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Dia de Muerto - Mafia Win


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I could vote Nolder, but he's lower on my list after Pac, Halia and Verbal. Let's just lynch one of them for the intel. There's some information gained already but lynches tells us things as well.

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I could vote Nolder, but he's lower on my list after Pac, Halia and Verbal. Let's just lynch one of them for the intel. There's some information gained already but lynches tells us things as well.


I can agree on Pac and Hallia, but I still have more of a town read than a scum read on Verbal. 

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I could vote Nolder, but he's lower on my list after Pac, Halia and Verbal. Let's just lynch one of them for the intel. There's some information gained already but lynches tells us things as well.

If Pac were to flip scum I'll look awful but I'm much more ready to kill hall or verb.

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I could vote Nolder, but he's lower on my list after Pac, Halia and Verbal. Let's just lynch one of them for the intel. There's some information gained already but lynches tells us things as well.

Speaking of lists could you please post one? Since you're advocating multiple lynches here. Thanks

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Sudden Death occurs when each player is required to post a name to vote. No case - just a name.


I will evaluate the thread at lunch and if play seems unproductive (all bickering and no voting/casing) we will move directly to SD. 


Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac


Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac


Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac


Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac


Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac


Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac


Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac


Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac


Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac


Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac


Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac


Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac


Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac


Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac


Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac


Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac


Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac


Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac


Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac


Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac


Pac Pac Pac Pac Pac

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I agree with you there.  Also interesting how his lynch stalled D1.




Vote Wombat


My lynched "stalled" because I revealed.  If you're talking about the deadline thing, well that could be also said of Pac.  You are full of it.

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Sudden Death occurs when each player is required to post a name to vote. No case - just a name.


I will evaluate the thread at lunch and if play seems unproductive (all bickering and no voting/casing) we will move directly to SD. 


You are my favorite.

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My lynched "stalled" because I revealed. If you're talking about the deadline thing, well that could be also said of Pac. You are full of it.

I revealed, too. 1-time candle to 50% block all actions against the target. But you still think I'm scum.

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Yeah and they're all crappy obviously.

Considering she's the 5th top poster in the game out of 18 people I think it's fair to say she's read everything you have to say about me. Probably more than once.

First of all it takes two (or more) to do that tango.

You, Ape, and Verbal are just as responsible for those derails as I am.

Secondly I think it was pretty clear to most people that I was aware the game was being derailed and didn't like it. I tried multiple times to shut the argument down. Eventually it was down to me to walk away and it hasn't been easy but for the most part I've done it. Not saying I haven't made some remarks here and there but I haven't let it blow up like before. Where were you during all this? Taking pot shots. Unlike me though you don't seem to regret it at all. You want to fan the flames I want to put them out.

Ok let's get done with this once and for all. You made the same realization earlier than I did. Whoopdidoo. Want a trophy or something? If not then why do you keep bringing it up? To point out that I...what? Am slow? Or are you trying to imply that the rest of the game was already aware of the possibility of everyone being town. I guess I can't speak for anyone else but my impression was that until I voted NL and Arsis came in and said what I was thinking almost no one seemed to have previously considered the possibility. If you want to take a poll go ahead but I'm not sure what you think you'll prove even if most people say they already realized it. The conversation went on for what...3 pages? Then it settled down and we moved on. You were instrumental in that and I gave you full credit after double checking with DPR when I did. Trying to spin this like some intentional big distraction is so obviously disingenuous.

I made the false assumption that we were all town. You made that exact same assumption and as soon as I found out it was false, like you I let it go immediately. As for the cults. I don't know what you think I've said about them was in error. Regardless that wasn't even a big discussion until you and Pac blew it up and like the other discussion it didn't last very long. Again trying to spin this like I was trying to purposely distract town is obviously false and dumb. Hell most of what I said on the subject of cults was in response to things YOU said about them. The subject was boring for me and I didn't see why we were dwelling on it so much.

No you.

No you.

Oh **** you dude. I make jokes when I play mafia. Why? Because it's fun.

You can read into that whatever you want but I was going to unvote you at the time anyway.

