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Reggie Bush

Joe Jets fan

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So I have been thinking for a while and I am still waiting for Harris and Holmes to have there contracts re-done so we have a little more cap room.  If that happens the number one FA we should be after is Bush.  Why some will ask, because he is the perfect RB for the offense we are going to run.  This offense needs a quck RB that can catch the ball and make things happen in the open field.  There might not be anyone better at this then Bush.  We do not need him to "ground and pound" anything.  Powell will be the one running for the tough yardage.


Bush has not taking a lot of pounding and is still young enough.  He is the explosive player on offense that we have been missing for years.  Look at the Eagles teams, they always have had a explosive RB during MM years there. 


You get Holmes back with Karley (both good fits for the new offense) get Hill to play like he did in first Buffalo game last year.  ( I think he lost confidence, he can get it back)  Add a one more WR in middle of the draft and the offense would be so much better.


Now I know everyone is just going to say it sucks no matter what because Sanchez, but it might not be him starting.  Give the QB's that are going to compete something to work with. 


Now there are OL problems but signing Bush is a way to make this offense much more explosive.

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I understand everyone wants to fill positions on the cheap but you have to remember, RB is what the new offense is based on.  You have to have a good one.


as for him wanting to play for a contender, yea thats an issue.

Agreed but you can get RB's late in the draft without giving a 3rd contract to an older, injury prone guy with 1400 touches on his tires in the NFL. If you want to sign a FA running back, Amhad Bradshaw is a much better option but even he doesn't make much sense for the Jets. 

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Agreed but you can get RB's late in the draft without giving a 3rd contract to an older, injury prone guy with 1400 touches on his tires in the NFL. If you want to sign a FA running back, Amhad Bradshaw is a much better option but even he doesn't make much sense for the Jets. 



What makes you think Bradshaw can do any of the things catching the ball in space that Bush can??


Look at the Eagles offense the last 10 years, thats whats coming here.  Its west coast with a premium on throwing to the RB. 


Just for once I would like to not go Square peg, Round hole.


get players that fit the system

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MM's last RB, LeSean McCoy, is listed at (5'11, 205).


We have Powell, (5'10, 205).

McKnight, (5'11, 205)


Griffin, (5'10, 205)


Bush is (6'0, 205).  


Am I the only person who would like to see a RB that can compliment what we already have, rather than duplicate it?

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Doesnt Reggie Bush despise Rex?

Money talks...but we're not throwing more at him then someone else will...a team like the Redskins would be a good fit for both.

He wont be a Jet.

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