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JAWS MAFIA - Game Thread


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And YOU should know better, CTM. I'm sure you caught up - you knew I had not posted since yesterday afternoon. You saw Wombat caution to make sure I handed out all harpoons I had. I'm certainly not going to keep harping on this - we might hit townies with the other harpoons, anyway....so I get it.

It is more the fact that the town was hasty when it didn't need to be. That never helps.

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You had plenty of time to hand out the harpoons

I suck because I had not handed out my last harpoon, instead wanting to wait a little to ensure I made the best decision.

Got it....thanks for clarifying that for me. You earn the "derp" in your nickname more with every game you play.

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first off, i still don't know what you are talking about. Secondly, crusher was egging me on to hammer, yet he's prob town? Also, what about smash? Another guy egging on to hammer

So you haven't caught up, but still hammered anyway. Ok.

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So you haven't caught up, but still hammered anyway. Ok.

Yes, that's EXACTLY what happened.. I'm not reading 100 pages of gaype acting like a petulant child cause it finally occurred to him that he's not some mafia savant, i asked for people to help catch me up..

1) I have not read back

2) I will not be reading back at anytime in the future

3) If alive, I will hammer tomorrow despite these things being true

4) GFY

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I suck because I had not handed out my last harpoon, instead wanting to wait a little to ensure I made the best decision.

Sorry not gonna wait a month for you to give scum a harpoon

WTF was so damn hard about giving Crusher or Leelou a harpoon?

And I'M the derp? Yeah ok buddy

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****ing morons - Wombat was the only smart one. He said to wait for me to confirm all harpoons are out. I wanted to see the banter before I chose my final target to receive a harpoon.

Now that you lynched EP and ended day, I can't. As I said, I only had this day phase. I gave out 2, and had 1 more that is now lost.

So next time, instead of being ****ing stupid and running the lynch up to the hammer, perhaps sit back and use your ****ing brains. Maybe just once.

Pretty sure there are scum in those last few votes on EP.

@the person I have the 2nd harpoon to: although I'm still suspicious of Lily, methinks a harpoon in the chest of one of those would probably be a reasonable shot.

**** YOU. I said to wait too. And why the **** did you take so long? You had hours...

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hey guys, just wanted to say sorry for no-showing for those few days and then bailing on you. I was trying to keep up, but I was feeling like complete sh*t and every time I made my way back on here there was another 20+ pages to catch up on it and it just wasn't happening. not to mention I'd read up on all these posts and then realize I didn't remember half the sh*t I'd just read.

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****ing morons - Wombat was the only smart one. He said to wait for me to confirm all harpoons are out. I wanted to see the banter before I chose my final target to receive a harpoon.

Now that you lynched EP and ended day, I can't. As I said, I only had this day phase. I gave out 2, and had 1 more that is now lost.

So next time, instead of being ****ing stupid and running the lynch up to the hammer, perhaps sit back and use your ****ing brains. Maybe just once.

Pretty sure there are scum in those last few votes on EP.

@the person I have the 2nd harpoon to: although I'm still suspicious of Lily, methinks a harpoon in the chest of one of those would probably be a reasonable shot.

You're an idiot for taking so long.

EP was hanging around for lynch for hours and you decided to bail. That's on you.

If you know you have an ability that ends by the end of the day phase then you best make sure you use it before the end of day phase. Don't expect a game full of lynch happy/kill happy players to wait around for your dumbass. Heck, your ass could've been killed while you dicked around and couldn't finish the day.

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Tina, JiF, Crusher, CTM

Those were the last votes on EP. I think Lily is scum, but I would not be surprised to see one of these as scum, too. Crusher is prob town - got that. So that leaves the other 3.

My point is more that if you can't use your head, then you should face the consequences.

Who of them voted AFTER Wombat said to wait until you've confirmed all harpoons are out?

Also, is it in scum's best interest to keep harpoons from being handed out? Or would they want to see them used? Statistically speaking, 75% of game is town, so harpoons are pro-scum mostly. Especially with Cop dead and nobody trusting JIF's bullsh*t.

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Yes, that's EXACTLY what happened.. I'm not reading 100 pages of gaype acting like a petulant child cause it finally occurred to him that he's not some mafia savant, i asked for people to help catch me up..

1) I have not read back

2) I will not be reading back at anytime in the future

3) If alive, I will hammer tomorrow despite these things being true

4) GFY

Ha. Don't invoke me as your bullsh*t reason for going through the motions of scumhunting. Scum.

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Sorry not gonna wait a month for you to give scum a harpoon

WTF was so damn hard about giving Crusher or Leelou a harpoon?

And I'M the derp? Yeah ok buddy

This, seriously. I thought Verbal did the smart thing and gave it to Leelou. I thought Leelou was the one who was wasting time. Now we know it was Verbal.

