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Yeah, we're boned.


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It's utter insanity. They've seen three years of Sanchez now, and instead of insulating themselves against the possibility of him maybe possibly potentially not being super-duper-awesome, they double down on him with the extension and the Tebow trade. This despite multiple veterans (Orton, Campbell) and mid-round draft picks (take your pick) sitting right there for the taking.

I don't even know how you fix it. The defense is good enough to keep us at or above .500 as long as Rex is here and probably beyond, which means we have no shot at drafting a good QB for the foreseeable future. Maybe Jason's right and they know that this year is quite possibly lost before it begins, in which case we'd probably try to shed some of the more onerous contracts (Sanchez and Tebow at the top of the list) and build around Brick, Mangold, and the DL. I just don't know if anyone in the organization has the sack for a full rebuild. It just feels like we're on the precipice of a total freefall and the FO has spent the entire offeason trying to give us that last little push.

You don't fix it. You wait it out as a fan and hope they get their act straight for 2014 and beyond. Just keep Revis happy, which is a position I wasn't taking 2 years ago.

There are no magic QB's falling from the sky and Rex and Tannenbaum and Woody wouldn't allow a true competition while Mark the special snowflake is under guaranteed dollars anyway.

My biggest fear is not a 6-win season in 2012. My biggest fear is a 6-win season and Tannenbaum pissing away 2014-2016's draft picks and caps to save his job through 2013.

17 draft picks, 13 of them in the first 4 rounds. Traded away for Jenkins, Edwards, Holmes, Harris, Sheppard and the draft rights to Sanchez, Harris, Greene. After trading these picks, most of them also counted big money on the cap to compound the investments.

No one move was bad. But you can't just keep making these moves over and over and over and expect that it won't fall apart after your small window is open. Also made no sense then to turn over this superbowl-ready team to Mark Sanchez and his dozen or so college starts (most of which were in noncompetitive games to boot).

Just hope no more damage is done and hope for some luck over the next couple of seasons with 9-7 type records that squeak us into the playoffs. Once we're in anything can happen.

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You don't fix it. You wait it out as a fan and hope they get their act straight for 2014 and beyond. Just keep Revis happy, which is a position I wasn't taking 2 years ago.

There are no magic QB's falling from the sky and Rex and Tannenbaum and Woody wouldn't allow a true competition while Mark the special snowflake is under guaranteed dollars anyway.

My biggest fear is not a 6-win season in 2012. My biggest fear is a 6-win season and Tannenbaum pissing away 2014-2016's draft picks and caps to save his job through 2013.

17 draft picks, 13 of them in the first 4 rounds. Traded away for Jenkins, Edwards, Holmes, Harris, Sheppard and the draft rights to Sanchez, Harris, Greene. After trading these picks, most of them also counted big money on the cap to compound the investments.

No one move was bad. But you can't just keep making these moves over and over and over and expect that it won't fall apart after your small window is open. Also made no sense then to turn over this superbowl-ready team to Mark Sanchez and his dozen or so college starts (most of which were in noncompetitive games to boot).

Just hope no more damage is done and hope for some luck over the next couple of seasons with 9-7 type records that squeak us into the playoffs. Once we're in anything can happen.

The most positive thing SE has ever said in the history of the internet. I have goosebumps.

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For all my bleak cynicism and references to FO and PFF, I've always held out some dim hope that Sanchez could become at least serviceable, especially given our defense. After attending the game tonight, I feel like we'll be lucky to finish .500 this season (and I'm someone who feels our defense will be absolutely beastly). The sad truth is that the advanced stats actually overrate Sanchez. Unless Sparano has some super-secret playbook that he's saving for the regular season, our entire passing offense consists of Sanchez staring down one guy. If said guy comes open, great. If not, Sanchez either a. throws it to him anyway, regardless of how many guys are covering him, or b. continues staring at him until he gets sacked. That's it. All discussions about Wayne Hunter and Shonn Greene and Brian Schottenheimer are pure window-dressing, and anyone who thinks otherwise is delusional.

