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The protection was awful

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25 minutes ago, DoubleDown said:

The protection was fine. What are some of you even watching?

This is the NFL. There is going to be some pressure at times within a game.

The quarterback refuses to step up in the pocket and bails to the outside every time someone is within 2 yards of him. I've never seen anything like it, and yes, it's 100% on the QB.

How can you say the protection was fine.  It was not in the least 

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1 hour ago, AlexVanDyke said:

Zach made mistakes bit how are so many of you ignoring this.  The kid was running for his life literally the entire gane. With that protection will come a couple of mistakes especially for a young qb 

The problem is when protection breaks down, he goes backwards. He has to learn to step up or run for yards. Going backwards and then throwing it away is not going to produce anything but picks. 

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1 hour ago, AlexVanDyke said:

Zach made mistakes bit how are so many of you ignoring this.  The kid was running for his life literally the entire gane. With that protection will come a couple of mistakes especially for a young qb 


1 hour ago, Larz said:

It was spotty, but the QB is allowed to step up in the pocket or to run outside and try to gain yards. No rule that you have to give up ground and then just throw it up for grabs 

these are my main issues.

yes, the protection was horrible...but what does that mean? it seems like he never steps up in the pocket, he always breaks it and runs circles backwards. the ball holding also bothers me.

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14 minutes ago, More Cowbell said:

The problem is when protection breaks down, he goes backwards. He has to learn to step up or run for yards. Going backwards and then throwing it away is not going to produce anything but picks. 

Nail on the head.

He did have bad protection at times, but looked absolutely clueless on what to do when the pocket collapsed; instead choosing to run around like a chicken with his ******* head cut off. Lucky did not give up a safety on that one play, barely getting the ball away.

Tuck it and go, any yards is better than giving up picks. That's sh*t they teach you in elementary ball.

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2 hours ago, AlexVanDyke said:

Zach made mistakes bit how are so many of you ignoring this.  The kid was running for his life literally the entire gane. With that protection will come a couple of mistakes especially for a young qb 

I thought the line was fine. Not great but Wilson was able to escape 99pct of the time. 

We lost today because Zach made too many bone headed mistakes and mostly because of that marginal roughing the pssser.

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2 hours ago, Warfish said:

It wasn't all-world, no.

But Zach had time.  He just doesn't see the field well, doesn't make his reads fast enough, and doesn't make decisions at NFL speed.

So he holds it too long, then bails at the hint of pressure, to do his Zach Pirouette Dance.  And once the Dance starts, rarely will any positive play come out of it, he's is (if I recall) the worst in the NFL at making positive plays once he's under pressure.

This is think is also a legitimate concern.  

Zach, often does a nice job of getting himself out of trouble - even using that pirouette.  It works.  He rarely losses yards, always gives himself room..

The problem is - he doesn't do anything with - like never.  Usually QB's when the get time rolling out, things open up.  For Zach - just nothing even happens.  

I have no problem with the roll outs and all - they usually don't result in negative plays so no biggie, but they do need to start resulting in positive plays.

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