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The Wizard of Oz, A Wizard's Nightmare...GAME THREAD

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On 5/16/2018 at 7:44 AM, HessStation said:

Official Vote Count: 

Brick (7) Stark, JC, Leelou, LK, Nol, DPR, Brick

GATA (1) Pac

Smash (1) JiF

80 (4) Verbal, CTM, Ape, Smash

Nol (1) Crusher

 Pac (1) 80




 With 17 alive it takes 9 votes to lynch

Deadline, Wednesday 8:00 PM


On 5/16/2018 at 9:01 AM, Stark said:

you are supposed to say "gross" that is how we mock JiF

probably the first time a female has informed him of his train

Why have you only voted for PAC and SMASH? we have a deadline and you are throwing votes at people with none and are currently voting for no one.  

Gata you scum again? you seem to be playing similarly to last game... 



Found this interesting too. Parked on Brick only to jump to 80, the 2nd largest train.

Still no mention of LK while he screams about a deadline. 

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IM GOING TO COME FOR YOU NEXT GAME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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On 5/16/2018 at 9:06 AM, Lizard King said:

This makes zero sense 

This was in response to the same post from Stark.  Stark never even responded to the guy fake claiming his role.  

His next post: 

On 5/16/2018 at 9:53 AM, Stark said:

Yup, I voted 80... I mess with Gata every game about her being scum just because her responses are kind of humorous to me. go look back at the previous games this is nothing new.

I was voting brick most of this entire game, we have a deadline. The 80 train is gaining momentum, and the more brick post the more i am second guessing my vote on him.

LOL, greatest scum hunter of all time... ugh. You obviously are not. 



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Stark, save us all a lot of trouble...

The only reason a Cop doesn't reveal their findings is to protect the innocents form becoming targets. The Cop is already outed, so mitigating the additional loses is important.

When a Towny is outed, they become an easy target because they are a "known" player and make it easier for the Town to zero in on unknowns. 

But, when a counterclaim is made, the situation then focuses entirely on catching the Scum. That's where we are now.

One of you is scum and your answers are what will help everyone determine what to do. 

That's why it's necessary FOR BOTH parties to spell it out, the sooner the better. 

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On 5/16/2018 at 10:15 AM, Stark said:

Brick I throw out misinformation and BS every game to see reactions, its nothing new. I mess with gata being scum every game that is also nothing new. Feel free to go back and look at the previous games. 

LOL, talk about someone that is not the same as previous games its you my man. 

Weird comment

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On 5/16/2018 at 10:51 AM, Stark said:

half the votes on D1 are just bs anyway, and as you pointed out I was in early on brick train mostly to see how he would react .. Looking back, closer to a deadline i switched to 80 because of the crusher interaction earlier.

I voted for:

Lizzie (he claimed cop)




Another weird one.  He points out how he unvoted the guy fake claiming his role.  

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On 5/16/2018 at 12:00 PM, Stark said:

well in this massive 30 pages of which maybe 5 has any legit gameplay I can't say with much certainty that I have a top 3 yet. but I would have to go with:

Scum options?




People I don't trust:

Lizzy (past game influence)


If the bold wasnt on there, I'd be like...ok, this is easy. 

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17 minutes ago, D P R said:

Stark, save us all a lot of trouble...

The only reason a Cop doesn't reveal their findings is to protect the innocents form becoming targets. The Cop is already outed, so mitigating the additional loses is important.

When a Towny is outed, they become an easy target because they are a "known" player and make it easier for the Town to zero in on unknowns. 

But, when a counterclaim is made, the situation then focuses entirely on catching the Scum. That's where we are now.

One of you is scum and your answers are what will help everyone determine what to do. 

That's why it's necessary FOR BOTH parties to spell it out, the sooner the better. 

This.  I would be fine with a cop out holstering an innocent but not now when we're trying to decide who's lying. 

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15 minutes ago, Stark said:

of course you investigated, gata... of course.. you should have said any other name 

LOL I really want to believe you're a cop cause your OMGUS is strong

Listen if he is scum regardless he knows who is or isn't town the same thing if you're scum.

I'm still town with or without his reveal but you aren't making a case for yourself in a calm and collected manner. 

You said you're trying to get reactions you got them earlier stop melting down just reveal your findings and be done with it.

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2 hours ago, Stark said:

Start of the game.. I am the COP

Lizzie, I just said I have a bunch of stuff I have to get done at the office. 

Wasting time... 

