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all you guys defending the little guy who got knocked out dont have a clue.i am not saying that to be spiteful,i just feel you guys are a little old school and dont know how the real world is now.long gone are they days when you rolled up your sleeves and duked it out with 1 guy you had a problem with and you fought with honor.

1.the kid who hit the dude did the right thing.he ENDED THE PROBLEM.yes.we all could have done without the arm flailling and the racial slurs,but it looked like they could of minded their business and the short dude wasnt having it.

2.the size of the dude knocked out has absolutely nothing to do with it.one of the toughest dudes i ever fought was half my size

3.the drunken state of the dude only worsens the problem.drunk people can be extremely dangerous.there are many,many people doing life in prison commiting an act that they probably wouldnt do sober

4.one of you guys mentioned he could be knocked down with a feather.yea maybe.but i will tell you a true story i witnessed with my own 2 eyes.similiar situation.smaller drunk guy starts with 2 larger guys.instead of knocking the guy out,they just rough him up a bit.small guy is already drunk,now he is embarrassed and pissed,goes to his car,pulls out a gun,and shoots both guys dead.like i said.true story

5.bottom line is be careful who you mess with because you just dont know.the best thing to do is not mess with anybody

6.if you are minding your own business and this clown wants to start with you and family and friends,i highly recommend you do the same thing those 3 dudes did.end it and leave

Wow just wow. The fact that you really believe what you wrote is astounding.

What about just ignoring the dumb fock and leaving. Or report a disturbance and let the cops lock him up for public intox, harrasment etc?

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all you guys defending the little guy who got knocked out dont have a clue.i am not saying that to be spiteful,i just feel you guys are a little old school and dont know how the real world is now.long gone are they days when you rolled up your sleeves and duked it out with 1 guy you had a problem with and you fought with honor.

1.the kid who hit the dude did the right thing.he ENDED THE PROBLEM.yes.we all could have done without the arm flailling and the racial slurs,but it looked like they could of minded their business and the short dude wasnt having it.

2.the size of the dude knocked out has absolutely nothing to do with it.one of the toughest dudes i ever fought was half my size

3.the drunken state of the dude only worsens the problem.drunk people can be extremely dangerous.there are many,many people doing life in prison commiting an act that they probably wouldnt do sober

4.one of you guys mentioned he could be knocked down with a feather.yea maybe.but i will tell you a true story i witnessed with my own 2 eyes.similiar situation.smaller drunk guy starts with 2 larger guys.instead of knocking the guy out,they just rough him up a bit.small guy is already drunk,now he is embarrassed and pissed,goes to his car,pulls out a gun,and shoots both guys dead.like i said.true story

5.bottom line is be careful who you mess with because you just dont know.the best thing to do is not mess with anybody

6.if you are minding your own business and this clown wants to start with you and family and friends,i highly recommend you do the same thing those 3 dudes did.end it and leave


I'm not sure where I defended anyone in my post. I think cheap shots suck. However, I think if you took 2 seconds to read what I wrote beyond that - you'd quickly realize I think all 4 of those scumbags are garbage. The only people in that video I felt bad for were the innocent bystanders who had their night ruined because they were the ones calling the cops, waiting on the ambulance and dealing with the drama.

Personally, I subscribe to the ideal that there will always be someone tougher, crazier and with less to lose than me. Plus I'm in my mid-30's and living a great life... so "fighting" isn't part of my world. Which is why I said, and will say again... everything about this disgusts me.

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Wow just wow. The fact that you really believe what you wrote is astounding.

What about just ignoring the dumb fock and leaving. Or report a disturbance and let the cops lock him up for public intox, harrasment etc?

Guy was throwing punches. That changes everything

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Wow just wow. The fact that you really believe what you wrote is astounding.

What about just ignoring the dumb fock and leaving. Or report a disturbance and let the cops lock him up for public intox, harrasment etc?

Yup. That is the real way to "end the situation". I work hard, pay my taxes, let the ******* Cops deal with it.

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Guy was throwing punches. That changes everything

Yup. I think those, like myself, making points about avoiding it - are not necessarily talking about what happened in the video, so much as why in our lives, there's no place for this sh*t, and its easily avoidable for someone with half a brain, and without anything to prove.

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To think that the guy who punched the dude was acting as a de facto policeman and "protecting" his friends is ******* delusional.

