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Tension boiling over with Urban Meyer and Jags

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3 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

So you’re saying Saleh should’ve been fired over the bye week? I disagree.

No, he shouldn't have

He didn't stay at some bar without his team when they lost before the bye week, unlike Meyer

and then cause a bunch of crazy crap because he was an idiot

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3 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

??? it’s the only thing you’ve been saying…. You can’t get over Meyer benching a player. You’ve mentioned it 10x.

Why aren’t you one of the guys screaming about Saleh not playing Mims?

I think you're mixing people up, I've said it 10x and you're kind of right, I can't get over it for some reason.

You have a lot of good points. About why Saleh didn't start playing Mims for a while, it became obvious when he got onto the field, as he had difficulty catching when he was there, and reports said that he wasn't running his routes right. 

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4 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

??? it’s the only thing you’ve been saying…. You can’t get over Meyer benching a player. You’ve mentioned it 10x.

Why aren’t you one of the guys screaming about Saleh not playing Mims?

Robinson was an all rookie with a 1k season on his belt, and this year has almost 5 ypc. 

Denzel Mims hasn't even scored a TD in his career yet, let alone even reached 500 yards. 

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46 minutes ago, Mogglez said:

But there-in lies the issue.  This is what Urban Meyer looks like when he doesn’t have “a headache” or “heart issue” that conveniently arrives when his program has to go through a rebuild.  This is what he looks like when he’s actually tasked with playing against the big boys.  He’s deflecting all the blame to everyone else because he scared, cornered, rat in a cage who, for the first time, can’t scurry his way out of adversity.  He isn’t doing this for the good of the Jaguars future. He’s doing this because he can’t accept responsibility for struggling mightily at the NFL level.

We both dislike Meyer, (and for the same reasons) the difference between you, @Hex and me with this is, I’m not letting my personal feelings interfere, nor am I buying into every negative comment some hack down in gatorsburg USA has to say about his weekly coaching decisions.

I’m going to take a page from the Zach/Saleh supporters here and say “it’s been 12 weeks” and maybe let this thing play out a bit. Just like with Saleh, I wasn’t expecting Meyer to turn things around in a single season.

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3 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

We both dislike Meyer, (and for the same reasons) the difference between you, @Hex and me with this is, I’m not letting my personal feelings interfere, nor am I buying into every negative comment some hack down in gatorsburg USA has to say about his weekly coaching decisions.

I’m going to take a page from the Zach/Saleh supporters here and say “it’s been 12 weeks” and maybe let this thing play out a bit. Just like with Saleh, I wasn’t expecting Meyer to turn things around in a single season.

You have very good points there (Except for maybe the gatorsburg USA thing, I use profootballreference and multiple sources before saying anything here). I may be hypocritical with Meyer, but his start with the Jaguars is one of the rockiest starts to an NFL career for a coach, and most of the signs point to his eventual firing.

They also do with Saleh, but he's also done stuff to help his case, like having a history with the NFL. 

I don't know, though. Maybe it's just an inner feeling that I shouldn't trust, but Meyer seems like he's on the verge of failing in epic fashion.

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Is Meyer respected in the locker? 

17 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

??? it’s the only thing you’ve been saying…. You can’t get over Meyer benching a player. You’ve mentioned it 10x.

Why aren’t you one of the guys screaming about Saleh not playing Mims?

Mims has his shot this week.  He seems to be a basket case… All the ability in the world, but does he know routes and formations yet?  

If he would step up and be the aggressive fast WR who high points the football it would be huge.   I don’t expect it any longer, but if he wants to step up great.  

Getting called out publicly by his rookie QB over the benching seems to be the bigger news to me.  

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1 hour ago, Mogglez said:

^^ One of the people who wanted us to hire Meyer and called the Johnson’s cheap for not doing so btw, ladies and gentlemen.

Saleh, almost definitely, isn’t getting fired, FTR.  In the almost non-existent chance he does?  Good luck at getting any coach worth a damn to come here.  It would be an absolutely, mind numbingly stupid decision to fire Saleh after this year.

Urban not trying is a better coach than Saleh.

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5 minutes ago, Grandy said:

Robinson was an all rookie with a 1k season on his belt, and this year has almost 5 ypc. 

Denzel Mims hasn't even scored a TD in his career yet, let alone even reached 500 yards. 

How long was Robinson benched for? Was it years? Months? Weeks? I’d rather see a good player be benched for making a lazy mistake than seeing a HC bury a kid on the bench because he can’t play 5 positions.

Coaches bench players for making mistakes. It happens all the time. See Tiki Barber/Coughlin. See Belichek/ this years RB. Then you put them back in to see if they’ve learned from it. That’s better than burying a kid all season.

