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Star Wars Mafia #2 - Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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Good post.

I said straight up Nolder was hitting on his town tells, AVM too. I think it'll be interesting to go back and see who was saying to lynch Nolder and get D1 over with early in the game, as well as later. Recall there were two trains on him, both filled with people making easy votes.

Lily's post after she voted you about how her town read on Nolder was decreasing by the post REEKED. Essentially Nolder was having a non-game related meltdown, and Lily was spinning it as her changing her read on him to scum. Just to breadcrumb it for when she jumped from your train to his. BLATANT scum post. She was also voting you for "self-preservation" when she only had 1 vote on her. Ridiculous.

My town reads, so far: AVM, Brett, Wombat, and to a lesser extent CTM

My scum reads, so far: Lily, JIF

You I will miss most of all. Yes it's true.

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Agreed. **** this game. Do whatever the **** you guys want.

Sheesh... big man, you were in the right... let's move on eh?

Like it or not, Sakaea, Nolder was in effect our D1 lynch. Therefore discussing his actions and peoples' reactions to them in light of his alignment is exactly what we should do tomorrow.

This, 100%.

We saw multiple pushes against Nolder yesterday. When I was saying "I'm resigned to not catching scum on D1" there were a couple people that starting rallying around that, I want to look at them. JIF stands out specifically. Want to look again at whether there was anyone being opportunistic about lynching Nolder to stop the violence...

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Sheesh... big man, you were in the right... let's move on eh?

This, 100%.

We saw multiple pushes against Nolder yesterday. When I was saying "I'm resigned to not catching scum on D1" there were a couple people that starting rallying around that, I want to look at them. JIF stands out specifically. Want to look again at whether there was anyone being opportunistic about lynching Nolder to stop the violence...

My sweet sweet toothless monkey. I will always hold you dear.

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It's just sucks when the place you come to have fun and release the days pressure becomes more annoying than real life.

It got crappy for a couple hours, and like usual it sorta self-corrected. All is right in the world.... lets talk more about dipping our balls in things...

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It got crappy for a couple hours, and like usual it sorta self-corrected. All is right in the world.... lets talk more about dipping our balls in things...

Nope. Dude that really pissed me off. Once I get pissed off it stays with me. I need to get away from it. Im gone soon as Bleedin gets back. I will come visit you in the jungle and we will swing from the trees together.*

* note: you will swing I will sit at the bottom clapping hoping a bird or two fall out so I can eats them.

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Mark Sanchez will either play better or get cut loose. We're not going to have to deal with this for more than a year.

Bullsh*t. We'll have to deal with it forever, as has always been the case... the QB name will change, the situation will not. We are Jets fans.

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Mark Sanchez will either play better or get cut loose. We're not going to have to deal with this for more than a year.

Stop. If Sanchez had the best running game, best O line,best receivers, bestspecial teams, and could wear his red jersey during games he could easily be a top fifteen QB in this league. EASY

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Nope. Dude that really pissed me off. Once I get pissed off it stays with me. I need to get away from it. Im gone soon as Bleedin gets back. I will come visit you in the jungle and we will swing from the trees together.*

* note: you will swing I will sit at the bottom clapping hoping a bird or two fall out so I can eats them.

Ah, he's a kid that made a mistake - you're letting it bother you too much. I know you stay heated for a while. How about log out, go get some sex and log back in tomorrow and we all don't mention it again? That to me seems like the best course of action here. No need for you to quit.

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Ah, he's a kid that made a mistake - you're letting it bother you too much. I know you stay heated for a while. How about log out, go get some sex and log back in tomorrow and we all don't mention it again? That to me seems like the best course of action here. No need for you to quit.

SEX? Not a bad idea but we are all out outta gravy and pork chops.

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Just in fudge will always be the pinnacle of bad jokes here. It will never be topped and nothing can be compared to how bad it was.


Deal with it.

Oh I know... I would never deny it either. Just another of my badges of dishonor.

That said, when the rest of you goofballs throw down a Bob Saget quality joke... it is within the code of conduct to proclaim it your own "JUST IN FUDGE" moments.

Deal with that... :P

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You ever have sex without gravy and pork chops?

I cheated on my diet tonight... ate a McDouble on my way home from work. It was only $1... what? Yes.

When I got home, I got busy with my girl... and she could taste the burger on my breath. She busted me. I still got the sex though... :)

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I cheated on my diet tonight... ate a McDouble on my way home from work. It was only $1... what? Yes.

When I got home, I got busy with my girl... and she could taste the burger on my breath. She busted me. I still got the sex though... :)

One McDouble is cheating on your diet? Mrs Crusher would blow me in oncoming traffic if I keep it under 14.

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One McDouble is cheating on your diet? Mrs Crusher would blow me in oncoming traffic if I keep it under 14.

Yeah, I'm not supposed to be eating that sh*t... its not so much that I over-ate, as much as it is food from McDevil's

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