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So About Braylon


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The sad truth is the Jets should have let both Edwards' and Holmes' sorry asses walk last season. I was definitely an Edwards fan, but have certainly moved on. The truth is, the vast majority would care less about him by now if it weren't for the fact that the player the Jets chose over him is an absolute disaster. Edwards looks like an all-star to some when compared to a massively overpaid, extremely inconsistent, #2 WR that's become the league's most famous locker room cancer. Hopefully the Jets do make some moves at WR in the draft, because considering how rarely they've tried, and how late the picks have been, this front office has actually had some pretty decent success with their draft picks at the position. At this point, the Jets need to just try to move away from as many of their recent years WRs as possible, whether that's by not bringing back the ones who have left or getting rid of the ones that are still here, with the lone exception of Kerley.

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a pity quote. I've been taken down a peg. A whole peg! Still, I feel like we're closer now somehow. What are doing later? Send me your number and we'll talk about girls and stuff. You like movies? I love movies! we should go to the movies. And I have this awesome Pokemon collection. We could trade and stuff! Oh, this is going to be awesome!

Just make sure your gone before the sun comes up

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The sad truth is the Jets should have let both Edwards' and Holmes' sorry asses walk last season. I was definitely an Edwards fan, but have certainly moved on. The truth is, the vast majority would care less about him by now if it weren't for the fact that the player the Jets chose over him is an absolute disaster. Edwards looks like an all-star to some when compared to a massively overpaid, extremely inconsistent, #2 WR that's become the league's most famous locker room cancer. Hopefully the Jets do make some moves at WR in the draft, because considering how rarely they've tried, and how late the picks have been, this front office has actually had some pretty decent success with their draft picks at the position. At this point, the Jets need to just try to move away from as many of their recent years WRs as possible, whether that's by not bringing back the ones who have left or getting rid of the ones that are still here, with the lone exception of Kerley.

This is exactly my point. You've moved on but the team hasnt. They did not show to be better without him. Disaster is correct. The lack of stretching the field is correct. I think Sanchez has 1 pass last year over 40 yards. I've seen Braylon have more than that in a half.

Also, what he did was a knucklehead move, but the Jets knew what they were getting when they traded for him, and I also dont think it was so horrible as people project it to be. People want these players to be saints, especially the fans when most of the time the people who govern the players as well as the fans are far worse. It just doesnt matter because they're not in the spotlight. Im not saying that Braylon is immune from being corrected, Im saying that the Jets knew that trading for him would come with an incident or two. For the most part Braylon stayed out of trouble while playing for a NY team. I commend him on that.

Its not like he pulled a Donte Stallworth. When you trade for a player with character issues you have to be prepared to deal with them. The Jets bitched up and let Braylon go hoping that Plax would make people forget about Braylon. First off how do you call yourself getting rid of WR with character issues for another WR fresh out of the Pen? Granted, it was bullsh*t how he had to serve such a bid but you know like I know that its all about perception here. So if thats the case how do I perceive that you're trying to get away from a person with character issues when you replace him with a player that was out of the NFL for years because he was serving time in jail? That move showed inconsistency on behalf of the Jets at best. Meanwhile, they have a QB who is dealing with a revolving door at WR. The sh*t is ridiculous and goes much deeper than personal opinions of players from fans.

And I do get what you're saying here Green, but the Jets should have kept braylon if they can in fact sign a WR straight out of jail for 1 season. And as for locker room cancers, just look at the locker room this year without Braylon. When Braylon was here I didnt hear any type of craziness. I seen players doing back flips after smacking the Pats around in the playoffs.

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This is exactly my point. You've moved on but the team hasnt. They did not show to be better without him. Disaster is correct. The lack of stretching the field is correct. I think Sanchez has 1 pass last year over 40 yards. I've seen Braylon have more than that in a half.

Also, what he did was a knucklehead move, but the Jets knew what they were getting when they traded for him, and I also dont think it was so horrible as people project it to be. People want these players to be saints, especially the fans when most of the time the people who govern the players as well as the fans are far worse. It just doesnt matter because they're not in the spotlight. Im not saying that Braylon is immune from being corrected, Im saying that the Jets knew that trading for him would come with an incident or two. For the most part Braylon stayed out of trouble while playing for a NY team. I commend him on that.