Urban Meyer has the right to bench any player he wants to. Simple as that. Just like any other HC does, but he has the career accomplishments most don’t, so for him it’s not even a question.


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7 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

How long was Robinson benched for? Was it years? Months? Weeks? I’d rather see a good player be benched for making a lazy mistake than seeing a HC bury a kid on the bench because he can’t play 5 positions.


Both teams have a rookie QB who need to rely on their RBs and WRs. JAX has a good RB in Robinson, who has proven he can do the job well

If a WR can't run the routes, it becomes much harder for a rookie QB to throw to them. Mim's isn't expected to play 5 positions. He's expected to play 1 position and to the 5 parts of it well. Plus, if he was any good, he would be targeted more than he has been when he is active and playing

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16 minutes ago, Hex said:

You have very good points there (Except for maybe the gatorsburg USA thing, I use profootballreference and multiple sources before saying anything here). I may be hypocritical with Meyer, but his start with the Jaguars is one of the rockiest starts to an NFL career for a coach, and most of the signs point to his eventual firing.

They also do with Saleh, but he's also done stuff to help his case, like having a history with the NFL. 

I don't know, though. Maybe it's just an inner feeling that I shouldn't trust, but Meyer seems like he's on the verge of failing in epic fashion.

I appreciate you being honest. I get rooting against someone like Meyer, and I enjoyed this back and forth with you.

The only thing I’ll add,  is if you look at this objectively, you can’t say Saleh has earned anything to help his case this year because of his history within the league, then ignore another guys HOF career as a HC.

To me, it’s either both deserve to be fired or both deserve more than one year. Both walked into miserable situations and deserve time, imo.

i’ll let you have the last word now, though. Again, it was fun talking with you!

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19 minutes ago, Hal N of Provo said:

Is Meyer respected in the locker? 

Mims has his shot this week.  He seems to be a basket case… All the ability in the world, but does he know routes and formations yet?  

If he would step up and be the aggressive fast WR who high points the football it would be huge.   I don’t expect it any longer, but if he wants to step up great.  

Getting called out publicly by his rookie QB over the benching seems to be the bigger news to me.  

Did Lawrence call him out though, or was it more a case of a QB assuming a leadership role and going to his HC to plead the case that another player realized a mistake?

I looked at this and gained respect for Lawrence, and also liked the fact that Meyer listened to him and agreed.

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3 minutes ago, Green Ghost said:

I appreciate you being honest. I get rooting against someone like Meyer, and I enjoyed this back and forth with you.

The only thing I’ll add,  is if you look at this objectively, you can’t say Saleh has earned anything to help his case this year because of his history within the league, then ignore another guys HOF career as a HC.

To me, it’s either both deserve to be fired or both deserve more than one year. Both walked into miserable situations and deserve time, imo.

i’ll let you have the last word now, though. Again, it was fun talking with you!

Meyer's HOF career can't be applied in the NFL due to how much faster and different it is, but I get your point. Both of them need time, but whether either of them deserve it is up in the air.

Thanks for letting he have the last word, I enjoyed talking with you too!

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1 minute ago, Matt39 said:

Two National titles at two different schools. The guy is insane but he can coach. Saleh is a high school coach.

Joe Flacco has more SB wins than Dan Marino. Does that make Flacco more qualified? No, it doesn't. Meyer might have won 2 National titles with 2 different schools, but Ohio State has been in the mix with other HCs too and awesome rosters, and Utah was good too.

Saleh has been in the NFL since the early 2000s

That said, statistics like these are really easy to twist, so it's hard to say what the truth is. I'm just going to take the fact that the (for the most part) healthy Jaguars have a worse record than the injury-decimated Jets as my interpretation of this.

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1 hour ago, Matt39 said:

Two National titles at two different schools. The guy is insane but he can coach. Saleh is a high school coach.

Damn, all that and he still f*cking sucks in the NFL.


It’s almost like college success means absolute dick in the big leagues.

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1 minute ago, Matt39 said:

3-9 with the worst defense in franchise history vs the guy who won two National titles. Okay.

Sick points bro.  All that means is that Urban is 2-10 in the NFL, but at least he has really nice Minor League Football trophies! 

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2 minutes ago, Mogglez said:

Sick points bro.  All that means is that Urban is 2-10 with really nice Minor League Football trophies!

Not really trying to make a point. Saleh is fielding one of the worst teams in Jets history. And statistically the worst defense in franchise history. These are facts.

The Jets are bad for a lot of reasons. But the state TV fans are up there.

