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I just doubt it leads to your lynch...too many like to keep you around...btw...can you go back to the QT and prod Smash to come back and play.

I've been dead by D3 in every recent game except Lost Boys and Avengers, where I ended up going to end game and winning as scum both times.

All the other games where I've died early? Town.

You are making things up.

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You know, it kind of scares me when I agree with Ape.

Not about the scum list, but about the fact that JC, at least, is scum.

I always think Nolder is scum, so I can't trust my read on him.

I will enjoy watching you hand over your scumdar.

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I've been dead by D3 in every recent game except Lost Boys and Avengers, where I ended up going to end game and winning as scum both times.

All the other games where I've died early? Town.

You are making things up.

I'm trying to prevent this from happening this game.

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If I had a shot, I'd kill one of you to rid this nonsense from the game.

I'm sorry... I know heterosexual flirtations are upsetting to you...i suggest you increase the fake fake gay flirting to counteract..

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I've been dead by D3 in every recent game except Lost Boys and Avengers, where I ended up going to end game and winning as scum both times.

All the other games where I've died early? Town.

You are making things up.

The fatal flaw. Evidence to follow. Thanks. I was wondering why Pac was killed N1 and now it makes sense.

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Hi! So I´m in the lead. Great. Not sure why.

CTM - I think that he didn´t like my idea that he was trying to get doc to view Vic. I know you were talking about last game but the timing was odd. (I think that´s why I noticed it at least.) Later on Ape said it clear - cop could view Vic. So what if you voted Vic - you could have changed your vote later on. No arguing about this though. It was something I saw and brought it up and now we move on.

Wombat - really have no clue.

Hess - really have no clue.

Jack - don´t know why he is voting me either

Leelou - the only one who has posted a reason where she misunderstood me. I didn´t say I wanted people´s reasons for voting Vic. I said that I voted him for last game but if I had been here before he got lynched I would have voted him anyway.

Why did Jack and Wombat start this when they knew that I wouldn´t be active until today? Leelou´s vote is the one that pings most.

Crusher and Christine coming to my defence pings too (like JC last day). I think Christine is town. I was very suspicious about Crusher yesterday and I still am. Most fluff posts. But at least he posts.

Hard for me to read most of you yet. Jack is behaving very odd. Nolder too. Both is too calm. Ape plays less aggressive too.

So basically we should unvote because you don't know why we are voting you. Then it pings because I knew you werent going to be here. When in fact I suggested it and said we should at least keep it at l-3 or even l-4

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For you? You were always far more aggressive when Town. Of course, you are just returning here, hence why you are on Considering and not Scum.

Tina: Numerous arguments have been made against you. Disappointed in myself for not noticing your statement about not knowing why you have the most votes... unless you meant because there were so many others that are pinging...

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I've been dead by D3 in every recent game except Lost Boys and Avengers, where I ended up going to end game and winning as scum both times.

All the other games where I've died early? Town.

You are making things up.

Evidence to convict.

In the Lost Boys (Pac modded) you were the Cop who was converted on Night 5 and quickly convinced your new scum mates to convert me Night 6 to ensure your survival.

In the Avengers, you killed me and Pac early to ensure your own survival. We both have good reads on you.

Not sure this convinces the rest of you but take a look and ask yourself...why was Pac killed on N1? Why has the Ape aggressively pursued my lynch? Because he knows his own liability. That's why. My vote doesn't move for the remainder and I'm taking my daughter to the lake.

Have a nice day!

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CTM (1) -- JF80

JC (4) -- Smash, Christine, JiF, Ape

Ape (2) -- Verbal, JC

Tina (5) -- Jack, WWWombat, Hess, Leelou, CTM

Jack (1) -- Crusher

Nolder (1) -- AVM

Not Voting: Tina, Nolder

With 16 Robert Fischers, it takes 9 to lynch out of the dream level

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Evidence to convict.

In the Lost Boys (Pac modded) you were the Cop who was converted on Night 5 and quickly convinced your new scum mates to convert me Night 6 to ensure your survival.