I tried to find scum on N1, and I did not investigate Lizzy because, Lets be honest, Lizzie is about the least influential player in this game, he threatened cop just to stay alive and for what, he had 6 votes on him on D1 when votes change constantly. Lizzie is ZERO threat - in any mafia game, this is just a fact (at least the 3 games I have played) so carrying him further in the game made sense to me in order to possibly find other scum. 

I was hoping to not have to claim or counter his claim so early in the game as I know I will just get NK'd and was hoping to be able to do this a little later, and hopefully have found another scum during the Night phase.




VOTE LIZZIE - lying sob




2 hours ago, Stark said:

And last game I told you ape was town, which he was, I then led the lynch of 80 who was scum.

2 hours ago, GATA said:

So why not counter him confront the lie and have him lynched as a liar instead of killing an innocent person D1?

2 hours ago, GATA said:

You were also scum BB you can't really use that 




2 hours ago, Stark said:

I agree its not like a good player false claimed cop, but if you are town, why the F would you claim cop that early, in a non-open set-up

2 hours ago, Stark said:

in a 2 scum team game... scum vs scum vs town... don't give me that BS... just as important for scum to hunt scum as it was for town to hunt scum

2 hours ago, The Crusher said:

Ok. Not bad. Gotta look at lizzie like we look at UFO’s. “Hey? Anybody here from Florida.?” unvote 



2 hours ago, Stark said:


Carrying a weak player as scum further would make it easier to off him with the counter claim, also the not getting NK'd on n1 when I could still have the chance to find more scum

2 hours ago, Stark said:

you are not making me think you are any less scum, fwiw


2 hours ago, Stark said:

umm... i have 4 votes.

I also have a bunch of stuff I should be working on... and once Lizzie said there was no way he would vote gata today, I figured now was the best time.

1 hour ago, Stark said:

You may not be scum, but at this point in the game I know Lizzie is not cop, because I am, I also am at L-3 with a 8pm deadline... then out of nowhere LK makes the " I won't be convinced to vote gata today " or whatever his exact words were. To me the unnecessary statement about him not voting for you + he responded to D P R's post an not mine when he said that + the whole false claim and your timing around it. Like i said you may not be scum but you are on my list still. I haven't cleared you completely.

There is also no guarantee I make it to D3 being at L-3 already..

Also, the over-reaction / seemingly confused  is also part of me getting reactions... how I got 80 last game... 

I am out for at least an hour in just a few min.

2 hours ago, Leelou said:

Yeah...I don't really see much here as you not believing the claim. The only real reason I can see you mentioned that you don't trust him is due to past game experience. So why do I buy your counter claim now? 

1 hour ago, Stark said:

I can't say I don't trust LK because I am the cop, but I want to try to use that to town's advantage later. You don't have to buy it, all I can say is that it is 100% genuine and everything I do in a mafia game is not by accident


50 minutes ago, Lizard King said:

I mean, do I have to spell it out? I investigated Gata and she's innocent.

48 minutes ago, Leelou said:

Isn't stark the newbie that uses spreadsheets n sh*t? 

18 minutes ago, Stark said:

of course you investigated, gata... of course.. you should have said any other name 


15 minutes ago, Leelou said:

And who did you investigate? Inquiring minds want to know. 

Okay fine....


I investigated Crusher. sorry @The Crusher

Reason: he is a hard lynch, very influential in every game I have played with him. He has also made it to the end of all the 3 previous games I have played IMO probably one of the stronger players of all.

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Just now, Stark said:











Okay fine....


I investigated Crusher. sorry @The Crusher

Reason: he is a hard lynch, very influential in every game I have played with him. He has also made it to the end of all the 3 previous games I have played IMO probably one of the stronger players of all.

OK so why'd you make such a big deal out of me investigating Gata? I don't get it.

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None of what stark is doing makes sense, but last game when he rope-a-doped 80 he wasn't ever clear in his QT that is what he was doing. It confused me cause I initially thought he was baiting the other team but his comments in thread and QT seemed like he didn't understand the result i gave him. 

Maybe he communicates better in spreadsheet?

Also, he's a noob so I'm sure he doesn't know how to handle this type of situation. I can definitely see him slow playing this where as Gata would've jumped down LK's throat with equally confusing stream of consciousness posts

fwiw, my gut says stark is being genuine and lk is lying but the way stark acted around LK's reveal is very odd and making me question my gut.


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2 minutes ago, Lizard King said:

OK so why'd you make such a big deal out of me investigating Gata? I don't get it.

Cause he says he thinks you are trying to clear your scum mate or frame gata.. try n keep up

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