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Dexter Mafia Game Thread


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"Dad, why did you take your own life? I was only 19 years old when you left Debra and I behind to fend for ourselves."

"I was ashamed. Ashamed that I had trained you to be a killer. Ashamed at what I'd made you become. Horrified when I finally saw for the first time the fruition of all your training, and you showed me your victim's body."

"So you thought I was some kind of monster?"

"No, Dex. I was the monster. I believe strongly that there is good in you, even if you don't see it in yourself."

"There's no good in me. Just my dark passenger. And a man who talks to the spirit of his dead father."

"I'm always watching out for you, Dex. Just trust me."

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Official Day 1 Vote Count

CTM (5) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, AVM, Song

Ape (3) - Nolder, Lily, Pac

Song (2) - JC, Brett

Lily (1) - Crusher

Sharrow (1) - CTM

Crusher (1) - Vic

AVM (1) - Ape

Not Voting (3) - Verbal, Smash, Leelou

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


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Deputy Chief Tom Matthews was Harry Morgan's best friend. Though he does display instances of nominal racism, heavy political ambition, and a multitude of other character flaws, there is a side of him that not everyone sees. The side of him that made a promise to Harry before he died, to look after Dexter and Debra.

Already, Matthews believes he has failed Harry.

He grieves with the knowledge that Debra died on his watch, leaving only Dexter to deal with all the tragedies in his life. A mother who died when Dexter was young, a father who took his own life, and now a sister that has been killed.

It's enough to make any man, no matter how flawed, want to provide a fatherly influence on a troubled young man. Which means staying alive at all costs.

It also would make him vow to take revenge.

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I think we should consolidate votes in order to get traction.

I agree, but there isn't a ton to work with right now honestly. Crush has had a different play style all season, I don't agree that his play is scummy. Ape is annoying, but that's about all I've got with him. Song and I come in and drop votes when we hadn't been around all day. Lily is Lily. I will say Leelou had a post earlier that struck me odd...something to the effect of one of those geez IDK where to put my vote but I don't like the strong train now. Then disappeared.

Since we're all talking about strategies we use when we're scum ourselves (at least I know I saw Vic do it re: Crush) -- that's a maneuver I've used a couple times as scum. I don't like the train, don't have a strong read on anyone, and just sort of want to not "step on toes." Don't make enemies.

So, I'll vote: Leelou

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Official Day 1 Vote Count

CTM (4) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, Song

Ape (3) - Nolder, Lily, Pac

Song (2) - JC, Brett

Lily (1) - Crusher

Sharrow (1) - CTM

Crusher (1) - Vic

AVM (1) - Ape

Leelou (1) - AVM

Not Voting (3) - Verbal, Smash, Leelou

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


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You all can start condensing votes anytime you'd like. Or not. In either case, one of you will be mine in 24 hours.


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I'm trying to guess what Song your listening to...actually surprised a man of your education missed that...interesting...hmmm...

Oh, pfft... that was a stretch... haha... I listed my top 3, Song is probably my 4th or 5th at the moment.

I encourage the train on her, and am trying for a competing one on AVM. Would like to see where it goes.

If it comes down to deadline, I'll be happy to re-evaluate my top 3. ;)

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I do have to work. I had to play catch up from being sick yesterday. Song's out of no where vote on CTM does stink. Lily is Lily, still hard to read. Nolder has completely disappeared which is not like him.

Right now I'd have to say my top few are:

Song, Nol and Lily.


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Official Day 1 Vote Count

CTM (4) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, Song

Song (3) - JC, Brett, Leelou

Ape (3) - Nolder, Lily, Pac

Lily (1) - Crusher

Sharrow (1) - CTM

Crusher (1) - Vic

AVM (1) - Ape

Leelou (1) - AVM

Not Voting (2) - Verbal, Smash

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


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couple things.. If I was at work this morning CTM would have been hammered. I don't like the emo self vote and the claim of "OMG TEH BOMB" seems convenient. Putting it out there now.. if we want to lynch CTM I'll happily hammer and take my chances.

Home with a sick 7 year old (he's fine today) so I'll pop in and out. I see Smash finally adressed the accusations and I think the responses were sloppy.

I've been thinking there were multiple SK's but maybe I was wrong about the # of shots they have. I assumed 1 person shot JiF twice but perhaps 2 separate people took shots (which would be funny).

Kind of leads me back to Brett... maybe the reason he was so adament about 2 separate players taking shots is because he's a SK that took one of them. I was making assumptions but he sounded pretty certain.. he also has completely abandoned his case on me and hasn't brought it up since.

In order of suspicion I'd go with Smash then Brett but I'll happily kill CTM or the Ape.

For now I'll unvote and go back to Brett...

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Official Day 1 Vote Count

CTM (4) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, Song

Song (3) - JC, Brett, Leelou

Ape (2) - Nolder, Lily

Lily (1) - Crusher

Sharrow (1) - CTM

Crusher (1) - Vic

AVM (1) - Ape

Leelou (1) - AVM

Brett (1) - Pac

Not Voting (2) - Verbal, Smash

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


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Even though I would love to bury a hatchet in his brain and use his hide to make a case of real skin condoms and give them to all of you guys for gifts my read is softening on him.

Lilly is still good for me but I see nothing is happening with this yet.

Brett has pinged with what CTM pointed out.