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Just now, Matt39 said:

Not really trying to make a point. Saleh is fielding one of the worst teams in Jets history. And statistically the worst defense in franchise history. These are facts.

That’s also crazy, especially when you factor in that Saleh’s NFL record is better than Urban Meyer’s.  Urban’s an offensive guy too and Saleh is fielding a better offense than Jacksonville wow dude so nuts this league amiright?

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6 minutes ago, Mogglez said:

That’s also crazy, especially when you factor in that Saleh’s NFL record is better than Urban Meyer’s.  Urban’s an offensive guy too and Saleh is fielding a better offense than Jacksonville wow dude so nuts this league amiright?

Urbans a weirdo and will fall off the wagon if he hasn’t already, but Saleh is fielding a bad team. He’s in over his head IMO. Burning  the timeouts last game was ridiculous. Barrier of entry to be a HC, don’t use 3 timeouts in the third quarter.

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3 minutes ago, Matt39 said:

Urbans a weirdo and will fall off the wagon if he hasn’t already, but Saleh is fielding a bad team. He’s in over his head IMO. Burning the the timeouts last game was ridiculous. Barrier if entry to be a HC, don’t use 3 timeouts in the third quarter.

Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing says to me Urban Meyer is going to turn his ship around.

Furthermore, this forum made fun of Sean McDermott from the moment he was hired and would have axed him after his opening press conference.  They did the same thing to Doug Pederson when he was hired by the Eagles. So excuse me when I say that I do not giving a single flying f*ck about anyone’s opinion on a head coach in year one when it’s been abundantly clear that there was going to be a massive rebuild and youth movement.  I’ll judge Saleh when he fails with a team ready to win.

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7 minutes ago, Mogglez said:

Nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing says to me Urban Meyer is going to turn his ship around.

Furthermore, this forum made fun of Sean McDermott from the moment he was hired and would have axed him after his opening press conference.  They did the same thing to Doug Pederson when he was hired by the Eagles. So excuse me when I say that I do not giving a single flying f*ck about anyone’s opinion on a head coach in year one when it’s been abundantly clear that there was going to be a massive rebuild and youth movement.  I’ll judge Saleh when he fails with a team ready to win.

I mean our GM is In over his head too 

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17 minutes ago, Mogglez said:

As of now Saleh!

Pretty wild how he’s still better than Urban tho, so nuts though I thought the National championships would make him good wooowwwww

I mean, we’ve all seen Urban Meyer be a great head coach at the highest levels of college football, where he’ll go down as one of the best in history. I think it’s a mistake to point to him as some defense or even comparison to Saleh, who has proven exactly nothing as a head coach and whose resume, by comparison, is threadbare outside of one anomalous year as San Fran’s DC. 

Honestly speaking, has Saleh demonstrated a single thing this season that makes you believe he has the ability to be even a good head coach? He hired his drinking buddies as coordinators, he hasn’t shown any particular schematic or technical genius as a head coach, and his teams are consistently flat out of the gate, which concerns you since he was supposed to be this great motivator. we can be hopeful, but I don’t see a single box he’s checked as a head coach that indicates any great potential. Urban will leave Jacksonville and end up taking the Texas job in two years and he’ll have them competing for titles within five years. If Saleh gets fired, where’s he going? 

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3 minutes ago, T0mShane said:

I mean, we’ve all seen Urban Meyer be a great head coach at the highest levels of college football, where he’ll go down as one of the best in history. I think it’s a mistake to point to him as some defense or even comparison to Saleh, who has proven exactly nothing as a head coach and whose resume, by comparison, is threadbare outside of one anomalous year as San Fran’s DC. 

Means literally, in the purest form of that word, absolutely nothing in the NFL.

Honestly speaking, has Saleh demonstrated a single thing this season that makes you believe he has the ability to be even a good head coach? He hired his drinking buddies as coordinators, he hasn’t shown any particular schematic or technical genius as a head coach, and his teams are consistently flat out of the gate, which concerns you since he was supposed to be this great motivator. we can be hopeful, but I don’t see a single box he’s checked as a head coach that indicates any great potential. Urban will leave Jacksonville and end up taking the Texas job in two years and he’ll have them competing for titles within five years. If Saleh gets fired, where’s he going? 

LaFleur, since moving to the booth, has impressed me.  I have been perfectly fine with him.  I want Ulbrich to be gone next year.  If he’s not and we still have defensive issues, that’s strike one for me.  As for the last point.  I don’t care that Urban Meyer would get another job from a morally bankrupt university because he’s good at bribing kids and their families.  The lot here said Todd Bowles will never another job again too. It took less than 6 months for them to be proven wrong 


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