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21 hours ago, Warfish said:

Attention-whore, look-at-me, drama-queen, social-media moms...................

Zach sucks.  Fans have every right to say it out loud.

Except for the classy ones who are able to SU when it’s appropriate to SU.  
There’s a time and a place.  Sometime even though, yes you can, you shouldn’t.   Or make it out to be her fault.  

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I’m not sure how this topic has reached multiple pages of debate, it’s pretty simple in my mind.

1. If the guy was being a belligerent jerk, then yes she has every right to be angry at him.

2. If the fan was simply talking about how Wilson sucks, then he has every right as a fan to do so.  That said, she still has every right to be upset with that as well.  

Theres a multitude of silly/stupid/made up things that so many folks in this country are offended/butthurt over….I think a Mom defending her son (whether or not you agree with the social media approach) is fine.

Personally if I’m in the stands of one of my kids little league, etc games and someone’s going off on how my kid sucks, it’s going to be hard not to say something.  I try to teach my kids when at sporting events to be respectful with your comments bc you don’t know who’s family or friends is sitting near you.

Alcohol should not be banned from games, there’s plenty of fans that enjoy responsibly.  Even if it was banned, fans would just power drink even more in the parking lots and tailgates.  I’d imagine the price of ticket sales would jump too to make up for the loss of alcohol sales.

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1 hour ago, Mogglez said:

Typically, the friends and family of the players sit together in a designated section.  You would have to be incredibly obtuse to not know that you are sitting near or amongst them.


Sounds like you have no idea if that was the case here.  

You're a Team insider now, so do you see other players you recognize families in that picture (no need to name them of course)?  

Does it say something, perhaps, that you may not be able to recognize any other Jets player's family besides her? :-k

1 hour ago, Mogglez said:

If you sit in that section and willingly go out of your way to make an inciting/passive aggressive comment......in a pre-season game that is more meaningless than a normal pre-season game, you’re an absolute tool.  Zero questions.

I tend to agree, personally. 

As I said, I don't boo or heckle my own teams on game days, player's moms present or not, no matter how much they might deserve it.

As you say, if he was being a drunken idiot engaging in truly bad behavior, Ms. Wilson should have just called security and had him removed. 

No need for banging on Jets Fans on social media.

But again, there are literal miles of nuance here to consider:  

If he says "**** you Zach, you ****ty little scummy cultist mom ****er" - bad. Deplorable.  Security should remove immediately.

If he says "Dammit Zach, come on, lets go!" - absolutely fine, mom present or not.  

And I wouldn't put it past Ms. Wilson to get all social-media-look-at-me offended over that second one too.  

Too bad we don't have audio of the entire exchange, real concrete facts to judge, rather that just a pic or two after the fact from one side of the conflict.


.....which, in this case, I’m sure was specifically directed at Zach who, actually, played perfectly fine on Thursday,..... 

You're entitled to your opinion.

IMO Zach looked like the same sub-par poop we've seen all along to me.  

I hope I am not an "absolute tool" now because Ms. Social Media might read this?

But then again, I don't think Ms. Wilson is the arbiter of allowable opinions or public speech.

1 hour ago, Mogglez said:

Judging by that goofy smile on his face, I would also be willing to bet a full year’s salary that this guy knew exactly what he was doing, making him an even larger tool.

You could be 100% right.  Could also be 100% wrong, given Ms. Wilson's past-to-date of attention hunger on social media. 

I, for one, don't pretend I know all the facts based on a "look" in a single picture.

Regardless, it doesn't change any of my disdain for Ms. Wilson's social media attention hungry ways and ongoing hatred of Jets fans for not collectively blowing her golden boy.



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1 hour ago, UntouchableCrew said:

Lol I’m just throwing it back at you because you were butthurt about my original post.

Let’s clear the air here — I don’t know exactly what that guy did and I’m not saying he personally should be banned from games.  

My point is that poor behavior from fans (at games and on the internet) sucks and shouldn’t be tolerated. If you are harassing a players mom on twitter or heckling her at a game you’re a piece of sh*t and need to grow up.