The Nolder thing is intriguing. He came in tossing stuff around announced he was leaving and would not play much but at the same time he hasn;t played at all. Did he get a little heat and put his tail between his leg and run? Did his scum mates tell him to cool it in the scum thread? Am I channeling monkey? Not sure, I do have the urge to fling poop at him

Still not interested in CTM. Even though I was pushing his train like Vic does as scum. Only difference sh*t moves when I push it.


vote nolder

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I agree, but there isn't a ton to work with right now honestly. Crush has had a different play style all season, I don't agree that his play is scummy. Ape is annoying, but that's about all I've got with him. Song and I come in and drop votes when we hadn't been around all day. Lily is Lily. I will say Leelou had a post earlier that struck me odd...something to the effect of one of those geez IDK where to put my vote but I don't like the strong train now. Then disappeared.

Since we're all talking about strategies we use when we're scum ourselves (at least I know I saw Vic do it re: Crush) -- that's a maneuver I've used a couple times as scum. I don't like the train, don't have a strong read on anyone, and just sort of want to not "step on toes." Don't make enemies.

So, I'll vote: Leelou

I do have to work. I had to play catch up from being sick yesterday. Song's out of no where vote on CTM does stink. Lily is Lily, still hard to read. Nolder has completely disappeared which is not like him.

Right now I'd have to say my top few are:

Song, Nol and Lily.



This is now the second time where Leelou's name has come up, and she's posted almost immediately afterward... after prolonged silence.

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couple things.. If I was at work this morning CTM would have been hammered. I don't like the emo self vote and the claim of "OMG TEH BOMB" seems convenient. Putting it out there now.. if we want to lynch CTM I'll happily hammer and take my chances.

Home with a sick 7 year old (he's fine today) so I'll pop in and out. I see Smash finally adressed the accusations and I think the responses were sloppy.

I've been thinking there were multiple SK's but maybe I was wrong about the # of shots they have. I assumed 1 person shot JiF twice but perhaps 2 separate people took shots (which would be funny).

Kind of leads me back to Brett... maybe the reason he was so adament about 2 separate players taking shots is because he's a SK that took one of them. I was making assumptions but he sounded pretty certain.. he also has completely abandoned his case on me and hasn't brought it up since.

In order of suspicion I'd go with Smash then Brett but I'll happily kill CTM or the Ape.

For now I'll unvote and go back to Brett...

I don't really buy CTM's reveal either and don't like the position it puts town in the rest of the game... if you are sincere, I think we should run him up and lynch him. Let you hammer. You up to the task for real? Or are you just dancing around hammers like usual?

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Official Day 1 Vote Count

CTM (4) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, Song

Song (3) - JC, Brett, Leelou

Ape (2) - Nolder, Lily

Sharrow (1) - CTM

Crusher (1) - Vic

AVM (1) - Ape

Leelou (1) - AVM

Brett (1) - Pac

Nolder (1) - Crusher

Not Voting (2) - Verbal, Smash

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


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Hey guys, don't know how much I'll be around today.

6 hours of work followed by 4 hours of class, Wednesdays are my worst day. I'll try to sneak on.

for now

Unvote Ape

I could go back, but I want to be present if a lynch on him is going to happen w/ my name on it.

CTM's self-vote + claim adds up strangely in my eye, using the them to help justify eachother. "I self-voted because I am a bomb" aka he was breadcrumbing his reveal.

I also didn't like Song's ninja post of putting him at L1. Crusher is having an agressive D1 which is different. And I want to see Nolder come back and piss off the ape more.

I also agree with this. Song just put herself on my list of players I could vote.

My top 3? Song, Leelou and probably Smash

Unvote Ape. I had all the fun with that I think I’m going to for now.

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couple things.. If I was at work this morning CTM would have been hammered. I don't like the emo self vote and the claim of "OMG TEH BOMB" seems convenient. Putting it out there now.. if we want to lynch CTM I'll happily hammer and take my chances.

Home with a sick 7 year old (he's fine today) so I'll pop in and out. I see Smash finally adressed the accusations and I think the responses were sloppy.

I've been thinking there were multiple SK's but maybe I was wrong about the # of shots they have. I assumed 1 person shot JiF twice but perhaps 2 separate people took shots (which would be funny).

Kind of leads me back to Brett... maybe the reason he was so adament about 2 separate players taking shots is because he's a SK that took one of them. I was making assumptions but he sounded pretty certain.. he also has completely abandoned his case on me and hasn't brought it up since.

In order of suspicion I'd go with Smash then Brett but I'll happily kill CTM or the Ape.

For now I'll unvote and go back to Brett...

If your willing to hammer...I'm willing to return to CTM...could be today could be tomorrow...isn't this like his second or third time as a bomb if its true...coincidental?

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If your willing to hammer...I'm willing to return to CTM...could be today could be tomorrow...isn't this like his second or third time as a bomb if its true...coincidental?

I like this plan tbh... and if we get CTM back to L1, and Pac pussies out... we lynch Pac.

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Official Day 1 Vote Count

CTM (4) - Hess, Sharrow, SMC, Song

Song (3) - JC, Brett, Leelou

Ape (1) - Nolder

Sharrow (1) - CTM

Crusher (1) - Vic

AVM (1) - Ape

Leelou (1) - AVM

Brett (1) - Pac

Nolder (1) - Crusher

Not Voting (3) - Verbal, Smash, Lily

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.


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