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Rex and Namath on ESPN Today, Mcknight to get carries.

Ken Schroy

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Wow. Rex has been very good for this team, he doesn't get the credit he deserves. He's made the past 3 seasons a hell of a lot of fun.

Personally, I'm not going to ride the bandwagon and start hating on this guy that hasn't even had a losing season yet. Hell, he might still not have a losing season despite watching the best player on defense (possibly the best in the NFL) AND the best skill position player on offense go down for extended periods of time.

I think he pours his heart into this team and he deserves more than to get bailed on like this.

You may be right stoic maybe he does pour his heart into it but I tend to doubt that, I think hes a blow hard and I think he half asses everything he does.

I cant back a guy who has left so many glaring weaknesses go un addressed and has totally ignored the offense to the point they are at now a complete joke.

I had a big problem in year three when we went into the season with no worthy back ups on the o line and depended on a released UDFA at center and Vlad Ducasse

I had a problem in year three when we dumped class acts like Cotchery in favor of a 38 year old has been loud mouth and our head coach was making an ass out of himself on the podium predicting a 90 catch season I mean we all know Cotch was a number 2 guy nobody disputed that but he was a solid player who could be counted on and he was a hell of a guy to boot that was probably loved by his teammates.

I had a problem with us paying very little attention to the LB's which are supposed to be the core of a solid 3-4 defense. It was obvious to many Jets fans we were getting older and slower at the position for years so why didnt opur coach recognize this ?

He pushed his defense down our throats with his stats and bullsh*t but when it came to making a big play or showing up in a big game they failed during the season and during the playoffs. Sure you can name a game here and there where the defense stepped up but I can name just as many games and instances where they sh*t the bed.

I had a problem when the guy admitted he had no idea his locker room turned into a complete mess for most of the season .I commend him for being honest but I cant excuse him for being ignorant....How could a head football coach be so detached ? I mean hes with these guys every day and even with that being said if hes such a players coach how come no one came to him to let him know WTF was going on ?

I have a huge problem with our draft selections say what you will I dont think Tannenbaum has much of a say if Rex wants a player or multiple players . Im sure Rex picks his guy more often than not and this idiot chose to draft 2 big slow DE's on a 3-4 defense . He drafted so many DLsome though he would go predominantly 4-3 but that has not been the case but it would not have mattered because the guys who play DE in the 4-3 alignment are just to big and too slow to produce a pass rush so that we can rely on a 4 man rush like say the GIANTS.

I have a problem with him pushing ground and pound down our throats as well with NO RB's to speak of on the roster .

I have a problem with him ignoring our QB and when he replaced our OC he did not have the vision to replace Matt Cavanaugh who may be just as much to blame for Sanchez shoddy development.

He makes stupid comment after stupid comment and he was making them right up until we hit our brick wall in San Fran. Keep Revis on the IR will ya ?? Sorry but thats .....well im not sure there are words for that at this stage . He has reached levels of stupidity that are beyond comprehension at this point.

I liked Rex and I think the first 2 years he was here were a breath of fresh air in how he coached but I never liked the way he acted and many Jets fans felt the same way but put up with it because hey we were winning . I would even say I could somewhat put up with his antics if we were losing but not with all the bullsh*t hes got going on that should have been addressed. This team is in the toilet now because of decisions Him and Mike tannenbaum made over the course of the last 3 seasons. They took over a team loaded with talent and character and we were just a few solid moves away from a SB and they blew it.

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You may be right stoic maybe he does pour his heart into it but I tend to doubt that, I think hes a blow hard and I think he half asses everything he does.

I cant back a guy who has left so many glaring weaknesses go un addressed and has totally ignored the offense to the point they are at now a complete joke.

I had a big problem in year three when we went into the season with no worthy back ups on the o line and depended on a released UDFA at center and Vlad Ducasse

I had a problem in year three when we dumped class acts like Cotchery in favor of a 38 year old has been loud mouth and our head coach was making an ass out of himself on the podium predicting a 90 catch season I mean we all know Cotch was a number 2 guy nobody disputed that but he was a solid player who could be counted on and he was a hell of a guy to boot that was probably loved by his teammates.

I had a problem with us paying very little attention to the LB's which are supposed to be the core of a solid 3-4 defense. It was obvious to many Jets fans we were getting older and slower at the position for years so why didnt opur coach recognize this ?

He pushed his defense down our throats with his stats and bullsh*t but when it came to making a big play or showing up in a big game they failed during the season and during the playoffs. Sure you can name a game here and there where the defense stepped up but I can name just as many games and instances where they sh*t the bed.

I had a problem when the guy admitted he had no idea his locker room turned into a complete mess for most of the season .I commend him for being honest but I cant excuse him for being ignorant....How could a head football coach be so detached ? I mean hes with these guys every day and even with that being said if hes such a players coach how come no one came to him to let him know WTF was going on ?

I have a huge problem with our draft selections say what you will I dont think Tannenbaum has much of a say if Rex wants a player or multiple players . Im sure Rex picks his guy more often than not and this idiot chose to draft 2 big slow DE's on a 3-4 defense . He drafted so many DLsome though he would go predominantly 4-3 but that has not been the case but it would not have mattered because the guys who play DE in the 4-3 alignment are just to big and too slow to produce a pass rush so that we can rely on a 4 man rush like say the GIANTS.

I have a problem with him pushing ground and pound down our throats as well with NO RB's to speak of on the roster .

I have a problem with him ignoring our QB and when he replaced our OC he did not have the vision to replace Matt Cavanaugh who may be just as much to blame for Sanchez shoddy development.