The OP inspired that reaction from me (for obvious reasons if you have a pulse) even if in this specific circumstance Mrs. Wilson was being overdramatic, although given what some fans act like when drunk at MetLife I’ll actually give her the benefit of the doubt.

All you know is that she posted that she was offended by a comment. You don't even know what the comment was and you don't know if he was drunk either. Every comment you make is pure conjecture. You're not throwing anything back at me, you're making sh*t up because you got nothing. Obviously you're the one that got butt hurt because I called you out on it.

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6 hours ago, Green DNA said:

Maybe he was cursing up a storm or making vile comments that none of us want our mom, wife, girlfriend or sister to hear.

Maybe he wasn't. See how that works?

Maybe Zach's mom is over protective, hyper sensitive, starving for attention and some of the spotlight.

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1 hour ago, Jet Nut said:

So she’s a stupid? 
Really? LOL 😂 


Yes. The stuff she has done on social media is stupid. She's not doing any favors for her son. She likes the attention it gets her and it's counter productive.

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29 minutes ago, Warfish said:


Sounds like you have no idea if that was the case here.  

You're a Team insider now, so do you see other players you recognize families in that picture (no need to name them of course)?  

Does it say something, perhaps, that you may not be able to recognize any other Jets player's family besides her? :-k

I tend to agree, personally. 

As I said, I don't boo or heckle my own teams on game days, player's moms present or not, no matter how much they might deserve it.

As you say, if he was being a drunken idiot engaging in truly bad behavior, Ms. Wilson should have just called security and had him removed. 

No need for banging on Jets Fans on social media.

But again, there are literal miles of nuance here to consider:  

If he says "**** you Zach, you ****ty little scummy cultist mom ****er" - bad. Deplorable.  Security should remove immediately.

If he says "Dammit Zach, come on, lets go!" - absolutely fine, mom present or not.  

And I wouldn't put it past Ms. Wilson to get all social-media-look-at-me offended over that second one too.  

Too bad we don't have audio of the entire exchange, real concrete facts to judge, rather that just a pic or two after the fact from one side of the conflict.

You're entitled to your opinion.

IMO Zach looked like the same sub-par poop we've seen all along to me.  

I hope I am not an "absolute tool" now because Ms. Social Media might read this?

But then again, I don't think Ms. Wilson is the arbiter of allowable opinions or public speech.

You could be 100% right.  Could also be 100% wrong, given Ms. Wilson's past-to-date of attention hunger on social media. 

I, for one, don't pretend I know all the facts based on a "look" in a single picture.

Regardless, it doesn't change any of my disdain for Ms. Wilson's social media attention hungry ways and ongoing hatred of Jets fans for not collectively blowing her golden boy.



She's a mother defending her son from a$$hole Jet fans. Oh the horror. 

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2 minutes ago, RevisIsland610 said:

I'm talking about in the moment. There is a pretty good chance some drunken Aholes behind her stepped over the line. Some of you are acting like what she did is the crime of the century. 

She took a staged picture and posted it on social media, that's what she did in the moment.

There's a pretty good chance the guy said something about the game and didn't even know who she was.

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1 minute ago, TBJ said:

She took a staged picture and posted it on social media, that's what she did in the moment.

There's a pretty good chance the guy said something about the game and didn't even know who she was.

I would say there was a better chance of him probably stepping over the line especially if there was alcohol involved. I wasn't there and neither were you and I also don't know why there are 4 pages worth of comments. WGAF what she does. 

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9 minutes ago, RevisIsland610 said:

I would say there was a better chance of him probably stepping over the line especially if there was alcohol involved. I wasn't there and neither were you and I also don't know why there are 4 pages worth of comments. WGAF what she does. 

I agree, there's 4 pages because people with limited information some how know he was harassing a players family.

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1 hour ago, TBJ said:

All you know is that she posted that she was offended by a comment. You don't even know what the comment was and you don't know if he was drunk either. Every comment you make is pure conjecture. You're not throwing anything back at me, you're making sh*t up because you got nothing. Obviously you're the one that got butt hurt because I called you out on it.

I guess reading comprehension isn’t your strong suit. Try again next time.