Whilst tailgaiting, someone asked me "who starts at QB for the Jets, Week 1, 2013?" This is the defining question of the current age of Jets football, and if someone can give me an answer that doesn't make me want to throw myself off a bridge, I would absolutely love to hear it.

I know where you are coming from. The offense positively sucks ass. But it is still preseason, and we did have our receivers out so lets look to this weekend's game and then the next.

I believe we will be ok come the regular season, something tells me. But, most of this positive feel is based on Sanchez taking the next step forward and sprinkling in Tebow from time to time. I do think we will get better on the OLine.... but we have to see the team come game 1. Until then it's a crap shoot.

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You don't fix it. You wait it out as a fan and hope they get their act straight for 2014 and beyond. Just keep Revis happy, which is a position I wasn't taking 2 years ago.

There are no magic QB's falling from the sky and Rex and Tannenbaum and Woody wouldn't allow a true competition while Mark the special snowflake is under guaranteed dollars anyway.

My biggest fear is not a 6-win season in 2012. My biggest fear is a 6-win season and Tannenbaum pissing away 2014-2016's draft picks and caps to save his job through 2013.

17 draft picks, 13 of them in the first 4 rounds. Traded away for Jenkins, Edwards, Holmes, Harris, Sheppard and the draft rights to Sanchez, Harris, Greene. After trading these picks, most of them also counted big money on the cap to compound the investments.

No one move was bad. But you can't just keep making these moves over and over and over and expect that it won't fall apart after your small window is open. Also made no sense then to turn over this superbowl-ready team to Mark Sanchez and his dozen or so college starts (most of which were in noncompetitive games to boot).

Just hope no more damage is done and hope for some luck over the next couple of seasons with 9-7 type records that squeak us into the playoffs. Once we're in anything can happen.

Agree. But there's a nagging part of me way in the back of my brain that wants the 3-13 season with a shot at the latest greatest QB at the top of the draft. We aren't winning anything this year. may be we could at least get rid of Tannebaum and Sanchez once and for all.
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Just hope no more damage is done and hope for some luck over the next couple of seasons with 9-7 type records that squeak us into the playoffs. Once we're in anything can happen.

My problem is that I don't even know where you're supposed to go with Rex after this. His complete ignorance towards the offense for 4 years is one of the primary variables responsible for all this. I don't know how you weigh if he's worth hanging on to against his genius on the defensive side, because there's no way to gage the degree to which he's learned his lesson.

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My problem is that I don't even know where you're supposed to go with Rex after this. His complete ignorance towards the offense for 4 years is one of the primary variables responsible for all this. I don't know how you weigh if he's worth hanging on to against his genius on the defensive side, because there's no way to gage the degree to which he's learned his lesson.

Welcome to the career achilles heel of Buddy Ryan. It's such willful blindness. Rex Ryan is genuinely a good defensive coach. yet exactly like his dad he doesn't seem to care about his offense except superficially. Not sure he grasps when he talks about Ground and Pound he sounds even more foolish than he does when he's talking about Super Bowls. If someone propounded to follow a business plan that hasn't worked in any industry in well over a decade, and then didn't even bother to staff such an initiative properly he would be quickly demoted or fired. And yet with this offense that is exactly what has happened on Ryan's watch.
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Welcome to the career achilles heel of Buddy Ryan. It's such willful blindness. Rex Ryan is genuinely a good defensive coach. yet exactly like his dad he doesn't seem to care about his offense except superficially. Not sure he grasps when he talks about Ground and Pound he sounds even more foolish than he does when he's talking about Super Bowls. If someone propounded to follow a business plan that hasn't worked in any industry in well over a decade, and then didn't even bother to staff such an initiative properly he would be quickly demoted or fired. And yet with this offense that is exactly what has happened on Ryan's watch.

