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You're welcome. What the Bills have won or haven't won in the last decade plus has nothing to do with anything. Tony Sparano's lack of imagination and/or innovation does. Jets fans believe that Sparano has invented some great "solution" to use Tebow and Sanchez together or come up an innovative use of the single wing (wild cat). That really seems unlikely since Sparano is more of a guy who crosses his ts and dots is is rather than a creative genius.

Actually I think it has to do with the Bills being below average at winning football games for a sustained period of time.

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I don't understand why everyone is jacked up over the wildcat. Defenses have already figured out how to defend it. I can't see it being a major part of the Jets offense.

For the Jets to win they need to be able to control the LOS, run the football, and take a couple of deep shots during the game to keep the defense honest keep them from loading the box.

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Well, Sanchez has been around longer and he still can't throw, but let's not get into that. :winking0001:

Nah, just to clarify, I'm not talking about Tim's ability to throw the ball compared to the 32 starting QBs in the league.

Rather, I'm talking about his ability to throw the ball as the "second" guy in a package with Mark Sanchez, or his ability to throw the ball in a wildcat package vs. what other teams could possibly (or used to) put out there. So, basically Tim Tebow vs. Brad Smith, Ronnie Brown, Ricky Williams, etc.

Not gonna lie, that's definitely what I'm hoping. And, if so, it would make sense for them to hold that back. This is not what they call the double barrel.

FWIW that was the last possibility on my list in the original post.

Sorry man did see that!

But yeah I do think this is what you are going to see. Its not going to be a regular wildcat its going to be a lot of the two of them out there which will be interesting.

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