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In an effort.......

Section 333

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.....to not be known purely as a negative fan. I would like to express my joy about some of the positives i saw.

1) Pass block

2) Play calling

3) Sanchez

4) Defense ( until the let down in garbage time)

Very exited for the game against the Steelers. And even though this may surprise most of you, I am curious how Tebow

gets used. In closing I am officially done with Tebow and Greene. They are on my team. I will now move foward.

Oh I would like to throw 1 more small negative in there, Bart Scott's mouth. Hey Bart, just zip it.

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I picked him up on my fantasy team. Is that enough?

Drafted him last round of every league. I AM A FANTASY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I choose not to start another thread due to fear of getting banned, but I would like to say that you are all swell people. And I think im gonna like it here.

Dude, dont hold back. That one had classic written all over it.

FWIW - I like you. A lot.

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Drafted him last round of every league. I AM A FANTASY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude, dont hold back. That one had classic written all over it.

FWIW - I like you. A lot.

Actually now that you mention it, I am in 2 leagues and in 1 of them i drafted hill in the last round. Does that make me a god also?

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duh but still..

it's like a heaping tablespoon of LetsgoJets, a dash of DWC, and a sprinkle of TomShame.

its Max's latest amazing move for JN. Max knew this place was going to be boring this week as we fellate each other over winning one freaking game. So he needs something to get the masses all riled up....

So, he finds some guys at the game, quizzes them to see who is the most controversial, most opinionated, most delightful and came up with this guy. My sources are telling me Max is paying $1.00 per post and 10 cents per reply.

So, post counts go up, ad payments increase, fans are fighting with each other again, and Max just laughs at us. Do you really think Max would let us (especially me) get away with some of the stuff thats been said if this wasnt some kind of wrestling-type work???

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its Max's latest amazing move for JN. Max knew this place was going to be boring this week as we fellate each other over winning one freaking game. So he needs something to get the masses all riled up....

So, he finds some guys at the game, quizzes them to see who is the most controversial, most opinionated, most delightful and came up with this guy. My sources are telling me Max is paying $1.00 per post and 10 cents per reply.

So, post counts go up, ad payments increase, fans are fighting with each other again, and Max just laughs at us. Do you really think Max would let us (especially me) get away with some of the stuff thats been said if this wasnt some kind of wrestling-type work???

Exactly, and thanks to all you fine people, I am .02% from paying for my season ticket package.

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