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Jerry Rice says Jim Harbaugh is Gone.


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Nothing bad can happen by giving Jim Harbaugh complete control of the organization.


As opposed to the run of sustained excellence we've grown accustomed to under the Idzik-Ryan regime?


At a loss why Harbaugh would go anyplace but Ann Arbor, where he can pretty much get away with yelling at kids 4 years at a time for a decade or so. And we're about to see the college Final 4 become the 2nd biggest sporting event only behind the Super Bowl. 


Cowher i suspect is waiting for Tom Coughlin's "retirement".


Jets need to find a young hungry GM, and let him find some young hungry coach. Would consider Gruden, who might like to work with Mariota were that to come to pass. 


One suggestion-who ever is the GM or HC, bring back Westoff in some capacity.


If we go this route, I wouldn't mind an Eliot Wolf/Gus Malzahn combo. 

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Side note, how was Interstellar? I'm going this weekend and am trying to beat down the excitement boner, but to no avail.

It's incredible in imax. You have to see it in that format, on as big a screen as possible. I enjoyed it a lot, I am just debating on whether or not I cared about the story.

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He's 4-4 with a stacked team and the team hates him. He's totally awkward and horrible with the media. He's perfect for the Jets. Get this beast!!!


Jim Harbaugh is no Rex Ryan. Listen to this smart young man named Jif, he is very, very knowledgeable. Plus, Jim Harbaugh will not be nice to me, I prefer Rex.

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At a loss why Harbaugh would go anyplace but Ann Arbor, where he can pretty much get away with yelling at kids 4 years at a time for a decade or so. And we're about to see the college Final 4 become the 2nd biggest sporting event only behind the Super Bowl. 


Cowher i suspect is waiting for Tom Coughlin's "retirement".


Jets need to find a young hungry GM, and let him find some young hungry coach. Would consider Gruden, who might like to work with Mariota were that to come to pass. 


One suggestion-who ever is the GM or HC, bring back Westoff in some capacity. 


I think the only allure for Harbough to stick around the NFL is to show that he could stand upto the challenge.   He can sort of be like Saban if he goes back to Michigan, because he has the pull to get recruits and make them competitive (albeit not at the level of Saban) and coast from there.  But he'd still be seen as someone who in a way couldn't handle the NFL, so he would have something to prove, especially since his brother already won a SB.  So it might just be an ego thing that keeps him in the NFL.


But if you are a big time coach that got let go, I don't know why someone wouldn't just go to college, and coast on easy money.  They make near what NFL coaches make right now, have much more power, easier time recruiting because of their status, and live life comfortably.   Just imagine if Rex went to some school as the HC, say Miami.  His personality works great in recruiting, his defensive schemes would be hard as heck for college QBs to understand, and he could actually rebuild a program.  Although I think he'll get a HC job in the NFL if he's let go this offseason, because he still has too much value and would be great in the right situation.  

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He's 4-4 with a stacked team and the team hates him. He's totally awkward and horrible with the media. He's perfect for the Jets. Get this beast!!!


Harbaugh is too thin skinned for this gig..

I like grudens nasty demeanor. He's still watched coach film for gods sake. I could be reall happy with gruden.

But.... He also has enough clout to pick his organization and this one probably ain't it.

Maybe he's cocky enough to say "Hell yeah, I can fix it."

Who knows...today I'm thinking rex And idzik both survive ... Tomorrows another day.

"This is the life we chose. There's no getting out."

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It's incredible in imax. You have to see it in that format, on as big a screen as possible. I enjoyed it a lot, I am just debating on whether or not I cared about the story.


That's pretty much exactly how I felt about Avatar.  It's like okay, awesome, you're basically the bastard child of Ferngully and Pocahontas, but you look so damned sexy.  I was thinking this might be like that, but a little more intellectually stimulating. Definitely seeing it this weekend, we'll have to discuss afterwards.

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