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Dia de Muerto - Mafia Win


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If you mother****ers joke lynch me to make Ape happy after he ******* spat in everyone's face, including DPR's, I really will not play here again because that's bullsh*t. I didn't spend nearly 100 pages getting invested in a game so you could try to appease Ape when he's being an emo bitch and quitting because Verbal made him frustrated. That's ****ed up and you all know it. Stop ******* around and play right.

Holy crap DPR!!!! Can you just hand out some participation trophies to everyone and claim yourself " King of the Mafia Goodness."

Do it. Your pressure means sh*t to me right now when my real pressure is choosing between food, and a birthday for my stepson or car payment and rent. In the end? I'm town whether you lynch me today, kill me at night or whatever else. Your tactics don't scare me, it's my gameplay that sucks right now and that's what bothers me.

Reads without a reread or notes (realistically won't be able to do that til this weekend and some of you seem adamant) :

Scum: Ape, Leelou, Wombat

Unsure but leaning town: Pac, Verbal, Nolder, 80

Don't remember the rest of you /no read yet. Lily is lean scummy on but I know how busy she is running her other game so I'm waiting for more posts to decide. unvote Pac

Voted him earlier since I wasn't sure when is be back on I was so upset and he seemed the likely majority today, didn't want another no lynch. Ape

I've been getting a scum vibe from him all game. Constantly throwing sh*t out, nitpicking everything and stretching himself all over in logic. I'm almost feel like he's responsible in some way or other for half the pages in the game so far. Obscure the truth, fake like you're making sense, jump on anything wrong town throws out to throw suspicion on them and focus away from yourself, polarizing people so if they agree with you on one thing they have to support you and agree with you on everything and ignore anything scummy you're doing because they agree so passionately with you about that one thing. Throwing out people's names as scum to put them on the defensive so they're never on the offensive against you unless they're confident enough in their own play to risk it. I'm already expecting you to tear me apart for this but that would happen whether I posted this or anything else. You aren't actually interested in hearing me, I'm scum no matter what.

Sorry for your troubles but the decision is easy. CHOOSE FOOD.

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You know what I've noticed? Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying! If, tomorrow, I tell the thread that, like, Verbal will get shot, or a truckload of power roles will be blown up, nobody panics, because it's all "part of the plan". But when I say that one little old Ape will ragequit, well then everyone loses their minds!


I know I already quoted this, but seriously -- +3294823857634857384 Wombat.  POTW, MVP, all that jazz.

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You sure my pushed lynch (Wombat) wasn't at L-1 near the end? That means the botched deadline is as much on the other train as it was the one I was driving.

Don't ignore that.

You were online but quiet. Jif and Crusher were posting intentional misdirection as far as deadlines went. Were you being told by your team members to wait it out. Were Crusher and jif working together to obfuscate things? I think these are the most important questions so far in the game. Aside from is ape on his period.

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Crush being non committal on d1 lynch time was not a scum tell. He did the exact same thing for 24 hours on Nolder game when it was lylo. Anyone casing crush for that is interesting

He wasn't around that game. He was spouting bullsh*t this time. Big difference.

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And it better not be me.

I will throw a ******* fit if I die first in this game,

I don't care if it's 2 seconds before the next guy I will go apocalyptic.


These anger issues may be contributing to your issues with teh ladies.  Don't worry, I know just the guy to help out.


DCL, we've got a code orange in the game thread.  Your assistance is needed immediately.





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These anger issues may be contributing to your issues with teh ladies.  Don't worry, I know just the guy to help out.


DCL, we've got a code orange in the game thread.  Your assistance is needed immediately.





I don't want girl help. I am perfectly happy with them staying out of my life.

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Nope.  CTM ruins everything.  His constant badgering of the APE has finally taken its toll. 


Something tells me dropping out of this game will rank up there with not lighting one more up with Phish backstage as CTM's greatest regrets in life.

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And it better not be me.

I will throw a ******* fit if I die first in this game,

I don't care if it's 2 seconds before the next guy I will go apocalyptic.

Now I kinda want to troll you...lol.

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Unvote vote Pac


Unvote vote Pac



Also </3 Leelou

Ok this is crap and you jumped on the PAC influence. Your giving little bits and pieces of nothing and that just does not seem like AVM town at all. Your trying to stay under the radar,


Vote AVM

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