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Marvel vs. DC Mafia


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Really sorry everyone but I have to drop out.

My friend was almost arrested yesterday because his wife is making crazy sh*t up and saying he abused her and forced her to have sex with him.

The only reason he's not in jail right now is because she couldn't keep her story straight.

I don't know wtf is going to be happening for the next few days but I know this game is pretty much the last thing on my mind.


You're good buddy -- don't sweat it

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Really sorry everyone but I have to drop out.

My friend was almost arrested yesterday because his wife is making crazy sh*t up and saying he abused her and forced her to have sex with him.

The only reason he's not in jail right now is because she couldn't keep her story straight.

I don't know wtf is going to be happening for the next few days but I know this game is pretty much the last thing on my mind.


no worries

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Just give me 2 votes and let's move on.

You played a great scum game. You suck at playing town. You have terrible instincts. Go look at the Thalia lynch and read the end. Decide from that who is scummier. Me or Leelou.

You keep calling wombat confirmed scum. He DROVE the Thalia lynch. Nobody except CTM buses that hard that early

Just because you want to be right does not make you right

Go read it please.

You are WRONG about me and pretty sure wring on wombay. He begged us to lynch halua. Shocked if he bussed her that early.

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You played a great scum game. You suck at playing town. You have terrible instincts. Go look at the Thalia lynch and read the end. Decide from that who is scummier. Me or Leelou.

You keep calling wombat confirmed scum. He DROVE the Thalia lynch. Nobody except CTM buses that hard that early

Just because you want to be right does not make you right

Go read it please.

You are WRONG about me and pretty sure wring on wombay. He begged us to lynch halua. Shocked if he bussed her that early.

It's you, darthe and I don't know who else.

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You played a great scum game. You suck at playing town. You have terrible instincts. Go look at the Thalia lynch and read the end. Decide from that who is scummier. Me or Leelou.

You keep calling wombat confirmed scum. He DROVE the Thalia lynch. Nobody except CTM buses that hard that early

Just because you want to be right does not make you right

Go read it please.

You are WRONG about me and pretty sure wring on wombay. He begged us to lynch halua. Shocked if he bussed her that early.


Agree...the participation level is super gay

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It's you, darthe and I don't know who else.



Whatever dude.  You are terrible at this. 



Make a deal with you.  If I flip scum you can pick a new screename for me.  If I flip town I pick one for you.


Come on. Your so smart and so sure.  Put up or shut up faggot!!!

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Whatever dude. You are terrible at this.

All I see from you is calling everyone dicks and trying to start a few different trains. Insulting everyone who votes for you is really a town move.

I thought you were all in on jc why are we on leelou now? Change my mind about you without calling me an idiot by making a case. Quote the posts that stand out. All I see from you is a lot of noise and insults.

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Whatever dude. You are terrible at this.

Make a deal with you. If I flip scum you can pick a new screename for me. If I flip town I pick one for you.

Come on. Your so smart and so sure. Put up or shut up faggot!!!


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All I see from you is calling everyone dicks and trying to start a few different trains. Insulting everyone who votes for you is really a town move.

I thought you were all in on jc why are we on leelou now? Change my mind about you without calling me an idiot by making a case. Quote the posts that stand out. All I see from you is a lot of noise and insults.

You stupid a$$hole.  If you read the game rather than sat their like a little pussy and get your feelings hurt you would realize Smash investigated JC and said he is town.  I dont like it as much as anyone but I would hope the real cop would have revealed by now.  So Smash is it.  He say JC and Pacturs are twon. 


Im insulting people because nobody is really playing the game.  Its frustrating. 


OK fine.  If you need me to go back and l;ay out the lynch I will.  Idiot.

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Reveal: I'm the Godfather

LK pulls the trigger on trap



vote Lizzie


Halia takes the bait

I'm Town, but your vote is noted.


LK reveals its a trap

Well, I'm about to hammer so convince mr not to.


You questions

Classic wifom.


You continue to question


Vote Hallia



More of a reaction test imo.  Either way, it worked.  Hallia is dirty.


Gives reason for vote

Damn, didnt even realize this could be a trap.



Vote Hallia


LK - you're a genius.


Vote and reason

unvote, vote hallia

unvotes LK and votes Halia

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LK pulls the trigger on trap

Halia takes the bait

LK reveals its a trap

You questions

You continue to question


Gives reason for vote

Vote and reason

unvotes LK and votes Halia

So leelou was a bus vote? I'm not seeing it.

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Any reasons?


Questioning Leelous vote

I don't think Lizzie would actually have the balls to claim scum as scum. Hallia's vote looks a bit like "okay, let's jump on the easy wagon." 

