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Dexter Mafia Game Thread


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I agree on JC for SK, but for scum you have to add Brett to that list based on his play around and related to CTM.

Not sure what to make of Brett right now, tbh.

Vic, Lily and Nolder are my best bets for scum, for play related to CTM. CTM cased Leelou, but it could have been distancing. Hess, Leelou and Nolder were the last 3 votes on CTM, at least one of them was a bus vote. I have no read on Hess, he isn't town leading like last game, or proclaiming people town like he usually does as town. He's a bit under the radar for him.

JC and Pac, for SK. I definitely think Pac took the shot at JIF. Smash didn't take 2 shots on D1, read the most recent scene. I think Pac figured out that Smash probably shot at JIF, and then took the second shot and then created the case that Smash shot twice. I do think Pac slipped and that Brett caught him.

I'm guessing our vig has a night shot, I'd suggest we lynch JC and shoot Pac. Or vice versa. If correct, we eliminate 2 killers very quickly.

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I did say I was going to be gone for a couple hours. I'm training someone how to answer our phone system and IT is having fun blowing up my computer.

There are a couple people I want to go back and look at before I make any comments. I'm really rushed right now to get reports out before 6. BB when I get home.

Take your time young lady.

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Not sure what to make of Brett right now, tbh.

Vic, Lily and Nolder are my best bets for scum, for play related to CTM. CTM cased Leelou, but it could have been distancing. Hess, Leelou and Nolder were the last 3 votes on CTM, at least one of them was a bus vote. I have no read on Hess, he isn't town leading like last game, or proclaiming people town like he usually does as town. He's a bit under the radar for him.

JC and Pac, for SK. I definitely think Pac took the shot at JIF. Smash didn't take 2 shots on D1, read the most recent scene. I think Pac figured out that Smash probably shot at JIF, and then took the second shot and then created the case that Smash shot twice. I do think Pac slipped and that Brett caught him.

I'm guessing our vig has a night shot, I'd suggest we lynch JC and shoot Pac. Or vice versa. If correct, we eliminate 2 killers very quickly.

Hey everyone ape has the game figured out. I guess I'll sign off then.

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Not sure what to make of Brett right now, tbh.

Vic, Lily and Nolder are my best bets for scum, for play related to CTM. CTM cased Leelou, but it could have been distancing. Hess, Leelou and Nolder were the last 3 votes on CTM, at least one of them was a bus vote. I have no read on Hess, he isn't town leading like last game, or proclaiming people town like he usually does as town. He's a bit under the radar for him.

JC and Pac, for SK. I definitely think Pac took the shot at JIF. Smash didn't take 2 shots on D1, read the most recent scene. I think Pac figured out that Smash probably shot at JIF, and then took the second shot and then created the case that Smash shot twice. I do think Pac slipped and that Brett caught him.

I'm guessing our vig has a night shot, I'd suggest we lynch JC and shoot Pac. Or vice versa. If correct, we eliminate 2 killers very quickly.

Why couldn't Pac be Dexter, CTM's scummate? He didn't touch CTM and only said he'd hammer meaning if things were too late anyway. He's been hiding most of this game anyway and only crawls out from his rock to FOS somebody bringing up his name or to fake claim he'll hammer somebody.

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Not sure what to make of Brett right now, tbh.

Vic, Lily and Nolder are my best bets for scum, for play related to CTM. CTM cased Leelou, but it could have been distancing. Hess, Leelou and Nolder were the last 3 votes on CTM, at least one of them was a bus vote. I have no read on Hess, he isn't town leading like last game, or proclaiming people town like he usually does as town. He's a bit under the radar for him.

JC and Pac, for SK. I definitely think Pac took the shot at JIF. Smash didn't take 2 shots on D1, read the most recent scene. I think Pac figured out that Smash probably shot at JIF, and then took the second shot and then created the case that Smash shot twice. I do think Pac slipped and that Brett caught him.

I'm guessing our vig has a night shot, I'd suggest we lynch JC and shoot Pac. Or vice versa. If correct, we eliminate 2 killers very quickly.

His death scene said that Smash killed at night, so he couldn't have shot JIF. It also wasn't CTM/Dexter, because they used guns on JIF, and Dexter butchered the Jedi Masterbator.

So there are two players that chose to shoot JIF so early in the game. Looking at who is left, Pac and Brett would be the clear favorites, imo. I don't know if they would come out of the gate so strongly though as SKs (Pac vs Smash and Brett vs Pac).

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Why couldn't Pac be Dexter, CTM's scummate? He didn't touch CTM and only said he'd hammer meaning if things were too late anyway. He's been hiding most of this game anyway and only crawls out from his rock to FOS somebody bringing up his name or to fake claim he'll hammer somebody.

Could be. I think its more likely Pac is a SK, if he's anything other than pussyfag town. Looking back at his case on Smash, and the whole "shot JIF twice" thing, when we've now seen enough in the scenes to surmise that there were 2 shooters. My guess is Pac figured out Smash took the first shot on JIF, then Pac took the second, and tried to frame Smash to look all townie. He slipped though, and Brett caught it.

I think Nolder, Lily, Vic and Leelou is the pool to search for Dexter in.

Pac didn't hammer CTM because he was afraid CTM was really a bomb. If Pac knew CTM was not a bomb, he hammers him for the bus. That's why I think Nolder is the first lynch to make if looking for scum.

JC, Pac and maybe Verbal for SK.

Nolder, Lily, Vic and Leelou for Scum.

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His death scene said that Smash killed at night, so he couldn't have shot JIF. It also wasn't CTM/Dexter, because they used guns on JIF, and Dexter butchered the Jedi Masterbator.

