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and paying geek squad $300 to come in and do something you can do yourself isn't "cool".. it's lazy.

why don't you donate that money to those kids with the cleft palates in 3rd world countries? racist.

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boooya.. after obsessing over it pretty much all day went ahead and pulled the trigger on a 2012 55" Panasonic Plasma Viera.. Every site I checked was sucking this things dick.

Hey CTM you nerdy bastard you.. what site did you use to help you with calibrations? Hi def junkies?


Congratulations. Just what you need, another reason to sit on your fat azz.

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Been out eating seafood and drinkin beers, getting caught u p now.

Multiple trains currently moving quickly...I'd suggest Smash, Ape or 80...in fact I may move my vote to 80...he's the only one the 8-ball confirmed as scum...Ehh...f*** it...have to trust it.

Unvote, Vote 80.

Seriously you don't seem to care who dies... any explanation for this, or are you going to chalk it up to "technique change"? You are like the composed, quiet version of me with this new appr


keep dreaming

sending out a signal as a symp is retarded and not something I would do early in a game if at all

much easier just to claim a power role and out the real one for the scum team than to use some kind of signal so they don't kill me (as if a scum team here would try to kill me hahahaha)

^^^ This I know to be 100% untrue. Nolder was my scum team's symp in a DPR game, and he hinted so bad on D1 that I I thought he was teh cop or doc, so I led the lynch on him, fortunately it was a no coroner game and that ended up being something I could spin to help us win later in the game... but he ABSOLUTELY DOES symp signal.


Vote Nolder

Do you think there were two scum on that train?

Ironic this question coming from you, considering your vote wasn't on any train and Hess's was buried on Smash... sure let's guess which votes on teh trains were scum, while you and Hess hid from both trains.

Not train hopping, stupid cows. I stated at the start of the day phase my top two. One has more heat than the other. I'll come back to 80 after JC flips scum.

Hey retard, why did you quote my post here... it makes ZERO sense in the context of your response.

I'm leaning town on you, but you are retarded. Thanks for the boobies photo though, it was nice to see cans that are not yours.

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yeah yeah I saw that one coming but don't buy it.. investigating nerdy sh-t like properly calibrating the tv is right up your alley Polish Power.

it was a young white nerdy type, and an overweight heavily tattooed hispanic that was a bit older... I tipped the white kid when the brown guy was peeing in the wooded area of the yard (all three bathrooms were broken, Ka-razy)


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Speaking of driving, I broke 100 on 95 yesterday. Made me laugh, thinking of you scared of my driving last week.

Sorry I scared you and all.

Yup. You just went full retard.

Hmmm I dunno whether to follow you or not JC

You've got the biggest train atm (if 3 can be called big) but you seem legit to me

What I'm wondering is why you're wasting your vote on 80 instead of piling onto Ape if you really think he might be scum?

Nolderp, is this post addressed to Wombat? If so, you should know he already said he reads me as town you ******* scummy scum ****... sh*t, I've been drinking for 5 hours and I remember that post from him, idiot.

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and paying geek squad $300 to come in and do something you can do yourself isn't "cool".. it's lazy.

why don't you donate that money to those kids with the cleft palates in 3rd world countries? racist.

I donate heavily to american issues like cancer research, who cares what happens in 3rd world

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At this point I doubt we have enough support to lynch Ape. Too many players want to follow the Ape rather than call him out for using contradictory logic. You think you can influence the majority?

If you can get him close I'll move there...

I like it when you make accusations, but don't actually back them up.

What contradictory logic? And please, tell me how contradictory logic makes me scum... since well, you know, I always approach this sh*t different than the lot of you.

But yeah, back this statement up pig.

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It was probably the boobs. They scared him.

No, its probably that you are a ginormous talking jackass. No wonder CTM wants to violate you.

yeah no I don't think I'm gonna be convincing anyone of anything this game

I'm just not following along enough to give meaningful input

I think for now I'll hold my vote and see what happens since no one wants to move on verbal obviously


You are scum. Ashamed I didn't nab you D1.

He was actually behind Lauren. So, I was diagonal from him.

And you can't miss the boobs. They're pretty big.

Pictures. Head attached to boobies, or stfu already.

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By suggesting this theory, that theory and making the same lists as me? He also had the crucial shift vote on the Vic train.