Good answer except sorta what she just did herself


Super close to starting to read.


Useless Pac is useless

LK clearly thinks on another level than we do.  But I find Leelou's vote on Hallia to be scummy and she remains on my scum list.


Unvote vote Leelou


He sees what I see

That being said, Leelou, your vote on Hallia was opportunism at its finest.



Funny because your vote on halia has the same feel..

Telling Leelou what I thought of it


Leelou vote is bad. Halias is easy lazy or not reading. Not scummy if you ask me.


My opinion it was wrong but Im town so I dont know the answer


Vote LK


no way he thought of that on his own.


He's being coached to be crazy.  Probably on a team with 80.


JiF switches back half joking

Well, I don't like that you went along with that.


You call him out

Scene incoming.

JiF dies

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5-7 mistakes? How many walls has she walked into? My dog was trained by day 3. Here's what you do. You take a piss pad, and you rub it in the "mistake". You take dog outside, put piss pad and grass, and then you let dog sniff it. Dog will start walking to the door and whimpering. You're welcome.


From all I've read 5 mistakes is remarkable for a pug..  especially considering she was 6 weeks old when we got her.


Your "advice" has been ignored.

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I am. People even remarked on it being opportunistic at the time. That's because scum often have trouble making their bus votes look legit.

His second post is more convincing. I can see where he is coming from now.

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And your vote looks just as bad. 


Maybe setting up Lilly to be lynched next

Thank you for your input parrot boy.  Truth is is you read the thread rather than just talk crap Arisi admitted to shooting JiF before he even shot him.  I will ad you to my list for scum.




1. LK

2. Leelous

3. Smash (fake claim)

4. Parrot boy. 


Your not reading the game and earlier you just parroted everyone else.

Im still thinking LK, not liking Leelou, pressing smash still, calling JC parrot boy


OK...missed that...repost for the slow dude...wife had me at Lowe's looking at Kitchen makeovers...can't see straight...

JC just asked who shot JIF after you already said you did


He is not reading. He was just playing follow the leader earlier and I called him out for parroting and now he is trying to make it look like Im dirty.   He should die soon. Like tomorrow/ 


CAlling jc out for not reading

Wow your so scum. You are now my number two.

pushing JC to get him to confront me


Your the dirtiest player in the league...call the foul.


He confronts me

Your vote was not ok because of the tone.  Saying "Um....?" before you vote someone who did something questionable implies that you don't quite understand what's going on but are going to lynch it anyway.  That is basically jumping on an easy vote while at the same time preemptively disowning it.  It is not a town reaction.  A townie would either have ignored LK, or just laughed at him and voted him rather than trying to act confused.

Wombat disects Halias vote on LK and it starts to make sense


That's because you need to up your crazy level.




You give Hallia way too much benefit of the doubt here.  Srsly.  She's not a noob.  Stop giving her noob passes.

Crusher gives me a slap for giving Halia a newbie pass, I was guilty of it cause never played much with her

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I'm an idiot.


You actually started calling yourself an idiot before I did.  Just saying

Yes That being said your play has been solid. I do however hate your steroid bloated jaw line for killing my sweet one. Smash is not fooling anyone.

Being nice to you cause you had sad from being an idiot, your words not mine


Well then you're a perfect candidate for a D1 lynch.

RIP and thank for volunteering.


Vote Hallia


Nolder vote with reasoning

I'm so reading this at some point today.


still useless

Very little contribution and thought it was odd he came into the thread and asked if anyone put pressure on me?  He is useless but I think he can be dealt with later. 


Jetscode did a lot of parroting and acting busy.  I like him for scum.  Leelou I agree on, her vote on Halia was dreadful and oopurtunistic. 


Unovte vote Leelou


give my opinions on my people on my lise and vote Leelou

Home from work.  Seeing a couple of people changing over to Pac.  Not really seeing a reason, but then, it doesn't seem like Pac's ever going to catch up and read the game.


I'd toss a vote on him but that'd be...opportunistic? :lol:


This is the post that struck me as odd

It's a reaction test.  Scum look for easy votes on townies that they don't have to take responsibility for.  That's exactly what Hallia's vote looked like to me.  From the PoV of anyone who thinks LK is likely town, Hallia is likely scum.


Wombat starts pushing hard for her lynch

^ Not even trying to act pro-town anymore.

more convincing


Seriously, someone tell me how this post is even close to pro-town.


She basically said:  Hey guys, I see you're running up Pac for no apparent reason.  I'd be right there with you, but I'm worried that would look opportunistic.

I looked at her post again after this

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