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Star Wars Mafia #2 - Game Thread

Bleedin Green

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Looks like I missed 2 whole days. The DPR lynch was a good one, he was obviously hiding something, probably was just stalling for time so he could find the symp. Not lynching Kae was definitely the right move. I'm thinking JF80, Brett, Nae, and Hess could be scum for wanting to. 80 and Hess look to be trying to buddy up with Vic; which makes me suspicious of them. I don't know what to make of AVM saying I'm scum. He couldn't be another cop or anything because I'm not scum. He could either just be fishing for reactions or trying to keep up an act. I had a town read on Klecko too, I was pissed when he got hammered blind and said he was the doc, but apparently theGuy and Smash aren't scum cause they would have let him reveal if they were.

Hey Sandman.

I like Smash, Bretfag and you for scum. <3

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Another night has come and gone. You all wake up and walk out of your individual cells and of course, at this point you're not particularly surprised to see that there's a couple of people missing. You look around for a while only to find the two bodies right next to each. It appears that Migisi was choked to death and then he remains later eaten. What makes it even worse, it looks like Lily tried to save her, but only managed to get herself killed in the process.


Migisi, known to you as Beru Lars (Rebel, lover) and Lily, known to you as Owen Lars (Rebel, lover) have been killed.

At this point, you all figure it's about time to leave cell block AA-23. And so you all venture deeper into the heart of the Death Star.

Day five has begun. With 12 players remaining, it takes 7 to lynch.

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