Your defense of the little varmint is noted.

Okay. Maybe I was just using it as a take-off point to make a crack at you, but I don't expect you to understand, even after I said I was reading you as town dumb ******* moron.

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Kill wwwbgay

Kill Tina

Kill JC

Kill Ape

That is my preference for death right now.

Tina, I normally have a good read on her, but this game she seems a bit snarky or off. I'm leaning more scum for her.

A couple things in this post stand out:

Bolding mine.

1. This comment has been brought up a few times already.

2. Neither of them implied this.

3. Justifying a joke vote, yet you wanted reasons for other people's voting?

vote Tina

I'm down to run the train on Tina.


Vote Tina

JIF is a joke.

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How much info are we going to get from Tina?

She should be asleep right now, so unless y'all want to wait till morning, she is going to be blind lynched.

I will not be moving from JC or 80. I don't find Tina that scummy.

Ugh... this is what it looks like when scum protects scum imo.

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1) We can compare trains, see who's voted where and what reasons

2) We can see if the mafia are attempting to set up wombat, if Tina is scum

3) Most likely scum would like to keep around an inactive if she is town, so we remove a possible detrimental end game scenario for later in the game

Those are three directly beneficial points to her lynch ATM.

1) we can compare trains? just like we've never seen you do in a mafia game? not to mention she's and inactive, and it tell us nothing about people voting even if she is scum.

2) whu?

3) you need to be lobotomized. scum kills inactives all the time because it is uninformative to the town.

This is an awful disgusting post.

Hahahhahhhahaha.... I disagree with each and everything you said here. Now I'm leaning scum on you too, you derp sack of turds. Jesus, imagine you and Nolderp on teh same scum team... holy ******* calamity.

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Your thoughts on his alignment? Also, unvote, vote Nolder if we're going to start a nolder train

Already said it, I think that moron is town. Either way, he's the last person to waste a lynch on. Mafia rule of thumb, if JIF lives past 3 cycles, he is town. Period.

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CTM (1) -- JF80

JC (2) -- Smash, Christine

Ape (1) -- Verbal

Tina (5) -- Jack, WWWombat, Hess, Leelou, CTM

JF80 (1) -- JC

Jack (2) -- Crusher, JiF

Nolder (2) -- Ape, AVM

With 16 Robert Fischers, it takes 9 to lynch out of the dream level

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Been out eating seafood and drinkin beers, getting caught u p now.

Ironic this question coming from you, considering your vote wasn't on any train and Hess's was buried on Smash... sure let's guess which votes on teh trains were scum, while you and Hess hid from both trains.

You lie...your drinking wine coolers...another reason why its easy to recognize when you're scum.

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You lie...your drinking wine coolers...another reason why its easy to recognize when you're scum.

Dammit! I actually had a beer tonight called "Longboard" its from Hawaii I believe, and I contributed to the decimation of 6 orders of peel-n-eat shrimps and 4 orders of steamers. Yum.

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Ape: Don't care and stfu. Just GFY.

I was simply saying that they should wait to lynch her and not blind lynch. I for one would like to hear what she has to say, given that I don't think she is scum.

I never voice my opinion against lynching inactives, but I do want y'all to ****in think for once before blind lynching.

Come hang out with us Saturday.

And I am really different face to face. Hell, I am really different at other parts of DM.

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Dammit! I actually had a beer tonight called "Longboard" its from Hawaii I believe, and I contributed to the decimation of 6 orders of peel-n-eat shrimps and 4 orders of steamers. Yum.

The "Island Lager". I question any who would drink that,,,thoughts...two scum on Vic's train? Wombat passed on it.

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Ape: Don't care and stfu. Just GFY.

I was simply saying that they should wait to lynch her and not blind lynch. I for one would like to hear what she has to say, given that I don't think she is scum.

I never voice my opinion against lynching inactives, but I do want y'all to ****in think for once before blind lynching.

Come hang out with us Saturday.

And I am really different face to face. Hell, I am really different at other parts of DM.

Pretty sure the mad blind lyncher in the JN family is 80...and he only blind lynches when he's town. Tina is safe...for now.

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Pretty sure the mad blind lyncher in the JN family is 80...and he only blind lynches when he's town. Tina is safe...for now.

Not to name names or anything...