In the Avengers, you killed me and Pac early to ensure your own survival. We both have good reads on you.

Not sure this convinces the rest of you but take a look and ask yourself...why was Pac killed on N1? Why has the Ape aggressively pursued my lynch? Because he knows his own liability. That's why. My vote doesn't move for the remainder and I'm taking my daughter to the lake.

Have a nice day!

If your not scum you've sat yourself up for a nk beautifully

If you're night killed then the ape is suspect. If you make it through the night the ape is suspect because of that last post. He'd have to be crazy to kill you.

You've effectively set up a lynch next game day.

Hmmmm that seems pretty scummy

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Hi! So I´m in the lead. Great. Not sure why.

CTM - I think that he didn´t like my idea that he was trying to get doc to view Vic. I know you were talking about last game but the timing was odd. (I think that´s why I noticed it at least.) Later on Ape said it clear - cop could view Vic. So what if you voted Vic - you could have changed your vote later on. No arguing about this though. It was something I saw and brought it up and now we move on.

Wombat - really have no clue.

Hess - really have no clue.

Jack - don´t know why he is voting me either

Leelou - the only one who has posted a reason where she misunderstood me. I didn´t say I wanted people´s reasons for voting Vic. I said that I voted him for last game but if I had been here before he got lynched I would have voted him anyway.

Why did Jack and Wombat start this when they knew that I wouldn´t be active until today? Leelou´s vote is the one that pings most.

Crusher and Christine coming to my defence pings too (like JC last day). I think Christine is town. I was very suspicious about Crusher yesterday and I still am. Most fluff posts. But at least he posts.

Hard for me to read most of you yet. Jack is behaving very odd. Nolder too. Both is too calm. Ape plays less aggressive too.

My posts match my a$$. Bountiful and fluffy

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So basically we should unvote because you don't know why we are voting you. Then it pings because I knew you werent going to be here. When in fact I suggested it and said we should at least keep it at l-3 or even l-4

Hm... If I don´t know why you are voting me then perhaps it´s because you haven´t given any reasons for your votes? Hard to defend yourself then. Yes, you suggested it but you were the one starting the train and I don´t think you actually removed your vote, did you? Saying and doing is not the same thing.

I'm less aggressive?

I'm over-selling cases?

Quick someone tell me I'm being myopic?

Nice nudge Tina.

List update (strong scum reads only): JC, Tina, Nolder

Quick to jump on that comment. You are less aggressive.

For you? You were always far more aggressive when Town. Of course, you are just returning here, hence why you are on Considering and not Scum.

Tina: Numerous arguments have been made against you. Disappointed in myself for not noticing your statement about not knowing why you have the most votes... unless you meant because there were so many others that are pinging...

Tell me about those arguments Christine. It wasn´t too long ago since you said that you didn´t see why you should lynch me.

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Umm no Tina, my initial vote was a place holder, I voted you to get your reaction when you got back.

I said to keep you at L-3 or even lower. There were unvotes, So I did exactly what I said I would. You however are twisting my words which in fact makes you look more scummy.

Then asking Christine for approval seems off and not genuine.

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I might be wrong about who ran the game, but I'm not wrong about anything else.

You were the mafia symp. You signaled Cop early D1, so I led a lynch on you immediately, then you claimed Doc, which was absurd. We lynched you. Then in the post game you said flat out you were doing it because you were our symp - which means to me it was a symp signal of some level of fail, but a signal nonetheless.

I was a mafia symp

I crumbed cop early D1

You led a lynch on me then I claimed doc

I was lynched

those are facts

What you're missing is that I wasn't told who I was even symping until halfway through the day

Once I found out it was you you had already called me on crumbing cop so I decided to fakeclaim doc and let you "catch" me because OBVIOUSLY claiming doc after crumbing cop is stupid, you really think I didn't know that?

At no point did I say or do anything that was meant for you to realize I was a symp

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He asked me what I thought of JIF's alignment. To which I replied town. You should actually read before speaking...

oh I see

it could be read either way IMO but you're right

I read it from the POV that everything you were saying was about me lol

my bad

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Evidence to convict.