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You're an idiot for taking so long.

EP was hanging around for lynch for hours and you decided to bail. That's on you.

If you know you have an ability that ends by the end of the day phase then you best make sure you use it before the end of day phase. Don't expect a game full of lynch happy/kill happy players to wait around for your dumbass. Heck, your ass could've been killed while you dicked around and couldn't finish the day.

For realz - and this is coming from the guy who has been blind lynched more than me. He expected us to wait???

What a non-funny moron.

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Who of them voted AFTER Wombat said to wait until you've confirmed all harpoons are out?

Also, is it in scum's best interest to keep harpoons from being handed out? Or would they want to see them used? Statistically speaking, 75% of game is town, so harpoons are pro-scum mostly. Especially with Cop dead and nobody trusting JIF's bullsh*t.

JiF or CTM?

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You guys are terrible masons btw

There was zero reason for the reveal

Yes. That is right. I have been away too much so we haven´t talked much until now. But what is done is done.

hey guys, just wanted to say sorry for no-showing for those few days and then bailing on you. I was trying to keep up, but I was feeling like complete sh*t and every time I made my way back on here there was another 20+ pages to catch up on it and it just wasn't happening. not to mention I'd read up on all these posts and then realize I didn't remember half the sh*t I'd just read.

I hope you will get better soon. If I remembered half of these posts I would be happy. lol

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Yes. That is right. I have been away too much so we haven´t talked much until now. But what is done is done.


That came across kind of harsh

I was just frustrated that Shin distracted us with all that cryptic "I KNOW Tina is town" BS which led into a pretty useless reveal

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Vote EP

I am willing to vote EP but I don't think we should lynch him until Verbal has confirmed that he has handed out all his harpoons.

Ewww. Why did you have to go do something all townie like and stuff.

I agree with this. Where the F is Verbal.

I say we mass reveal.

Timeline for you bitches.

FTR - I voted Ape for the lulz. Which I got as it evoked more Ape Emo. Which is a win.

And though this was very town IMO of wwwbgay, I still want him dead. Very dead.

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BTW - I still say we mass reveal. Half the game is outed at this point. A mass reveal is in the best interest of the town.

Anyone resisting this brilliant idea is scum.

Then I'm scum because I think it's a stupid idea at the moment.

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BTW - I still say we mass reveal. Half the game is outed at this point. A mass reveal is in the best interest of the town.

Anyone resisting this brilliant idea is scum.

I'm going to say no to the mass reveal simply because you think it is such a great idea.

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2. Ape

3. Leelou

4. Hess

5. Verb

6. JiF

7. Crush

8. Lils

9. Wombat

10. Christine

12. Nolder

14. 80

15. SMC

16. Shinori

17. Sharrow

19. Tina

20. BG CTM 2.0

23. JVoR

24. Smash

25. AVM

27. Vic

Blue is people I suspect are town

Bold Blue are people who are confirmed or almost confirmed

If you disagree with my list GFY it's my list

Eliminating the town players leaves us with these people




CTM 2.0





CTM 2.0, Vic, and Sharrow are basically inactive (I realize CTM is here now but it's almost impossible to have a good read on him imo)

So eliminating them leaves us with






I'm guessing the entire mafia team is in that list somewhere and I'm down for lynching any of them

Wombat and JVOR in particular seem like good candidates imo

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Then I'm scum because I think it's a stupid idea at the moment.

I don't agree with the idea right now either.

Who would you shoot, if you could?

On a serious note,....why? Half the game has revealed. All we are going to do is go through the process of running people up for a reveal anyway.

Scared you guys cant think of a good reveal?


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On a serious note,....why? Half the game has revealed. All we are going to do is go through the process of running people up for a reveal anyway.

Scared you guys cant think of a good reveal?


Who would you stick with a very pointy stick if you could?

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Blue is people I suspect are town

Bold Blue are people who are confirmed or almost confirmed

If you disagree with my list GFY it's my list

Eliminating the town players leaves us with these people




CTM 2.0





CTM 2.0, Vic, and Sharrow are basically inactive (I realize CTM is here now but it's almost impossible to have a good read on him imo)

So eliminating them leaves us with






I'm guessing the entire mafia team is in that list somewhere and I'm down for lynching any of them

Wombat and JVOR in particular seem like good candidates imo

Absolutely love that list.

In fact, I'm adopting it.

If I had to make a my top 3 out of that list it would be wwwbgay, smash, jvoy.

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wwwbgay, and I wouldnt think twice.

Now your turn. Why no mass reveal?

A lot of people are still alive, and not everyone has revealed yet. I think it would be slightly detrimental to town if every role is out in the open.

Plus, gives the shark free pickings.

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