Its not like he pulled a Donte Stallworth. When you trade for a player with character issues you have to be prepared to deal with them. The Jets bitched up and let Braylon go hoping that Plax would make people forget about Braylon. First off how do you call yourself getting rid of WR with character issues for another WR fresh out of the Pen? Granted, it was bullsh*t how he had to serve such a bid but you know like I know that its all about perception here. So if thats the case how do I perceive that you're trying to get away from a person with character issues when you replace him with a player that was out of the NFL for years because he was serving time in jail? That move showed inconsistency on behalf of the Jets at best. Meanwhile, they have a QB who is dealing with a revolving door at WR. The sh*t is ridiculous and goes much deeper than personal opinions of players from fans.

And I do get what you're saying here Green, but the Jets should have kept braylon if they can in fact sign a WR straight out of jail for 1 season. And as for locker room cancers, just look at the locker room this year without Braylon. When Braylon was here I didnt hear any type of craziness. I seen players doing back flips after smacking the Pats around in the playoffs.

Villian the last few years with Braylon and Holmes we did not hear much about WR complaints and both fit fairly well into their roles. Braylon was our Deep threat and Holmes was not constantly double covered which opened things up for the entire offense including the running game. It would have improved last year if we kept that same duo in place and added Kerley in the slot. Another bad move was signing Mason who was worthless and a known loud mouth along with Burress and Pissing off Cotch. I think if we go into last season with Braylon Holmes Kerley Cotch and Turner we would have been just fine and would have avoided some of the bullsh*t that ensued.

I guarantee Mason and Plax had a big part in setting off Holmes. It was said that all the bickering at WR started in week three if Im not mistaken Mason was sent packing shortly after........ was he sent packing due too lack of performance or constant complaining and disruption ?? which probably continued long after he was gone.

When you see most Sanchez haters evaluation of the QB they just completely over look the main reasons why our QB struggled. Its not a good idea to go into a season with Different WR's every year when trying to develop a young QB. Its not a good Idea to go into a season with major questions on the offensive line its not a good idea to go into a season with RB;s who cant catch a football. If you look at these issues they may not be horrible by themselves but when you add them all up what you get is disaster any QB will tell you this. I think we saw that first hand. Having Brian Shottenheimer did not help these problems because they guy had no clue how to work around our weaknesses.

OL -So knowing all this what have the Jets decided to do up to this point ? We still have major depth Issues on the offensive line and we intend to go into the season with a RT competition between Hunter and Ducasse ...Really ? I mean ******* Really ?? Add that with the fact we just have a Jag at LG and were supposed to be a ground and pound football team ? When it comes time to protect the QB do you feel comfortable ? Do we run for 100 yards a game again ? This IMO is comical. Some will say cool out Smash we still have some offseason left to fix the O-Line Issues and my response is we have been through this last year and we fixed nothing and when Mangold got hurt we nearly got our QB killed in the process

WR - we lose Plax who was at the very least a presence in the Red Zone and probably a fairly good reason why we led the NFL in red zone efficency and Holmes will get even more attention now. Will we address this ? Probably not I would be willing to bet we spend our early picks on defense. I personally think we should get a RB and WR but I doubt that happens but its possible and Oh what a role model said young WR has to learn from .

RB - Green runs hard I give him credit for that because its undeniable but the guy runs so hard at times he hurts himself and then he becomes nothing more than a JAG his bread and butter is running hard and IMO that makes him the type of back who should back up a Feature back . On a ground and pound offense you should have a Feature Back who is a double threat and a guy like Greene who can run it down your throat when kept fresh. Run your feature back all game long with carries mixed in for Greene and then let Greene shut down games in the 4th Quarter by beating down tired defenders.

If the Jets do something to begin addressing these 3 issues on OL WR RB and our offense will begin to produce and Sanchez will make a turn around if we do nothing I guarantee you Sanchez will regress further, put more pressure on himself, we will lose and our offense will go backwards.