I know the behavior, I've seen it tons of times in my life. It's pussy a$$ ******* sh*t. There is no other way to describe it. That ******* guy was acting like a bitch, a thug, a lowlife, a cheapshot artist. He saw the opportunity to hit a defenseless guy and he took it. Hence his victory ******* scream, like he DID something.

Gonna try and paint that as an act of self defense. Get the **** out of here.

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Wow just wow. The fact that you really believe what you wrote is astounding.

What about just ignoring the dumb fock and leaving. Or report a disturbance and let the cops lock him up for public intox, harrasment etc?

never dialed 911 in my life.ya.just walk away from a guy swinging.i guess me and you aint carved from the same stone
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Guy was throwing punches. That changes everything

If physically attacked or or even threatened ,Minus the advantage of a weapon, I am very confident in my ability to defend myself against anyone, anytime, anywhere.

That drunk dude??? He could try and hit me for an hour and it wouldnt happen.

Sucker punch a drunk? Pathetic.

Those guys are cowards plain and simple and whoever defends their actions are in the same league.

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I'm not sure where I defended anyone in my post. I think cheap shots suck. However, I think if you took 2 seconds to read what I wrote beyond that - you'd quickly realize I think all 4 of those scumbags are garbage. The only people in that video I felt bad for were the innocent bystanders who had their night ruined because they were the ones calling the cops, waiting on the ambulance and dealing with the drama.

Personally, I subscribe to the ideal that there will always be someone tougher, crazier and with less to lose than me. Plus I'm in my mid-30's and living a great life... so "fighting" isn't part of my world. Which is why I said, and will say again... everything about this disgusts me.

this really wasnt meant directly towards you,i just used your post.but now that you mention it,i only saw 2 guys swinging,why are the other 2 considered scumbags?just asking

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If physically attacked or or even threatened ,Minus the advantage of a weapon, I am very confident in my ability to defend myself against anyone, anytime, anywhere.

That drunk dude??? He could try and hit me for an hour and it wouldnt happen.

Sucker punch a drunk? Pathetic.

Those guys are cowards plain and simple and whoever defends their actions are in the same league.

meh,aint worth an argument with girlscouts
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this really wasnt meant directly towards you,i just used your post.but now that you mention it,i only saw 2 guys swinging,why are the other 2 considered scumbags?just asking

You have to ask?

Its a sporting event, with people BBQ'ing, relaxing, spending time with friends and family... then those 4 numbnuts come along and **** it up. Scumbags. All of them. Grabbing their crotches, fighting, shouting racial slurs that don't even apply to anyone in the video, acting like complete jackasses in front of kids and women. No class. They are scumbags.

I don't care who swung at who. The fact is, its not acceptable behavior to act like a bunch of ******* animals.

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It sucks to see things come down to that, I hope the guy is ok. I'm all about having a good peaceful time, but if people want to take it there, then I have no problem going there. What would you do if your good friend or family member was being attacked? Stand there and watch? The guy that got KOed wanted violence and he got it.

I mean, yeah. But the initial guy was clearly drunk, and there were significantly better ways of neutralizing him.

Would you sucker punch a 12 year old if they were messing with your friends? Would you stand over the 12 year old proclaiming your victory? Or would you maybe throw him to the ground and walk away? Because, in the state that guy was in, there's really not much of a difference.

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You have to ask?

Its a sporting event, with people BBQ'ing, relaxing, spending time with friends and family... then those 4 numbnuts come along and **** it up. Scumbags. All of them. Grabbing their crotches, fighting, shouting racial slurs that don't even apply to anyone in the video, acting like complete jackasses in front of kids and women. No class. They are scumbags.

I don't care who swung at who. The fact is, its not acceptable behavior to act like a bunch of ******* animals.

yes.you are right.all 4 of them had their cocks in their hands.very disrespectful.now you are just making sh*t up
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Yup. It took a few posts, but it all boils down to this.

You're a real man and anyone who'd resolve the situation more peacefully is a lady.

dude got what he deserved.you people dont condone the punch but seem to condone the drunks actions."gee wiz,why did you hit him.he was only swinging at you evn tho he missed and invaded your personal space".maybe he should have had a heart felt conversation with him about his actions instead.maybe called his mother to come pick him up.if our forefathers had your attitude,we would still be drinking tea
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I mean, yeah. But the initial guy was clearly drunk, and there were significantly better ways of neutralizing him.