Being the townie I am I was torn by the cases being made on Pac at the time and decided to step off and see where people were landing on the subject so I could better asses connections I'd made.



Saying "I don't want to talk about this" and then continuing to talk about it doesn't count as dropping the argument.  If you really wanted to drop it, you would have shut up.  Furthermore, every time I have talked about setup, I have been trying to correct misinformation or faulty conclusions that you have put out there.


As for cults, yeah, I mentioned them first.  Because they were hidden from town as well as scum unless you asked questions, and you and Verbal had started derping up the thread with faulty setup talk.  And the reason we're "dwelling" on it is because you contradicted yourself on it.


"No you" is not a valid argument.


Making jokes is fine.  Making dumb jokes that aren't funny and using them to cloak scummy gameplay is not.

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Current **Unofficial** Vote Count:

Verbal (1) - Crush

Pac (5) - 80, Ape, SMC, Hess, Leelou

Hally (2) - Lily, Lizard

Nolder (5) - Pac, AVM, Arsis, Wombat, LK

AVM (1) - Smash

Wombat (2) - Nolder, Hally

With 18 players, it takes 10 (and apparently an act of God) to lynch.

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There is no extra info in the normal town pm about recruiting . You're either bluffing or you just painted a giant target on yourself. I think it's bullsh*t.




Yeah no that's not what I was saying kthx. I'll try making myself clearer.

* normally I want people to like me and I care what they think about me to a degree

* real life sh*t made it clear to me that this game, what y'all think doesn't matter so...

* I went ahead and made a post of my thoughts even though I knew it would be torn apart, give me anxiety and probably make me feel even more stupid than I already do.

OT I think I've figured out a reason I'm so stupid and tired all the time so maybe there is some light and medication in my future.


Weird, bc your avatar is so cheery too! :)

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Why would we want to vote hallia or wombat.. The two longest trains right now are Pac or Nolder. That's unless you advocate dragging this out until lunch ?


Then lynch Pac. You don't seem to understand that those are the 3 people I'm willing to lynch right now. 

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This is exactly the sh*t that pisses me off. I know scum will be scum and it's a valid tactic but the purposeful misunderstanding of what I've said is so blatant it ******* infuriates me that you haven't been lynched yet.


Regarding the sh*t before the bold, there's nothing to refute. You guys were acting like the very fact there was recruiting was information that would just freaking devastate town if scum found out. Seriously it felt like we were talking about nukes the way you guys (mostly you wombat) kept pushing the angle of "what if scum knew...?". I pointed out it was in the OP all along which I hadn't noticed before.


Now coming back to the bold I "lambasted" you for withholding the knowledge that everyone could be town and the fact that that was an incorrect assumption. The info you're referring to (about cult mechanics) and the info I'm referring to (the incorrect reasoning for NL) are two different things but you'll keep conflating them and spin your bullsh*t stories so I don't even know why I'm correcting you again. For Leelou and other observers I guess god help me if they don't lynch you tomorrow after Pac.



Everyone knew there was recruiting.  Not everyone knew that the recruited became cults.  For someone not in the know, maybe it was a neighbor or mason type mechanic.  Scum knowing whether or not there are other scum factions in the game is pretty important.  It affects their gameplay immensely and keeping that kind of info from them can get them to screw up night actions or out themselves.  I've already alluded to this.  That's why it was a big deal.  That's why I held it back until forced to divulge it to keep us on track.

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Explain this post. from at least, page 105 on, Arsis was pretty much spot on and Nolder and Pac tried ripping him over nothing. 


Explain what.....i had a revelation....pac looks bad there... it doesnt make nolder look any better either...we got equal votes on two guys that are probably both scum now.... actually no we dont, nolders is one longer. so regardless, in your post above you're saying we can kill either. so lets just kill nolder

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Explain what.....i had a revelation....pac looks bad there... it doesnt make nolder look any better either...we got equal votes on two guys that are probably both scum now.... actually no we dont, nolders is one longer. so regardless, in your post above you're saying we can kill either. so lets just kill nolder


Ok, that's what I needed explaining. I didn't know what you meant by, "oh sh*t"

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