Defensive coaches like ground and pound because - when it's effective - it keeps the defensive side's ranking high. Other teams are less prone to run up the score by taking riskier long passes. They'll run more also, so even getting badly dominated all game long will look like a 24-7 loss instead of a 44-7 loss. Or that's how it used to be anyway.

I really believe that - while it certainly isn't the entire reason - it is a significant motivation as to why defensive coaches like to run the ball. It just makes their defense look better on paper.

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Meh, Rex can coach 11 tackling dummies into a top 5 defense. I'm not worried about that. Give Rex a franchise QB and we win the Super Bowl. Period. I'd say that's a reason for hope.

But those are mutually exclusive propositions. That's entirely the problem. Barring injury, as long as the defense is this good, we're never going to have that bottom-out season that gives us a shot at a guy like Luck. So we either we hope that someone drops a la Roethlisberger or Rodgers (unlikely), hope that some mid-rounder develops into a championship-level player (even less likely), or keep pushing our chips in on duds like Sanchez and Tebow (barf).

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But those are mutually exclusive propositions. That's entirely the problem. Barring injury, as long as the defense is this good, we're never going to have that bottom-out season that gives us a shot at a guy like Luck. So we either we hope that someone drops a la Roethlisberger or Rodgers (unlikely), hope that some mid-rounder develops into a championship-level player (even less likely), or keep pushing our chips in on duds like Sanchez and Tebow (barf).

There HAS to be mid-1st round QB out there we can build around. Or we trade up. Tanny's proven to be able to do that from time to time, with mixed results. As long as we don't get Redskinned I can live with trading up for the RIGHT reason, which is a QB.

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It also raises the Rex question, like RJF said. I love the guy, but if he honestly thinks that he can win the Super Bowl with a caretaker QB, then he needs to go back to being a DC.

This is true, but I don't think Rex would have agreed to move up to # 5 to take Sanchez in the first place if he didn't value a franchise QB. He knows how good Peyton Manning and Tom Brady are. He may not think he needs a Brady or Manning, but he knows he needs to find something way better than Sanchez.

He also was going to fly to Favre's house if he DIDN'T get Sanchez, or so he says. So there's that.

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There HAS to be mid-1st round QB out there we can build around. Or we trade up. Tanny's proven to be able to do that from time to time, with mixed results.

Maybe. The aforementioned pair, plus Brees, were all mid-first-rounders or later.

Trading up is out of the question. With the way rookie contracts are structured now, it would take a really bizarre set of circumstances for someone to surrender a chance at a QB prospect worth anything.

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Maybe. The aforementioned pair, plus Brees, were all mid-first-rounders or later.

What kills you here, btw, is that a franchise as utterly inept as the Bengals--the team that's employed Marvin Lewis for eight seasons and counting--drafted Andy Dalton a full round later than we drafted Sanchez, and he already looks better.

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This is true, but I don't think Rex would have agreed to move up to # 5 to take Sanchez in the first place if he didn't value a franchise QB. He knows how good Peyton Manning and Tom Brady are. He may not think he needs a Brady or Manning, but he knows he needs to find something way better than Sanchez.

He also was going to fly to Favre's house if he DIDN'T get Sanchez, or so he says. So there's that.

For what it's worth, when I said ignorance, I meant it in both possible definitions, attention and knowledge. I think we may have to come to the realization that he's just inept on that side of the ball. Even if he's willing to turn his gaze primarily that way, do we really trust his judgement anymore?

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For what it's worth, when I said ignorance, I meant it in both possible definitions, attention and knowledge. I think we may have to come to the realization that he's just inept on that side of the ball. Even if he's willing to turn his gaze primarily that way, do we really trust his judgement anymore?

No, but there's something to be said for someone who at least has one side of the ball mastered. We have no choice but to deal with his weaknesses, and hope we put people in positions surrounding him where they can evaluate QB talent. With a little luck, maybe we decide to have a down year in a QB-rich draft.

