude in Denver and he said some stupid things and there was concern if his head was screwed on straight. Its seems the Chicago coaching staff has done a good job with him. QB is not just about talent and if a QB has serious head issues (Jeff George) it may never work out for them.

EY asked a question, and while my Cutler scenario is reversed since he went to another team, I think the premise is this same, it has had a positive effect on Cutler and he has played much better

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JIF to be 100 % honest I saw the same thing in Cutler the guy has talent and I think he needed a change. Cutler had an attitude in Denver and he said some stupid things and there was concern if his head was screwed on straight. Its seems the Chicago coaching staff has done a good job with him. QB is not just about talent and if a QB has serious head issues (Jeff George) it may never work out for them.

EY asked a question, and while my Cutler scenario is reversed since he went to another team, I think the premise is this same, it has had a positive effect on Cutler and he has played much better

Are you seriously that obtuse that you don't see any distinction between the question posed - a team swapping out one OC for another - and a QB going to an entirely different team?

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EY asked a question, and while my Cutler scenario is reversed since he went to another team, I think the premise is this same, it has had a positive effect on Cutler and he has played much better

One could easily make the argument that 2008 Cutler was as good if not better than 2011 Cutler. So, your point is not clear cut enough to say that "the formula" works.

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JIF to be 100 % honest I saw the same thing in Cutler the guy has talent and I think he needed a change. Cutler had an attitude in Denver and he said some stupid things and there was concern if his head was screwed on straight. Its seems the Chicago coaching staff has done a good job with him. QB is not just about talent and if a QB has serious head issues (Jeff George) it may never work out for them.

Cutler is terrible. The fans here generally make the same excuses that Sanchez apologists made earlier in the season for him. Offensive line, coordinator...etc.

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Are you seriously that obtuse that you don't see any distinction between the question posed - a team swapping out one OC for another - and a QB going to an entirely different team?

If you botherd to read my post I made that point . The question is the effect of a new OC on a QB the situations are very similar.

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JIF to be 100 % honest I saw the same thing in Cutler the guy has talent and I think he needed a change. Cutler had an attitude in Denver and he said some stupid things and there was concern if his head was screwed on straight. Its seems the Chicago coaching staff has done a good job with him. QB is not just about talent and if a QB has serious head issues (Jeff George) it may never work out for them.

EY asked a question, and while my Cutler scenario is reversed since he went to another team, I think the premise is this same, it has had a positive effect on Cutler and he has played much better

But he hasnt played "much better" - his best season was still his last season in Denver. Cutler is just a damn good QB. His play in Denver has been consistent with his play in Chicago.

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Cutler is terrible. The fans here generally make the same excuses that Sanchez apologists made earlier in the season for him. Offensive line, coordinator...etc.

You think Cutler is terrible? I dont think so. I think he's a gun slinger and I'd love to have him.

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You think Cutler is terrible? I dont think so. I think he's a gun slinger and I'd love to have him.

Sanchez with a stronger arm. His DVOA and DYAR have historically been awful. Still are. If you think watching Sanchez derp it up and down the field is the dumbest thing to watch in the NFL, you have not watched enough Bears football.

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One could easily make the argument that 2008 Cutler was as good if not better than 2011 Cutler. So, your point is not clear cut enough to say that "the formula" works.

your right its not clear enough.

Rutgers --- Not everyone sucks man wonder if people were saying Jim Plunket sucked before he won his SB after being labeled a total bust in NE. Its obvious Cutler is loaded with talent the question is can he turn that into a SB

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Do you think the Jets are going to release Sanchez, or replace him as the starter, before next season?

Do you think Schottenheimer would be a solid coordinator with a better QB?

If you answered no to the above questions, then regardless of the formula's success, I think you need to give it a try.

(But yes, the '9ers would be a good recent example).

Yeah, that's about the long and short of it right there. May not work, probably won't work, but we know for certain the current situation doesn't.

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Sanchez with a stronger arm. His DVOA and DYAR have historically been awful. Still are. If you think watching Sanchez derp it up and down the field is the dumbest thing to watch in the NFL, you have not watched enough Bears football.

Meh, I've watched him enough to see he's definitely not Sanchez. He does things, in the pocket, with his arm, that Sanchez will never be able to do. That and he throws to a bunch of Jags.

I'll take him 100x over Sanchez and never think twice about it.

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