Best example of a Ground and Pound football team over the past 20 years were the Dallas Cowboys of the early 90's. They had a great RB Smith a great Offensive line (probably the best ever) a Great FB Johnston a Great Posession WR a Great TE Novachek and an ordinary Deep threat in Harper . Troy Aikman never put up Huge numbers because he didnt have too. He was a great game manager and that team just beat teams into total submission I know because I watched every single game they played living in Dallas. You want ground and Pound thats the way you build a team. If you look at the Dallas Cowboys of the 90's the main thing that put that team over the top was the offensive line which made the ground and pound philosophy work they always had someone to step in. Do we ? Hell no we dont even have a LG or a RT good enough to call ourselves ground and pound not by a long shot. Not to mention our 10 mil per LT playing pretty freakin bad last year as well

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I only skimmed smash's thesis, but from what I gather all we need to do is change the rules to what they were in the early 90's, surround Sanchez with hall of fame players, and he'll become Troy Aikman. Encouraging news.

well in Real football guess who wins SB's ...great players name me one great skill player on the Jets just 1

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well in Real football guess who wins SB's ...great players name me one great skill player on the Jets just 1

I don't think the Jets have any great skill players. They have one very good one and a couple who are capable, if not excellent. I'm sure they will add something via the draft or free agency. My position is that a competent quarterback would have no trouble performing at a mediocre level with this offense, which is more than we can say for Sanchez last year.

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please be more specific. you just described all of the offensive skill players.

Disagree. Holmes, Keller, Kerley and Greene are good players. They'd be an asset on any team in the league.

I'm not sure I've ever seen a more hilariously ironic statement in my entire life.

Whatever. Just wait to see the Holmes of 2010 back on the field this season. People forget how awesome the guy was in 2010 and how much Sanchez loved him. Just wait buddy boy. Just wait.

There's a reason his peers voted him as one of the top 100 players in the NFL and not Braylon Edwards.

+1 (Your irrational man-love of Tebow the QB is still unforgiven though :tongue: )

Thank you but my man love is not irrational. I'm a Mets, Jets, Knicks and Islanders fan. Tebow gave me the greatest years of my sports fandom life. He will forever have a place in my heart. The fact he wears my favorite color combo on earth now just makes him that much more fabulous than ever before.

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Whatever. Just wait to see the Holmes of 2010 back on the field this season. People forget how awesome the guy was in 2010 and how much Sanchez loved him. Just wait buddy boy. Just wait.

There's a reason his peers voted him as one of the top 100 players in the NFL and not Braylon Edwards.

I actually wasn't referring to Holmes with that comment. I happen to think Holmes is a massively overpaid, extremely inconsistent, #2 WR who's an absolute piece of garbage of a human being, but that still wasn't intended for him. Rather, I was referring to a certain someone else who has clearly captured your heart. And I'm over Edwards at this point, the Jets still need to do something about their WR position, but I seriously doubt it will be him and I could really care less, and would rather they try to address the position in the draft anyway.

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I actually wasn't referring to Holmes with that comment. I happen to think Holmes is a massively overpaid, extremely inconsistent, #2 WR who's an absolute piece of garbage of a human being, but that still wasn't intended for him. Rather, I was referring to a certain someone else who has clearly captured your heart. And I'm over Edwards at this point, the Jets still need to do something about their WR position, but I seriously doubt it will be him and I could really care less, and would rather they try to address the position in the draft anyway.

To whom are you referring to? Thought for sure it was a Holmes jab.

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Yeah but then your statement doesnt make sense.

Well we can save that debate for another thread. :-P

But to your original point, even as one of Braylon's biggest supports last offseason, I'm way past it at this point and people seriously need to do the same. The Jets need to address the WR position no doubt, but would be much better served to do it in the draft. The funny thing is, when you consider how little this front office has even tried to address the WR position in the draft (few picks used and only mid-to-late rounders), they've been pretty damn successful with it relatively speaking. Certainly far from their worst scouting position.