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Trading up is out of the question. With the way rookie contracts are structured now, it would take a really bizarre set of circumstances for someone to surrender a chance at a QB prospect worth anything.

I disagree. A team that just drafted a QB the year before isn't going to take another one just because. There will always be a willing trade partner. Problem is you have to pay a premium to move up to the top 5 compared to other years, because teams with those high picks know they have the upper hand. SEE: Redskins v. Rams, 2012.

Even with all the picks Washington gave to get RGIII, I think they came out of it better than the Rams. RGIII's ceiling is way higher than Bradford's.

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No, but there's something to be said for someone who at least has one side of the ball mastered. We have no choice but to deal with his weaknesses, and hope we put people in positions surrounding him where they can evaluate QB talent. With a little luck, maybe we decide to have a down year in a QB-rich draft.

Oh I agree. I still like Rex and need to see how he does without f'ing Sanchez for a season or two before I'm ready to throw in the towel. Him and Pettine are such a good duo defensively and I'm not ready to give that up just yet. All I'm saying is that it's time to start being wary.

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Oh I agree. I still like Rex and need to see how he does without f'ing Sanchez for a season or two before I'm ready to throw in the towel. Him and Pettine are such a good duo defensively and I'm not ready to give that up just yet. All I'm saying is that it's time to start being wary.

I figure it'll be about a 3 or 4-year thing with Rex. You gotta figure no playoffs = Tanny fired this year and Sanchez's days as a Jet are about over. New GM comes in next year and gets a new QB. If in 2 years after that point we're not making deep playoff runs, it'll be Rex's turn to go. I don't think the end of the Tanny era or the Sanchez era means the end of Rex's era. Or at least I hope not.

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It also raises the Rex question, like RJF said. I love the guy, but if he honestly thinks that he can win the Super Bowl with a caretaker QB, then he needs to go back to being a DC.

i am shocked that you could say this. 1st three years as a HC he couldnt do much better. I dont think that there has even been much better in their first 3 years. Add that to the fact that he posesses humility and the willingness to learn, I think the sky is the limit for him. I hope he stays for a long time.

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It also raises the Rex question, like RJF said. I love the guy, but if he honestly thinks that he can win the Super Bowl with a caretaker QB, then he needs to go back to being a DC.

Rex will get hired as a HC if he was fired from the Jets. I think teams would be lining up for him. Especially ones with a good offense and bad defense.

And like 80 said, Rex knows the value in a franchise QB. The guy has been quoted in press conferences sayings, thats the difference between having Brady or Manning, something something something.

I mean, the sheer fact he's been as successful as he has with incompetence at QB is all you need to know about his ability as a HC.

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Rex will get hired as a HC if he was fired from the Jets. I think teams would be lining up for him. Especially ones with a good offense and bad defense.

And like 80 said, Rex knows the value in a franchise QB. The guy has been quoted in press conferences sayings, thats the difference between having Brady or Manning, something something something.

I mean, the sheer fact he's been as successful as he has with incompetence at QB is all you need to know about his ability as a HC.

I doubt that Ryan gets hired immediately as a HC but will go back to being a DC. I think the failure of the Jets offense will give him the label, "great D coach, lousy on O". He hasn't been successful enough for long enough to get another HC gig immediately. Even his 2 successful seasons were primarily because of his defensive coaching prowess NOT because his offenses were that good.

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I doubt that Ryan gets hired immediately as a HC but will go back to being a DC. I think the failure of the Jets offense will give him the label, "great D coach, lousy on O". He hasn't been successful enough for long enough to get another HC gig immediately. Even his 2 successful seasons were primarily because of his defensive coaching prowess NOT because his offenses were that good.

3 seasons, 2 playoff births, 4 road playoff wins, 2 AFCC Games, no losing season - despite having no QB. But he hasnt been successful enough to warrant another HC'ing job? Do you read the sh*t you type out bro? lmfao.

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