So there are two players that chose to shoot JIF so early in the game. Looking at who is left, Pac and Brett would be the clear favorites, imo. I don't know if they would come out of the gate so strongly though as SKs (Pac vs Smash and Brett vs Pac).

I shoudl probably have read it, lol...

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2 day SK, with Dexter, Vig, and Smash at night could make sense. AVM doesn't make a lot of sense for an SK or scum NK, imo. That could have definitely been a vig kill. Smash doesn't really make sense either. I wonder if Dexter/CTM will win if all the SKs die. I wonder if we'll lose if that happens too.

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I think the scum plan was to say "I'm not scum" to me, and then kill me last night so I couldn't check them if I was the LD. So I'd never get to give results.

CTM stuck his neck way out there for Nolder, and Nolder's ninja hammer was very bus-worthy. Vic was pretty aggressive in trying to divert the lynch to Smash or me also. Lily stayed buried on Song. I think if we want to make a good lynch right now, we lynch one of these three... and let the cop get another viewing under his belt.

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Do you think Nolder is/was lying about his post restriction then? Or do you think 80 actually gave Dexter that PR?

Probably lying. He hasn't done it at all since straightening that out. Would be a great fake role to use to get me off his back, since I used it in BSG.

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I think the scum plan was to say "I'm not scum" to me, and then kill me last night so I couldn't check them if I was the LD. So I'd never get to give results.

CTM stuck his neck way out there for Nolder, and Nolder's ninja hammer was very bus-worthy. Vic was pretty aggressive in trying to divert the lynch to Smash or me also. Lily stayed buried on Song. I think if we want to make a good lynch right now, we lynch one of these three... and let the cop get another viewing under his belt.

My reasoning was simple- I felt with the way the day had played out one of the 3 stooges was scum. You and CTM were going at it and I was hoping that between the 3 of you we'd get an investagtion on one of the 3 of you and get a positive result. In the meantime I felt very confident on Smash ESPECIALLY after he did his whole "keep skimming" post. Combine with the fact he was in inactive it felt like a win win to me.

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I've already considered this. My role I believe is best I'm left to be killed off without revealing. I'm concerned it would cause confusion and hurt the town in the long run and create unneccesary drama.

That and it'll be fun to see the Ape be wrong.

Sucked how wrong I was about CTM.

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Not sure what to make of Brett right now, tbh.

Vic, Lily and Nolder are my best bets for scum, for play related to CTM. CTM cased Leelou, but it could have been distancing. Hess, Leelou and Nolder were the last 3 votes on CTM, at least one of them was a bus vote. I have no read on Hess, he isn't town leading like last game, or proclaiming people town like he usually does as town. He's a bit under the radar for him.

JC and Pac, for SK. I definitely think Pac took the shot at JIF. Smash didn't take 2 shots on D1, read the most recent scene. I think Pac figured out that Smash probably shot at JIF, and then took the second shot and then created the case that Smash shot twice. I do think Pac slipped and that Brett caught him.

I'm guessing our vig has a night shot, I'd suggest we lynch JC and shoot Pac. Or vice versa. If correct, we eliminate 2 killers very quickly.

I really don't like this when you are voting Vic ftr.

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JC and Pac, for SK. I definitely think Pac took the shot at JIF. Smash didn't take 2 shots on D1, read the most recent scene. I think Pac figured out that Smash probably shot at JIF, and then took the second shot and then created the case that Smash shot twice. I do think Pac slipped and that Brett caught him.

haha.. man you're stupid.

yeah I shot JiF then came in blabbing about it.

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JC and Pac, for SK. I definitely think Pac took the shot at JIF. Smash didn't take 2 shots on D1, read the most recent scene. I think Pac figured out that Smash probably shot at JIF, and then took the second shot and then created the case that Smash shot twice. I do think Pac slipped and that Brett caught him.

haha.. man you're stupid.

yeah I shot JiF then came in blabbing about it.

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And how wrong I was on Smash.

Unlike you, we don't all tout how awesome we are at a game of hide and seek.

Yeah I was gonna try and slow roll this a bit but that was going to be my point at end. Your push to Smash over CTM would only make you Scum not SK (unless separate teams) add that the scum team is probably small you'd have a better fake reveal than that.


again, call it what you want i was gonna dangle the carrot but whatevs.

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I hate to do this but what was this all about:

snapback.pngJiF, on 05 January 2012 - 02:03 PM, said:

Oh and Pac, please send me the PM's of Smash crying about me. I need some comic relief right now.



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Official Day 1 Final Vote Count

CTM (9) - Sharrow, SMC, Song, Verbal, JC, Crusher, Hess, Leelou, Nolder

Smash (4) - Brett, Vic, Pac, AVM

Song (2) - Lily, Smash

Crusher (1) - Ape

Ape (1) - CTM

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.

We want to lynch a SK or Dexter/Scum. But we don't know who is who. But we know CTM was scum and Smash was SK. So this takes me back to Lily with Ape being the only other player not on either train.


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Brett's avoidance of the CTM train pinged my radar as well...Eventually have to take out SMC but for now...

Vote: StraightCash

This. I could vote here. I could also vote JC for SK, and Leelou, too.

I think the scum plan was to say "I'm not scum" to me, and then kill me last night so I couldn't check them if I was the LD. So I'd never get to give results.

CTM stuck his neck way out there for Nolder, and Nolder's ninja hammer was very bus-worthy. Vic was pretty aggressive in trying to divert the lynch to Smash or me also. Lily stayed buried on Song. I think if we want to make a good lynch right now, we lynch one of these three... and let the cop get another viewing under his belt.

I made it very clear last night that I would miss the deadline. *shrugs*

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