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Villian the last few years with Braylon and Holmes we did not hear much about WR complaints and both fit fairly well into their roles. Braylon was our Deep threat and Holmes was not constantly double covered which opened things up for the entire offense including the running game. It would have improved last year if we kept that same duo in place and added Kerley in the slot. Another bad move was signing Mason who was worthless and a known loud mouth along with Burress and Pissing off Cotch. I think if we go into last season with Braylon Holmes Kerley Cotch and Turner we would have been just fine and would have avoided some of the bullsh*t that ensued.

I guarantee Mason and Plax had a big part in setting off Holmes. It was said that all the bickering at WR started in week three if Im not mistaken Mason was sent packing shortly after........ was he sent packing due too lack of performance or constant complaining and disruption ?? which probably continued long after he was gone.

When you see most Sanchez haters evaluation of the QB they just completely over look the main reasons why our QB struggled. Its not a good idea to go into a season with Different WR's every year when trying to develop a young QB. Its not a good Idea to go into a season with major questions on the offensive line its not a good idea to go into a season with RB;s who cant catch a football. If you look at these issues they may not be horrible by themselves but when you add them all up what you get is disaster any QB will tell you this. I think we saw that first hand. Having Brian Shottenheimer did not help these problems because they guy had no clue how to work around our weaknesses.

OL -So knowing all this what have the Jets decided to do up to this point ? We still have major depth Issues on the offensive line and we intend to go into the season with a RT competition between Hunter and Ducasse ...Really ? I mean ******* Really ?? Add that with the fact we just have a Jag at LG and were supposed to be a ground and pound football team ? When it comes time to protect the QB do you feel comfortable ? Do we run for 100 yards a game again ? This IMO is comical. Some will say cool out Smash we still have some offseason left to fix the O-Line Issues and my response is we have been through this last year and we fixed nothing and when Mangold got hurt we nearly got our QB killed in the process

WR - we lose Plax who was at the very least a presence in the Red Zone and probably a fairly good reason why we led the NFL in red zone efficency and Holmes will get even more attention now. Will we address this ? Probably not I would be willing to bet we spend our early picks on defense. I personally think we should get a RB and WR but I doubt that happens but its possible and Oh what a role model said young WR has to learn from .

RB - Green runs hard I give him credit for that because its undeniable but the guy runs so hard at times he hurts himself and then he becomes nothing more than a JAG his bread and butter is running hard and IMO that makes him the type of back who should back up a Feature back . On a ground and pound offense you should have a Feature Back who is a double threat and a guy like Greene who can run it down your throat when kept fresh. Run your feature back all game long with carries mixed in for Greene and then let Greene shut down games in the 4th Quarter by beating down tired defenders.

If the Jets do something to begin addressing these 3 issues on OL WR RB and our offense will begin to produce and Sanchez will make a turn around if we do nothing I guarantee you Sanchez will regress further, put more pressure on himself, we will lose and our offense will go backwards.

Best example of a Ground and Pound football team over the past 20 years were the Dallas Cowboys of the early 90's. They had a great RB Smith a great Offensive line (probably the best ever) a Great FB Johnston a Great Posession WR a Great TE Novachek and an ordinary Deep threat in Harper . Troy Aikman never put up Huge numbers because he didnt have too. He was a great game manager and that team just beat teams into total submission I know because I watched every single game they played living in Dallas. You want ground and Pound thats the way you build a team. If you look at the Dallas Cowboys of the 90's the main thing that put that team over the top was the offensive line which made the ground and pound philosophy work they always had someone to step in. Do we ? Hell no we dont even have a LG or a RT good enough to call ourselves ground and pound not by a long shot. Not to mention our 10 mil per LT playing pretty freakin bad last year as well

We totally understand one another.

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Thanks for reading Villian :) I got a little caught up but I have not posted for a while and had to let it all out

No problem bro. We live in the world of 10 min youtube videos, text and twitter. No wonder why everyone has ADD. They should rename ADD to tl;dr lol. Good to see that im not the only one who still use multi paragraphs when I type.

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