JC, I just want to clarify in this little break we have, that it isn't personal. It is kind of a requirement for me to hate you for a few games. I promise, it won't last forever. Someone else will do something full of dipsh*ttery, and my hatred shall turn to them.

I'm a busy girl. I only have time to hate one person at a time.

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Ape: Don't care and stfu. Just GFY.

I was simply saying that they should wait to lynch her and not blind lynch. I for one would like to hear what she has to say, given that I don't think she is scum.

I never voice my opinion against lynching inactives, but I do want y'all to ****in think for once before blind lynching.

Come hang out with us Saturday.

And I am really different face to face. Hell, I am really different at other parts of DM.

Don't care, provides full explanation.

Haha... sweet thing, I'm different in real life too ask Steve, Dave and Lauren. :)

Regardless, you have gone full retard here... expect to be treated like it.

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it was a young white nerdy type, and an overweight heavily tattooed hispanic that was a bit older... I tipped the white kid when the brown guy was peeing in the wooded area of the yard (all three bathrooms were broken, Ka-razy)


hahaaha.. you'll spend 15 hours a week to find the best webcam hooker shows but won't take 30 minutes to learn how to calibrate your tv just as well as any dork from best buy can.

I like figuring that kind of stuff out on my own.. in fact i've set up a couple buddies home theaters. kind of fun.

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Not to name names or anything...

JC, I just want to clarify in this little break we have, that it isn't personal. It is kind of a requirement for me to hate you for a few games. I promise, it won't last forever. Someone else will do something full of dipsh*ttery, and my hatred shall turn to them.

I'm a busy girl. I only have time to hate one person at a time.

No need to sugar coat it...I'm older than CTM. I get it. Your loss.

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1) we can compare trains? just like we've never seen you do in a mafia game? not to mention she's and inactive, and it tell us nothing about people voting even if she is scum.

2) whu?

3) you need to be lobotomized. scum kills inactives all the time because it is uninformative to the town.

This is an awful disgusting post.

Hahahhahhhahaha.... I disagree with each and everything you said here. Now I'm leaning scum on you too, you derp sack of turds. Jesus, imagine you and Nolderp on teh same scum team... holy ******* calamity.

Every ******* game.

1) your wrong

2) you're so bull headed no matter what your right when your wrong

3) your wrong

4) your wrong

5) EAD

6) your wrong

7) GFY

8) your wrong

Ps scum kill inactives. They don't lynch them. The mafia genius you are you should have realized that

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The "Island Lager". I question any who would drink that,,,thoughts...two scum on Vic's train? Wombat passed on it.

It was "meh" like a typical cheap lager.

I've already given my thoughts on the trains. I'm one of the only who has... With all living voters on Pac or Vic except you and Hess, I suspect one of the two of you as scum burying a vote on neither train, while the other scum could be anywhere when it is competing trains between 2 townies... basically vote train analysis is inconclusive.

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hahaaha.. you'll spend 15 hours a week to find the best webcam hooker shows but won't take 30 minutes to learn how to calibrate your tv just as well as any dork from best buy can.

I like figuring that kind of stuff out on my own.. in fact i've set up a couple buddies home theaters. kind of fun.

butt buddies, amiright? lolololo

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Good for you on the first part but you're from Poland.. nowhere more 3rd world than that.

All of South America and Latin America and this place called Mexico where they shoot you for pumping money into their ceramic jar economy.

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Every ******* game.

1) your wrong

2) you're so bull headed no matter what your right when your wrong

3) your wrong

4) your wrong

5) EAD

6) your wrong

7) GFY

8) your wrong

Ps scum kill inactives. They don't lynch them. The mafia genius you are you should have realized that

You said scum keep inactives around and that by killing Tina we'd be eliminating an endgame detriment, no?

I said scum kill inactives all the time.

Now you are arguing to me that scum kills inactives.

You don't even know what you are arguing for and against. Good job on confirming my suspicions you illogical dope.

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If I were scum I'd keep around as many inactives as I could, for the theory, that they most likely will vote with whoever has the majority at the time, towards end game that could be used to an extreme scu advantage

I was arguing semantics you knuckle dragging peasant.

Mafia aren't gunna run a lunch on an inactive it'd look to "scummy" and to many questions would be raised. Scum would nk the inactive to keep questions to a minimum.


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