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JAWS MAFIA - Game Thread


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A massive white shape flashed in the water, creating it's own whirlpool as it pivoted away from the thing it wanted to eat. The whirlpool caught it's victim and dragged it down, but the white shape hung motionless, waiting. The whirlpool drifted apart, and the tasty morsel floated back up to the surface, sitting motionless as a silhouette against the moonlight.

The shape was of a massive piece of fried bacon, and it was maddening to the predator.

Crusher swam up with all of his strength, plowing through the water, and finally taking the piece of bacon into his jaws. His body cleared the water, gleaming naked in the moonlight, until he crashed back down, satiated.

It was the last piece of bacon, so he swam back to shore to towel off and dress, slipping home before anyone could guess at his nocturnal pleasure.

As it happened, somebody was waiting for him.

"You shoulda saved me a piece. It might have made a difference."

The gunshot popped and Crusher flinched, slowly raising a hand to his chest, only to see it come away covered in blood.

But he still had a piece of bacon under his tongue, and he pushed it up, savoring the goodness until everything went dark.


As soon as he fell and went still, a group of men swept in and cleaned up, disposing of the body and all evidence so that no one would ever be the wiser.


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I'm lie detector.

Hola, I'm here to kill sharks mafia and retards please direct all of them to me in a single file line so I can kill them all with one harpoon. kthxbai

I am so not in any of those categories! My Mommy told me I'm special, and then I was adopted! :tongue:

Tested the second quote above night one and found he was truth telling, hence my trying to derail his lynch without claiming.

This is stupid. I'm town.

The deadline is Monday. So I'll just say this. I have a town power role. Go figure Ape running me up on day 1 and he's 60% sure I'm scum. lol. Scum MVP.

Tested this night 2. Came back true. Was gonna vet jif 1.0 but leelou harpooned him overnight.

I am town. Im not 3rd party or scum.

Came back false hess is scum or 3rd party.

vote hess

quint need vest asap

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Circle, dash, circle, circle...there...it was obvious now, he'd figured it out.

JVoR pulled off his headset and walked out onto the deck. He'd been out on the bay all night, requiring absolute privacy and secrecy to uncover what he now knew.

Pulling up the anchor was taking longer than he expected, though, and went it finally cam loose, he staggered back at the lack of resistance.

He was still sprawled on the deck when the first bump hit from below. It was from something big.

He chanced a peek over the gunwale, only to be met by a cavern full of teeth.

A massive bite was taken out of the boat, and even though JVoR scrambled back, the boat was sinking into the bay. He was sharkbait.

His only hope was to try and radio back to the mainland, if he could just get back inside.

When he turned, he cut off his view of the sea, so he didn't see the giant maw as it came for him. He only felt the massive jaws close over him, and then he lost all consciousness...


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Hess ( 7 ) - JVoR, Shinori, Wombat, Christine, Lily, Leelou, CTM

With 18 Players, it takes 10 to lynch.


JVoR - vest

Shinori - vest

Christine - harpoon

Lily -harpoon

CTM - vest

Leelou - vest

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