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Karate Kid Mafia - Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy


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It's hopeless. What the hell does lay a trail of false claim mean? How does any of this hurt town unless the real doc can't just stay cool? Sorry if I had too much faith. You instead want to jump the gun with paranoia that when the real doc would have to reveal I'd counter. Maybe I was trying to protect the doc. Maybe I am the doc. Some of you people just want to play in the same boring box. So be it.


All wifom, no logic. GFY

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Nolder was apparently pissed that 80 assumed the title of "worst player". He's now making up for lost ground.





Vote Nolder


**** it, it's Wednesday. Nobody wants to play with logic, so let's just piss into the wind and see if we can't get wet, eh?

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Nolder was apparently pissed that 80 assumed the title of "worst player". He's now making up for lost ground.





Vote Nolder


**** it, it's Wednesday. Nobody wants to play with logic, so let's just piss into the wind and see if we can't get wet, eh?

too cute

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Hess (3) - Lily, Smash, Verb

Wombat (3) - SMC, Sharrow, Leelou

JVoR (3) - AVM, JiF, 80

Ape (2) - JVoR, Hess

Sharrow (1) - Dan

SMC (1) - Wombat

Lily (1) - BG
Nolder (1) - Ape

With 17 players alive, it takes 9 roundhouse kicks to knock out.



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Doesn't seem like a game with excessive killing

Which leads me to think he must have an important role to the game like SK or GF

Why else would he have a vest?


There were 2 kill attempts last night, one happened to fail. There should be a minimum of 2 per night.


You just attempted a day kill. 


There's going to be killing.



Are you sure you made the attempt? I would think that we'd have seen a fail scene like we did from the night phase... 

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You suck up every molecule of energy in this game to a point where it drowns out every other player. I think at this point we get what you're trying to say. How about you stfu for just at least a half hour so othe people can talk.


You sound like a fag.

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Verbal's play early on suggests that he was playing like someone looking to draw a shot.  This was a sampling before the Ape-CTM Gladiator battle, when he disappeared to have his kid. 



You're ****ing lucky Pac didn't give me a gun.



Figuratively speaking, dipsh*t.



That's ironic.

Also, a big GFY to Pac for handing you an annoying PR. Unless you're just trying to emulate Pac, which might actually be worse.



I normally would not advocate this, but I'm all for lynching the annoying PRs out of the game.



Look it up, asshat. My spelling is the original spelling of the name. Yours is a sideshow.




They didn't need to - you ooze enough of it as it is.



Worst fake trap ever.



Your jokes are getting worse. Stick with insulting CTM - you suck at everything else.



Verbal/80 team-up. Let's give it a faggy name so it fits in with the others.



Dumb sh*t - my spelling came first, and the page you likely referenced even states it is the original masculine spelling. Which means yours is an afterthought. Is yours gay? No. But it is a substandard fill-in for my original name. Bitch.

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The only reason I could see lynching Nol over JVoR or wombat or anyone else we think is scummy is because he just took a completely random shot at someone because they were "mean" to him. It doesn't seem town like. He wasn't caught up in the game or seemed to be listening to anyone and just shot. 

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And more:



Not really. Just playing along (apparently well over your head - sorry about that).



At least they read my posts. I'd hate to see what the ratio is for reading/glossing over your posts.....

**** you then, no greek pizza for you.

And I'm not even Greek.



Tell your mom I said hi.



Don't care.



What's the vote count? sh*tty mod isn't timely with them.



When did you join DM?



I'm not sure. 80 is dumb enough to have simply thought it was the proper time to reveal, though.

I still say **** it and we lynch him anyway.



Nice distancing, scumbag.


Are you flirting with me?



I'm not letting you get away with the 'oh hess is just crazy' thing you have going. I see through you, chump.

Vote: Hess

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And more:



**** that, he's sure.




Even if I was, you'd drown yourself out by D2 and completely forget.

