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Beliprick does it again...


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I don't care what you think of Sanchez, trading up 12 spots for Brett Ratliff, Abram Elam and and Kenyon Coleman is highway robbery.

If I sell my Corolla for a million bucks and use that million bucks to buy a '73 Pinto, it doesn't count as a fleecing.

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I don't care what you think of Sanchez, trading up 12 spots for Brett Ratliff, Abram Elam and and Kenyon Coleman is highway robbery.

Cleveland also hasn't had him counting eleventy billion dollars against their cap for 4 years. So they've got that going for them, which is nice.

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No, but how many draft picks and FA QB's is Cleveland going to bring in and waste time on only to find out they aren't the answer? They go out and draft someone who is OLDER than Sanchez hoping he is their savior. Sanchez is still young enough and has show enough flashes to not give up on the guy.

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Beliprick does it again

Does what again? Pick up a player off waivers? Oh, the horror!

Since the Patriots like to use two TE's most of the time, wouldn't it make sense to pick up a decent one at the cost of 550,000 and see what he has in two years? They went with just Gronk and Hernandez (who is really a WR anyways), and it cost them in the SB when Gronk was useless. Hernandez has had several injuries as well in his brief NFL career.

So does it not make sense to carry more TE's? They have those two, Daniel Fells, and Bo Scaife, who sounds like he's out of shape and will be cut anyways. On a team that has two TE's on the field at basically all times, it's smart to have at least two backups.

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Yes.... and look at the value they've gotten for that money.

Meh, Cleveland being mismanaged since is irrelevant. Both sides haven't benefitted from that trade at all. But the one thing Cleveland can say is that they haven't been hamstrung from being committed to an overpaid, top-5 pick. We have. There's a reason the slotting system was so highly agreed upon by both sides during the last CBA negotiations.

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What I actually meant by him doing it again, I meant piss off another team by his type of 'gamesmanship'. Other coaches seem to respect him, but from listening to various coaches talking about him, it doesn't seem like he is well liked for the way he goes about things.

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