In the Lost Boys (Pac modded) you were the Cop who was converted on Night 5 and quickly convinced your new scum mates to convert me Night 6 to ensure your survival.

In the Avengers, you killed me and Pac early to ensure your own survival. We both have good reads on you.

Not sure this convinces the rest of you but take a look and ask yourself...why was Pac killed on N1? Why has the Ape aggressively pursued my lynch? Because he knows his own liability. That's why. My vote doesn't move for the remainder and I'm taking my daughter to the lake.

Have a nice day!

You said people like to keep me alive. I pointed out that I've been left alive until endgame twice in about 10 games maybe? You call that my "fatal flaw", but then provide no reasoning for it being a fatal flaw. Where is the flaw? What mistake or mis-step did I make? Nothing. You are basically saying I should die now, because I was scum in other games.

Your case on me reeks of an over-commitment to self-preservation. I could easily sling the same things you are saying about me, back at you. You know I read you as well as you do me. If you are in fact scum, you need me out of the game. Considering your case on me ONLY emerged after I got hot on your trail, I think its fairly evident what you are doing... you are making up scumtells about me, and appealing/begging the rest of the town to follow you with remarks like "I don't know if this will convince you all but..."

Now, to push even further with the BS... you are pinning the Pac NK on me? Does this classify as an over-sell? You advocating I'd follow the exact same blueprint? Stupid. Besides, I have news for you, in those two games I killed A LOT of people, not just you and Pac.

There were 2 NK deaths. Pac and Sharrow. Pac was coming off leading the lynch on Vic. How come Christine and CTM can draw the conclusion that a Vig shot Pac, and not you? Scum had zero need to shoot Pac. What scum team shoots a guy that is going to be a lynch candidate? This is basic gameplay logic. Sharrow being NK'ed N1 is a scum kill. That is also a no-brainer. How many games have you played here?

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Quick to jump on that comment. You are less aggressive.

Those two sentences contradict each other. I'm quick to jump on it, but yet less aggressive? Do you even read what you write before hitting submit?

People who know how I scum hunt, know I firmly believe scum is found in the subtle moves. You nudging suspicion on me, while I'm entrenched in a back-and-forth with Jetscode, is a subtle move. It is a gentle assist to his flailing position in our arguing. His case on me is contrived, I've proven that. So an extra little push from a scum mate like you to help him out, without drawing a ton of attention to yourself, makes sense.

Also, please explain this less aggressive accusation. Just saying it over and over doesn't make it true... I would know. I'm dying to see how you twist this? Considering that I am front-and-center in the game for both day phases and in the middle of all of the most visible debates... I'm doing more casing than anyone... more fos'ing... my play is aggressive as far as I can see. So what is your metric for aggressive? Back up your accusation.

And if you come back and say I'm not being my typical a$$hole self then GFY. The only thing I've backed off on is being unnecessarily mean... which if you were actually paying attention you'd have noticed I've done the past 2 games as well. It has nothing to do with my alignment. I've just decided to lay off being an overkill schmuck because its negative, and I don't need negative energy in my entertainment right now.

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ape is turning this into a sh*t show

You aren't keeping score then. JC is posting case reasons, I'm pooping on them and then he's squirming to find new case reasons. What would you like me to do? He's flailing, as I've had an answer to everything he's hurling at me... and nobody else is saying squat.

You want I should let this "play out"? Fine.

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oh I see

it could be read either way IMO but you're right

I read it from the POV that everything you were saying was about me lol

my bad

No, it can't be read either way. My post calls JIF a name. AVM quoted it, and asked what I thought of his alignment, clearly meaning JIF. Then AVM voted for you in another sentence making completely unrelated remarks.

You are full of sh*t.

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Yeah well, you are used to it from me... but from Jetscode? Wake up.

Actually, I'm operating under the thought that this "dispute" between you and JC is contrived and a buss technique. You are both scum.

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