Non-threatening, you toolbag. I'm going to stick a chopstick in your left eyesocket.



I'll ****ing let you know when you need to feel intimidated, ok? Now shut up and vote yourself.



Hahaha, that is probably true.

Now you're cop directing? Way to keep stacking up the scum. Die.



Is this what you'd rather see? 3=====D



You shut your mouth when you speak to me!!!

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Are you sure you made the attempt? I would think that we'd have seen a fail scene like we did from the night phase... 

You got me

I didn't actually submit the kill I was just trying to fish around for reactions

I'll kill someone now though since Verbal appears to be MIA atm

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You got me

I didn't actually submit the kill I was just trying to fish around for reactions

I'll kill someone now though since Verbal appears to be MIA atm


So, you lied - and 80 went back and did all that quote work? Awesome.



Vote Leelou


I've heard the arguments from some that BG is town, not sure why people always want to throw dirt on cases like that, when they don't "know" for sure, but whatever...


Can anyone argue that Leelou didn't vote CTM and look clean, and then spend the rest of the challenge nudging my train and posturing to flip to me if my train took off?

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Hahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahaahhaha... you are a ******* terrible liar, and you write like an old woman speaks. Heavens to Betsy!!! 


I have never stopped casing you, you've stayed high in my list all along. Even did a read through to vet my lists, and you stayed put.


You never fell, or jumped back up. Liar.





This is my list right now: Lily, Leelou, Hess


FOS and wary of: BG, JIF, Wombat, Smash (GF, or mafia sympathizer amongst townies)

Oh look, another Ape lie!  How many have I caught you in now?


I also have had to tell you twice during our spats to STFU, the most

important was during the challenge with CTM where you were clearly

undermining me. So, you are lying about how YOU chose to leave things

alone. Hell, I just said your name again, and right back in you come

with more bullsh*t.


I've told you to STFU about 20 times now, so what does that mean?  You were the one who wouldn't let it go during the challenge.  Every post I made on the matter after I first brought it up was in response to you, while you not only responded to me, but repeatedly brought up the matter completely independently, even after you were claiming it was all my fault that it was still being discussed.  And no, I'm not lying you idiot, I said I chose to leave it alone starting sometime yesterday, which I did.  You just got finished saying that you never stopped talking about me, and now you're saying I responded the second you mention me.  It is literally impossible to be both, so why don't you let us know which of those two you think is bullsh*t, since it HAS to be one.  Not to mention, you spent 3 straight posts droning on endlessly about me with more of your complete bullsh*t, so of course I responded.  If I didn't respond you'd ramble on about how I was avoiding you, so cut the crap.



Oh, and what's transparent exactly?

The fact that you are going to this great length to come at me, but not

in any way whatsoever calling me scum?


It's transparent that your position is based on nothing more than whoever hurts your feelings most by not conceding to you on everything you say or taking responsibility for your failures.  What I'm calling you is blindingly obsessed.


You are doing a

great job of avoiding votes with teh spam attack, bury the case

defense, and with that idiot 80 refusing to vote you I can only assume

he refuses to view you as well. So, good job. You are the one being

transparent though, at least to me. :)


I'm burying nothing, I have addressed every single point you have made, and you've got nothing.  The fact that you make stuff up and avoid things I call you out on doesn't magically change that.

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So, you lied - and 80 went back and did all that quote work? Awesome.



Vote Leelou


I've heard the arguments from some that BG is town, not sure why people always want to throw dirt on cases like that, when they don't "know" for sure, but whatever...


Can anyone argue that Leelou didn't vote CTM and look clean, and then spend the rest of the challenge nudging my train and posturing to flip to me if my train took off?


I posted all of a couple times during that challenge. I hate gladiator challenges and that is the only reason why I wanted to vote you. I think you are grasping at straws here. I voted CTM because it seemed like the better way to go and you were coming off with a more townie vibe. 


And I have seen a claimed miller live in past games, it was one where I was a cop and SMC was the miller. 

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