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AVM is town.



^^^ see, crazy a-hole


Could be crazy a-hole or scum. We could vote him and find out.



Okay, seriously.  It's bothering me that I'm the only person this bothers.  Darthe summed up the game, including him calling Leelou a nickname.  Something he did not do IN THIS THREAD.


He then tried to explain things away as he had a PR.  Though a PR has nothing to do with flat out saying you said something that you didn't say in this thread.  If it was anyone else (save for Nolder, tbh), I could over look it but let's be honest...it's not beyond Darthe to f*** up and mention something he said in a QT.


Also -- only two kinds of people claim people are town are D1.  Crazy aholes like me and Hess, and scum trying to buddy up to people. 


It bothers me too. I actually completely forgot about that hideous "nickname" he called me from like 10 games or whatever ago now. 

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Okay, seriously.  It's bothering me that I'm the only person this bothers.  Darthe summed up the game, including him calling Leelou a nickname.  Something he did not do IN THIS THREAD.


He then tried to explain things away as he had a PR.  Though a PR has nothing to do with flat out saying you said something that you didn't say in this thread.  If it was anyone else (save for Nolder, tbh), I could over look it but let's be honest...it's not beyond Darthe to f*** up and mention something he said in a QT.


Also -- only two kinds of people claim people are town are D1.  Crazy aholes like me and Hess, and scum trying to buddy up to people.

I read it as he has a Power Role not a Post Restriction. Could be helpful if Darthe clarified that.


You just picked out first time player in Halia, TomShane and Klecko who play about 1 game a year, JVoR who hasn't been around in a long time, Mish in her 2nd (I think?) game here, and JC.

If Hallia is Hallia from DM then she's played before, no reason to give her a "newbie pass" especially when we didn't do that for Mish.

Tomshane I don't know if I've ever played with which is why I put my vote on him, few posts so far and no way for me to meta him so I'd just as soon he was dead. Same with Klecko although I can't vote two people at once so he got the pass for now. Anyway what better way to welcome people back to mafia than to put pressure on them and get them talking?

JVOR has been around the block, no reason to give him any sort of pass.

Mish, as was said in her first game here, is not a newbie to mafia. Also not a person who should get any kind of pass for lurking.


We're also less than 24 hours in.  You're trying REALLY hard.

What I'm getting at with these posts is, would you guys like it if I took playing more seriously here? Since I'm not going to play in so many games at once anymore I wont be burning myself out and I can put in more effort into games. I'm kind of an a$$hole when I play seriously so I dunno, might not be as fun but I think it'd make for better games maybe. I'll give it a try anyway and you guys can see what I mean. Except not in JiF's game, I'm just gonna act like I usually do for that game since I'm still kind of burnt out and I don't want to jump right into playing serious so soon after DPR's ghost game.

Jif took so long to start the freaking game that I'm no longer burnt out so the part where I said I wasn't going to play serious no longer applies.

This is me taking a game seriously. We'll talk about whether you like it or not after the game is over.

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Yep Nol, same Hallia.  I have been hanging back a little, mainly because the D1 here has been banter between people I don't really know, there are a few I know from DM, but that's it.

I understand. I don't blame you, most everyone is being pretty useless right now even the people with higher votecounts. But I couldn't list people with low votecount and not include you so you're on the list for now.

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He was very vague. I might actually be willing to unvote if he did give more clarification. 


See, I went the opposite way...I could return to Darthe but then 80 went ahead and self voted...pretty sure we will never see things the same...oh well...


You scum this game?

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See, I went the opposite way...I could return to Darthe but then 80 went ahead and self voted...pretty sure we will never see things the same...oh well...


You scum this game?


What does your magic 8 ball say? 


Are you scum this time? 

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I read it as he has a Power Role not a Post Restriction. Could be helpful if Darthe clarified that.


I'm used to PR being post restriction, but if you were mixed up by it he could potentially mean that since yall both come from DM.  


If Hallia is Hallia from DM then she's played before, no reason to give her a "newbie pass" especially when we didn't do that for Mish.

Tomshane I don't know if I've ever played with which is why I put my vote on him, few posts so far and no way for me to meta him so I'd just as soon he was dead. Same with Klecko although I can't vote two people at once so he got the pass for now. Anyway what better way to welcome people back to mafia than to put pressure on them and get them talking?

JVOR has been around the block, no reason to give him any sort of pass.

Mish, as was said in her first game here, is not a newbie to mafia. Also not a person who should get any kind of pass for lurking.


Tom played one game a couple years ago, Klecko though used to play more often I think.  Been a long time.  My point wasn't that anyone should get a pass (save for Hallia, we try not to lynch first times at JN on their first day...second day she's free game) but rather pointing out how you picked people.  i sort of expect lower contribution from everyone in this group tbh.  Don't know Hallia or Mish very well yet, TS and Klecko aren't regulars, and JVoR can only play once in a blue moon he's so busy.  I'm not saying they shouldn't get pressure if it continues, I'm all for pressuring inactives -- I just think less than 24 hours into a game (at the time) we need to cut these individuals a bit of a break.  Now had this been tomorrow, I could follow you somewhat more.  Just felt odd to be pushing inactives when we haven't even have everyone check in yet (Smash).


Jif took so long to start the freaking game that I'm no longer burnt out so the part where I said I wasn't going to play serious no longer applies.

This is me taking a game seriously. We'll talk about whether you like it or not after the game is over.


Fair enough, and noted.  

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AVM: Sorry, I may be too used to DM mafia where if you don't get on peoples case about activity ASAP it only gets worse and worse.

I'll drop it for now but I do hope to see more from those people soon.



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AVM: Sorry, I may be too used to DM mafia where if you don't get on peoples case about activity ASAP it only gets worse and worse.

I'll drop it for now but I do hope to see more from those people soon.




In games this big I generally give it two RL days to start.  I know as good as anyone things can happen in one day that flat out keep you from getting to something like mafia.  If by this time tomorrow all those folks are in the same spot, they should start getting SOME heat.  If it's the same by game D2, assuming D1 lasts more than a day or two, they should be the focal point unless there is a much more pressing matter (claim and counter claim, cop guilty, lie detector, etc).

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AVM: Sorry, I may be too used to DM mafia where if you don't get on peoples case about activity ASAP it only gets worse and worse.

I'll drop it for now but I do hope to see more from those people soon.


I learned from my first time playing mafia with these creepy LARP ****ers that the more you talk, the more they work themselves up to kill you.

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I learned from my first time playing mafia with these creepy LARP ****ers that the more you talk, the more they work themselves up to kill you.

True. The more active you are at DM, the faster you die. It's ******* stupid.

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I read it as he has a Power Role not a Post Restriction. Could be helpful if Darthe clarified that.


If Hallia is Hallia from DM then she's played before, no reason to give her a "newbie pass" especially when we didn't do that for Mish.

Tomshane I don't know if I've ever played with which is why I put my vote on him, few posts so far and no way for me to meta him so I'd just as soon he was dead. Same with Klecko although I can't vote two people at once so he got the pass for now. Anyway what better way to welcome people back to mafia than to put pressure on them and get them talking?

JVOR has been around the block, no reason to give him any sort of pass.

Mish, as was said in her first game here, is not a newbie to mafia. Also not a person who should get any kind of pass for lurking.


Jif took so long to start the freaking game that I'm no longer burnt out so the part where I said I wasn't going to play serious no longer applies.

This is me taking a game seriously. We'll talk about whether you like it or not after the game is over.


I like it.  Keep going.





Ew.  Not like that.  Perv.

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