He makes stupid comment after stupid comment and he was making them right up until we hit our brick wall in San Fran. Keep Revis on the IR will ya ?? Sorry but thats .....well im not sure there are words for that at this stage . He has reached levels of stupidity that are beyond comprehension at this point.

I liked Rex and I think the first 2 years he was here were a breath of fresh air in how he coached but I never liked the way he acted and many Jets fans felt the same way but put up with it because hey we were winning . I would even say I could somewhat put up with his antics if we were losing but not with all the bullsh*t hes got going on that should have been addressed. This team is in the toilet now because of decisions Him and Mike tannenbaum made over the course of the last 3 seasons. They took over a team loaded with talent and character and we were just a few solid moves away from a SB and they blew it.

Well then we just disagree, plain and simple. But I absolutely respect you for writing a very well thought out and coherent argument, which doesn't happen often here. And of course at the end of the day, we all bleed Green & White.

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Well then we just disagree, plain and simple. But I absolutely respect you for writing a very well thought out and coherent argument, which doesn't happen often here. And of course at the end of the day, we all bleed Green & White.

well said stoic we do bleed green and white for sure. If by some miracle this team turns it around and Rex does a masterfull coaching job I will gladly take the egg on my face for this post :)

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You may be right stoic maybe he does pour his heart into it but I tend to doubt that, I think hes a blow hard and I think he half asses everything he does.

I cant back a guy who has left so many glaring weaknesses go un addressed and has totally ignored the offense to the point they are at now a complete joke.

I had a big problem in year three when we went into the season with no worthy back ups on the o line and depended on a released UDFA at center and Vlad Ducasse

I had a problem in year three when we dumped class acts like Cotchery in favor of a 38 year old has been loud mouth and our head coach was making an ass out of himself on the podium predicting a 90 catch season I mean we all know Cotch was a number 2 guy nobody disputed that but he was a solid player who could be counted on and he was a hell of a guy to boot that was probably loved by his teammates.

I had a problem with us paying very little attention to the LB's which are supposed to be the core of a solid 3-4 defense. It was obvious to many Jets fans we were getting older and slower at the position for years so why didnt opur coach recognize this ?

He pushed his defense down our throats with his stats and bullsh*t but when it came to making a big play or showing up in a big game they failed during the season and during the playoffs. Sure you can name a game here and there where the defense stepped up but I can name just as many games and instances where they sh*t the bed.

I had a problem when the guy admitted he had no idea his locker room turned into a complete mess for most of the season .I commend him for being honest but I cant excuse him for being ignorant....How could a head football coach be so detached ? I mean hes with these guys every day and even with that being said if hes such a players coach how come no one came to him to let him know WTF was going on ?

I have a huge problem with our draft selections say what you will I dont think Tannenbaum has much of a say if Rex wants a player or multiple players . Im sure Rex picks his guy more often than not and this idiot chose to draft 2 big slow DE's on a 3-4 defense . He drafted so many DLsome though he would go predominantly 4-3 but that has not been the case but it would not have mattered because the guys who play DE in the 4-3 alignment are just to big and too slow to produce a pass rush so that we can rely on a 4 man rush like say the GIANTS.

I have a problem with him pushing ground and pound down our throats as well with NO RB's to speak of on the roster .

I have a problem with him ignoring our QB and when he replaced our OC he did not have the vision to replace Matt Cavanaugh who may be just as much to blame for Sanchez shoddy development.

He makes stupid comment after stupid comment and he was making them right up until we hit our brick wall in San Fran. Keep Revis on the IR will ya ?? Sorry but thats .....well im not sure there are words for that at this stage . He has reached levels of stupidity that are beyond comprehension at this point.

I liked Rex and I think the first 2 years he was here were a breath of fresh air in how he coached but I never liked the way he acted and many Jets fans felt the same way but put up with it because hey we were winning . I would even say I could somewhat put up with his antics if we were losing but not with all the bullsh*t hes got going on that should have been addressed. This team is in the toilet now because of decisions Him and Mike tannenbaum made over the course of the last 3 seasons. They took over a team loaded with talent and character and we were just a few solid moves away from a SB and they blew it.

i like this post. i like ryan but he's got me pissed the **** off and i feel he is a good dcoordinator but hasn't been a good head coach. he's too full of himself. bravado ids great but you have to back it the **** up at som epoint. otherwise ur just the kid who everyone realizes is emotionally disturbed because he keeps talking sh*t after he gets his ass kicked by everyone in the neighborhood.

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i like this post. i like ryan but he's got me pissed the **** off and i feel he is a good dcoordinator but hasn't been a good head coach. he's too full of himself. bravado ids great but you have to back it the **** up at som epoint. otherwise ur just the kid who everyone realizes is emotionally disturbed because he keeps talking sh*t after he gets his ass kicked by everyone in the neighborhood.

Thanks neckdemon

The thing is when someone talks a lot of sh*t like Ryan does that person should also realize that at some point in the NFL you are going to have to deal with some adversity and all that big talk is going to come back and bite you in the ass big time.

I would be willing to bet Every coach in the NFL has just as huge an ego as Rex Ryan they just take the smart route and keep it within their organization. How much money has Rex's mouth caused us ? He pumped up guys like Harris and and the consequence was a bloated contract. He talked Revis up and continued to talk him up until everyone took notice and where did that lead ? Do you ever see coaches talk up their players like this idiot ? Have you ever seen coaches do that unless specifically asked ? This moron just serves it up for no reason. Ive always said he sounds more like a fan than a coach

Now that we are really not playing well on either side of the ball Including the defensive side Rex has to be accountable and he's calling the injury card then taking it back the next day. Hes a scam

I'll tell you this we dont need no damn politician we need a football coach and TBH Im starting to question if hes all that as a DC as well.

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