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2 hours ago, TBJ said:

Yes. The stuff she has done on social media is stupid. She's not doing any favors for her son. She likes the attention it gets her and it's counter productive.

She’s been doing it long before her son played for the Jets.  Who F’n cares.  You don’t even care, you just hate her son.  I’ll bet you don’t have a clue what she says or does on the internet until you see someone post a Instagram posI and get all hot and bothered by it.  Actually defend boorish behavior by fans.  

If it were a player you loved parents getting bothered you’d be singing another tune.  

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4 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

She’s been doing it long before her son played for the Jets.  Who F’n cares.  You don’t even care, you just hate her son.  I’ll bet you don’t have a clue what she says or does on the internet until you see someone post a Instagram posI and get all hot and bothered by it.  Actually defend boorish behavior by fans.  

If it were a player you loved parents getting bothered you’d be singing another tune.  

We. Don't. Know. What. The. Fan. Did.


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2 hours ago, TBJ said:

Do you know what he said?

You seem to know.  
You knew enough to know she was being overly sensitive

Enough to think she deserves it.  She has an Instagram account with lots of followers so she should expect this kind of treatment.  It’s on her.

Explain again, what is she doing wrong?  Nothing off your ass but enough that it’s sending you into arguing with people who don’t agree, think parents,  mothers are off limits. 

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8 minutes ago, jgb said:

If she was directly harassed or heckled you can be sure she would've highlighted that fact. Instead she used the word "comment." That's a very neutral word. No social media personality plays down situations.

And we should infer she wasn’t playing it down by what?  Because she speaks to women about who knows via Instagram?   So she has to take crap from fans if that were the case?  As warfish said, she’s an attention-whore so she has to take it, her sons a football player who sucks so she should expect it.  I don’t agree, she’s a woman who’s done nothing wrong but be the mother to a son who plays football 

I have no idea what was said.  I don’t see a single reason she should make someone who’s done nothing to task on her account.  So I don’t get why her sons haters should be defending her.  Some even saying she should expect it and deserves it

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14 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

She’s been doing it long before her son played for the Jets.  Who F’n cares.  You don’t even care, you just hate her son.  I’ll bet you don’t have a clue what she says or does on the internet until you see someone post a Instagram posI and get all hot and bothered by it.  Actually defend boorish behavior by fans.  

If it were a player you loved parents getting bothered you’d be singing another tune.  


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Just now, Jet Nut said:

And we should infer she wasn’t playing it down by what?

Common sense, logic, human understanding, and basic knowledge.

Just now, Jet Nut said:

Because she speaks to women about who knows what she’s allowed to take crap from fans if that were the case?  As warfish said, she’s an attention-whore so she has to take it, her sons a football player who sucks so she should expect it.  I don’t agree, she’s a woman who’s done nothing wrong but be the mother to a son who plays football 

You don't agree with what? Your entire premise is based upon the lowest-likelihood scenario. 

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10 minutes ago, Jet Nut said:

You seem to know.  
You knew enough to know she was being overly sensitive

Enough to think she deserves it.  She has an Instagram account with lots of followers so she should expect this kind of treatment.  It’s on her.

Explain again, what is she doing wrong?  Nothing off your ass but enough that it’s sending you into arguing with people who don’t agree, think parents,  mothers are off limits. 

Show me the post where I said she deserved anything.

All I said is there is not enough information in the article to come to the conclusion that he was harassing her.

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1 minute ago, TBJ said:

Show me the post where I said she deserved anything.

All I said is there is not enough information in the article to come to the conclusion that he was harassing her.

Meh, it's a Jets fan site. Peeps gonna go auto homer at any issue.

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1 minute ago, TBJ said:

Show me the post where I said she deserved anything.

All I said is there is not enough information in the article to come to the conclusion that he was harassing her.

The responses that you thread brought out.  All those type posts that you approve and instigated here.  

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1 minute ago, Jet Nut said:

The responses that you thread brought out.  All those type posts that you approve and instigated here.  

Hold up -- so an OP is responsible for all the other posts in his thread? Dayum, that's even whacky for you.

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