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Marvel vs. DC Mafia


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Hess what are your thoughts on Definitive Technology Mythos XTR 20BP's for surrounds?  Cause I just bought dem bitchez!


To compliment my new Onkyo 818, Definitive Tech 55SM fronts, 8040HD center, and my Outlaw LFM EX monster sub..  surrounding me with glorious sound while I watch on my award winning Panasonic 55ST50 Plasma.


I suspect between delivery and setup I won't be fully operational until 4th of july weekend.  I'll keep everyone informed...

I'm intrigued. I like home entertainment.

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No but I'm pretty good looking Arsis. I'm thinking about following your lead and just saying heck with the reading 56 pages. Saw your list but who you voting for.

You and me both, we should start a club.

Don't follow my lead I shot jif day 1. I'm thinking about voting darthe for the whole 27 posts all game thing.

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As the heroes restarted their search, reinvigorated by the reappearance of everyone's favorite tennis pro, two things were certain:  Darthe, Destroyer of Hope was going to be the choice and he wasn't really going to do anything about it.


The saying "late to his own funeral" definitely applied to Darthe.  He didn't fight, argue, counter, or even show up as the group came to the majority decision that Darthe, Destroyer of Hope was the next to go and his absence certainly didn't help things.


The case against Darthe grew, point after point:


"He's hiding.  Barely active in a search that ALL our lives depend on"


"Look at some of his interactions, few as they might be...he's trying to set us up!!"

"Um...his name is Darthe, Destroyer of Hope. Really, guys...are you stupid?"


"Has anyone noticed that while the Destroyer of Hope was gone no one new has died, The Lovely Leelou bought a new puppy, AND Arsis saved a lot of money on his car insurance by switching to Geico (not that he needed it or anything)"


They began to work themselves up into a frenzy, frantic to get this one right after a couple of missteps.  Generally this is the spot where a hero steps up to defend their honor, proclaim their innocence...but not Darthe.  That's when Hess AKA Nick Fury AKA Shaft AKA everyones favorite local tennis pro AKA the man NASCAR fears most stepped forth with the best case of all.


"He's Darthe" the beloved hero said as he jumped in his car and took off like a crazed man.


Any normal person it would have taken hours...days...weeks...maybe even years to find Darthe, Destroyer of Hope.  But we you can drive 210 through the streets of Manhatten you can get everywhere pretty fast.  


Darthe didn't look up, say a word or put up any resistance as the speeding car raced towards him.  All he'd need was two words and his life may have been spared.


Flame on no more, Destroyer of Hope.  No more.


Darthe the Destroyer of Hope, The Human Torch (vanilla town) has been hit at speeds your mind can't possibly comprehend....and is now dead!!!!


It is now night.

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Sorry -- it takes me a little while to write them if I'm unprepared and it was a little more difficult without any posting from the lynchee lol

Don't you ever apologize for the time it takes you to write a scene, ever again! Not to mention you're reasonably quick and incredibly lucid 

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Player List (will be updated each phase):


1. The Lovely Leelou
2. The Arsonist
3. Lizard-Man (The Incredible Hulk, vanilla town) -- Killed N2
4. The Smasher
5. The Amazing Human-Roadkill, Wombat
6. The 80 million cent man (Wolverine, town tracker) -- Killed N1
7. Just In Fudge, player of Vince Carter (Mr. Fantastic, vanilla town) -- Killed D1
8. The magical JC
9. Mega-Nolderp replaced by Hess AKA Nick Fury AKA Shaft AKA eveyone's favorite tennis pro AKA the man NASCAR fears most
10. Haaaaaaaaa-ahhh ahhh ahh ahhhhhhhhh-ahhhh ahhh llliiiiaaaaaaaaaaa (The Flash, scum goon) -- Lynched D1
11. Pac-man
12. Darthe, destroyer of hope (The Human Torch, vanilla town)
13. Verbal AKA Stanley Cup Man
14. The Crusher
15. Lilian of the Forest (The Amazing Spiderman, vanilla town) -- Lynched D2

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It is now night.  NA's due no later than 10 PM tonight -- that gives everyones schedule a chance no matter what and allows us to continue play before the weekend hits and slows us down.

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