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Training Camp Practice Notes - Wed 8/8/12


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Hill, Cumberland, Dexter Jackson, even Keller. You can't play two safeties back with Tebow on the field usually.

But I guess that gets back to the original argument. Is Tebow going to have that chance? Or is he strictly a wildcat guy?

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But I guess that gets back to the original argument. Is Tebow going to have that chance? Or is he strictly a wildcat guy?

They'll let him throw out of the wildcat just to keep defenses honest. He could also see extended series if Sanchez is hurt or just sh*tting the bed.

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Yes, thank you. I finally went back to work after two and a half weeks being stuck in my apartment after surgery, so I couldn't follow Twitter like I have been lately. Managers actually expected me to work. The nerve.

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Yes, thank you. I finally went back to work after two and a half weeks being stuck in my apartment after surgery, so I couldn't follow Twitter like I have been lately. Managers actually expected me to work. The nerve.

Did they get the stick out successfully?

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Did they get the stick out successfully?

Kiss my ass.

(Did that answer your question :))

Actually, I had a follow-up visit today and the surgeon was amazed I was healing so quickly. He said it looked like I had the surgery four weeks ago instead of two. Take that all of the pussies in the tub at Jets' camp lol.

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Kiss my ass.

(Did that answer your question :))

Actually, I had a follow-up visit today and the surgeon was amazed I was healing so quickly. He said it looked like I had the surgery four weeks ago instead of two. Take that all of the pussies in the tub at Jets' camp lol.

Good news, man. Hope it was nothing too serious. Get better soon. We need The Hammer.

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Good news, man. Hope it was nothing too serious. Get better soon. We need The Hammer.

Thanks. It was actually keeping me out of work. I couldn't live with it anymore because of that. And it's the reason I've been so grumpy lately lol. I've lived with it for about two and a half years and finally said 'enough is enough' and got it taken care of.

The doctor gave me a prescription for Percoset that I didn't even have filled. I took Tylenol for three days after and just gutted it out after that. Between the pain from that, and seeing everyone rip on the team, I needed a platform to vent, and unfortunately, that platform was here. I already apologized to Phil in a PM about my blowups. That should hopefully be in the past now.

I still think you're way too negative though. That will never change ;)

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Yes, thank you. I finally went back to work after two and a half weeks being stuck in my apartment after surgery, so I couldn't follow Twitter like I have been lately. Managers actually expected me to work. The nerve.

Haha. No problem. I realize my posts are probably redundant for a lot of people but they certainly can't hurt.

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Nonsense. KSJets' posts are redundant. Your posts are gold. Gold.

Haha. I don't know anyone on these boards well enough to really say. All I've gathered is you're sort of the doom and gloom member of the board, right?

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Tweeted too soon. Tebow kills some worms with a pass after I said he looked good #nyj

Tebow’s 60-yard bomb was the highlight of a strong practice by the back-up QB.

He finished 7 for 11 (63%) with a TD, two scrambles for gains and one sack.

He also went 4 of 6 with a TD in 7-on-7 practice.

Overall for the day, 11 of 17 (64.7%) with 2 TD's, 0 Ints and he finished 1st running the gassers.

While Mark was picked on a short pass yet again.

But that means nothing, after all, it's just practice, right?

In 2010/11 Tim's 580 NFL Plays, cold off the bench, for a 4-14 team, 33 TD's to 15 T-O's.

In 2011 Mark's 580 NFL plays, every starter advantage, for a 2x playoff team, 32 TD's to 34 T-O's.

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Tebow’s 60-yard bomb was the highlight of a strong practice by the back-up QB.

He finished 7 for 11 (63%) with a TD, two scrambles for gains and one sack.

He also went 4 of 6 with a TD in 7-on-7 practice.

Overall for the day, 11 of 17 (64.7%) with 2 TD's, 0 Ints and he finished 1st running the gassers.

While Mark was picked on a short pass yet again.

But that means nothing, after all, it's just practice, right?

In 2010/11 Tim's 580 NFL Plays, cold off the bench, for a 4-14 team, 33 TD's to 15 T-O's.

In 2011 Mark's 580 NFL plays, every starter advantage, for a 2x playoff team, 32 TD's to 34 T-O's.

This post is as predictable as you not showing up around here on the days Timmy goes 1 for 7.

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This post is as predictable as you not showing up around here on the days Timmy goes 1 for 7.

Yep, just a predictable as me being the ONLY one ever accused of hyjacking a thread.

Or the ones that constantly claim that Mark is so much better a QB, by then fail to list his continued turnovers in the face of all coaching.

Just like I'm the one's that's predictable.....

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Did I really just see "1st running the gassers" used as an argument to prove the supposed dominance of Tebow? I can't help going back and forth as to whether that qualifies as hilariously pathetic or officially moves this all the way to the point of depressingly pathetic.

Nobody likes a coaches pet.

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Nonsense. KSJets' posts are redundant. Your posts are gold. Gold.

If you didn't post in every thread about how Mike T is an idiot, I wouldn't have to tell you in every thread that you are. See, if you change your posts up, I'll change up my replies. And we were getting along so well yesterday ;)

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