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Star Wars Mafia #2 - Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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Ok so the votes that bothered me most on the Kleck train are Dan and Smash. I usually see the "Oh I'll put you at X" as a great scum distancing tactic for when that person flips.

What really REALLY bothered me is the fact that Nae was around for some of this and chose not to do a damn thing besides make a few meh comments and allow this to take its course. I'd say these are two good things to look at tomorrow if I'm not dead. Brett was also around but remained on Kae at least which is ok with me, and JiF is playing totally lost and his reasoning seems true enough to me so if he's scum, it's a good move by him.

Would like to hear from Sharrow.

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Ok so the votes that bothered me most on the Kleck train are Dan and Smash. I usually see the "Oh I'll put you at X" as a great scum distancing tactic for when that person flips.

What really REALLY bothered me is the fact that Nae was around for some of this and chose not to do a damn thing besides make a few meh comments and allow this to take its course. I'd say these are two good things to look at tomorrow if I'm not dead. Brett was also around but remained on Kae at least which is ok with me, and JiF is playing totally lost and his reasoning seems true enough to me so if he's scum, it's a good move by him.

Would like to hear from Sharrow.

Sharrow is scum.

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Ok so the votes that bothered me most on the Kleck train are Dan and Smash. I usually see the "Oh I'll put you at X" as a great scum distancing tactic for when that person flips.

What really REALLY bothered me is the fact that Nae was around for some of this and chose not to do a damn thing besides make a few meh comments and allow this to take its course. I'd say these are two good things to look at tomorrow if I'm not dead. Brett was also around but remained on Kae at least which is ok with me, and JiF is playing totally lost and his reasoning seems true enough to me so if he's scum, it's a good move by him.

Would like to hear from Sharrow.

My vote bothered you ? I had this post (below) ready to go before you posted this but i held back to see if someone posted

If I was going to kill anyone it would be Smash. I've voted for him twice. But unfortunately for me, I don't have that power.

Ok, I'm just gonna go ahead and throw this out there: I'm the symp. I could have been recruited by either the Jedi or the Bounty Hunters. Now that both the Rebel Symp Converter and the Bounty Hunter Symp Finder have been killed, I guess I'm a solo win. I have no power to do anything, tho. Lynching me isn't really gonna get you anywhere, and for town to win, you guys have to start fraggin' some Imps.

So I'm gonna go ahead and Vote Smash for now.

Very sad Han died :'(

Exactly. I think she was found by the bounty but probably doesnt have any power. I think we are better off looking for Empire.

My list has been her, Dan, Smash and DPR.

Vote Smash

Dan is starting to feel town. Bretts recent vote on Sakaea pings me too. That looks like an opportunistic scum vote who didnt think it out.

You're such a dumbass. She's been my #1 for 3 days and nobody wanted to kill her. lmfao

And I personally believe her. I think she's probably right, the scum have their own symp hence why she was only able to be recruited by the bounty or jedi. The Empire probably had a similar thing. And even if she was bounty, we need to find Empire. She useless.

This is scummy scum scummy. We need to find Empire.

Unvote Smash

Vote Bretfag


Unvote Bretfag

Vote Smash

I'm going back to my gut. I didnt listen to it last game and it killed the town. I'm willing to go to Kae to play it safe...but I'd like Smash to start contributing.

I'll put him at L-2 before I go. unvote, vote Klecko

Klecko Votes for me 6 min later Sakaea votes me both with no real explanation .... JIF is all over the place back and forth and avoids Kleckos Train and DanX makes it very clear to us all Klecko is at L-2 setting up a possible fake claim for him and hoping to avoid the speed lynch which wound up happening anyhow once theguyingreenadwhite showed up and hammered.

I think the remaining scum is in this bunch with the possibility of Sharrow as well. I think the next run up should be Sharrow tomorrow

Edited: to change time to 6 min

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My vote bothered you ? I had this post (below) ready to go before you posted this but i held back to see if someone posted

Klecko Votes for me 2 min later Sakaea votes me both with no real explanation .... JIF is all over the place back and forth and avoids Kleckos Train and DanX makes it very clear to us all Klecko is at L-2 setting up a possible fake claim for him and hoping to avoid the speed lynch which wound up happening anyhow once theguyingreenadwhite showed up and hammered.

I think the remaining scum is in this bunch with the possibility of Sharrow as well. I think the next run up should be Sharrow tomorrow

Frankly I was saving this if I lived but whatever we're talking now, I don't think you're scum. Your reaction to the Kleck "reveal" was in-line what I've come to expect from you as town. I like Dan's less than yours.

I'm fine running up Sharrow.

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Neither of you are. I'M THE DOC FOR ****'S SAKE

And why would you say that after he is already hammered???? A doc reveal is just asking to get killed

Sharrow is scum.

Why hi there AVM. How have you been? What led you to that conclusion?

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