Would you sucker punch a 12 year old if they were messing with your friends? Would you stand over the 12 year old proclaiming your victory? Or would you maybe throw him to the ground and walk away? Because, in the state that guy was in, there's really not much of a difference.

this is the most retarded comparison i ever saw.congrats
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I mean, yeah. But the initial guy was clearly drunk, and there were significantly better ways of neutralizing him.

Would you sucker punch a 12 year old if they were messing with your friends? Would you stand over the 12 year old proclaiming your victory? Or would you maybe throw him to the ground and walk away? Because, in the state that guy was in, there's really not much of a difference.

Bingo. I'm sure we've all been around enough fights or would-be fights in our lives and the truth is if you're a bystander who wants to end it, a hell of a lot more often than not, all it takes is one person to get in the middle of the situation and break it up. When you're talking about someone so clearly that piss drunk, it's that much easier.

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this is the most retarded comparison i ever saw.congrats

The point really is very simple. There's about a dozen different ways that situation could have very easily been ended without some spineless punk cheap-shotting some drunk douchebag. You seem to live in this reality where the wrong actions of one suddenly completely justify the wrong actions of another. Only problem with that is, that's not how the real world works.

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I can't believe with all that I've written, this is the part that sunk in.

like i said before,i just happened to use your post to respond to.it really wasnt meant towards you.however,your stupid comment was directed towards me.i got what you were saying.i did read your post.i asked a question why all 4 were scumbags.i only saw 1.(2 if i were looking thru your eyes)
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what cracks me up is this outrage from some of you seems to be about size.if a big dude was starting sh*t and a little dude cracked him,i beleive your tunes would be different

I don't think anyone is outraged. YOU are the one taking exception to the comments people have made, as though there is some prevailing point you are trying to make... but you have gotten around to it yet. All 4 of those dopes in the video are idiots... and there are far too many idiots who pat each other on the back for being idiots in our society. End of story.

Whatever is compelling you to carry on like a child who didn't get what he wanted on Christmas morning is beyond me.

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dude got what he deserved.you people dont condone the punch but seem to condone the drunks actions."gee wiz,why did you hit him.he was only swinging at you evn tho he missed and invaded your personal space".maybe he should have had a heart felt conversation with him about his actions instead.maybe called his mother to come pick him up.if our forefathers had your attitude,we would still be drinking tea

I guess us ladies just aren't black and white thinkers like a real man like you, and us ladies can acknowledge that while the first guy was wrong, that doesn't make what happened to him right. Or maybe us ladies just know there's a better way to handle situations that don't involve knocking someone unconscious who has no real means of defending themselves?

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The point really is very simple. There's about a dozen different ways that situation could have very easily been ended without some spineless punk cheap-shotting some drunk douchebag. You seem to live in this reality where the wrong actions of one suddenly completely justify the wrong actions of another. Only problem with that is, that's not how the real world works.

Hey, nice skirt. Did you get it at TJ Max?

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dude got what he deserved.you people dont condone the punch but seem to condone the drunks actions."gee wiz,why did you hit him.he was only swinging at you evn tho he missed and invaded your personal space".maybe he should have had a heart felt conversation with him about his actions instead.maybe called his mother to come pick him up.if our forefathers had your attitude,we would still be drinking tea

Even if you feel the need to puff out your chest and be the alpha male in a situation that clearly doesn't call for it, is it worth getting sent up on a manslaughter conviction from that dope's head smashing into the pavement?

Cameras are everywhere these days... even if some drunken idiot who's no real threat to you "deserves" a beatdown, it's not worth the potential consequences.

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The point really is very simple. There's about a dozen different ways that situation could have very easily been ended without some spineless punk cheap-shotting some drunk douchebag. You seem to live in this reality where the wrong actions of one suddenly completely justify the wrong actions of another. Only problem with that is, that's not how the real world works.

i get the point.just said the comparison was retarded.its like this for me.i dont mess with anyone.never had.i see people every day who think they can say and do whatever they want without consequences to innocent people who are minding their own business.i love when i see things like this.somebody messing with someone and gets messed up.i dont care how drunk or small he was,he ****ed with someone who didnt want to be ****ed with.case closed.he got what he had coming to him
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I don't think anyone is outraged. YOU are the one taking exception to the comments people have made, as though there is some prevailing point you are trying to make... but you have gotten around to it yet. All 4 of those dopes in the video are idiots... and there are far too many idiots who pat each other on the back for being idiots in our society. End of story.

Whatever is compelling you to carry on like a child who didn't get what he wanted on Christmas morning is beyond me.

I hope you didn't chip your french manicure while typing this post.

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