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If Mark Sanchez continues to struggle (suck) today, will Rex.......


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No. Simply due to the fact that Sanchez has proven he can pull it together long enough to come back. Now, if we had a viable backup...

What you say makes sense. I guess if McElroy hadnt gotten hurt we may have gotten to see him but I can help thinking MS needs to sit for a quarter or a half. BTW isnt McElroys arm reminiscent of Chad P?

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He can doooooo eeet!


I wouldn't open that can of worms with brunell as the back up

it's a shame mcelroy got hurt

then you have the possibility

this team is tied to marky mark, like it or not

Did you guys watcht he preseason? McElroy. Latest in a long line of backups who haven't done anything to be overrated by Jets fans!

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