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Last Nights Game


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I go to all of the Jets home games I can since 1978 and have been a season ticket holder for 41 years.There is no Jets curse and Namath didn't sell his soul to the devil. I was against the Jets trading for A-Rod. Because of his age. Not his ability. I was afraid his body wouldn't hold up. Thirty nine year old body is a thirty nine year body. Now this is a critical year for Douglas and Salah. Douglas has done little of building the O line. Salah and his staff now have to show us they are SB caliber coaches. I always felt Zach was not coached properly after he was drafted. First time O co-ordinator and Head coach. Woody, Douglas and Salah should have made sure they had an Oline that could protect a young QB and a O co-ordinator that could develop a young QB! Nothing helps a young QB more than a running game and a OC that can teach him. Zach was thrown to the wolves! No young QB could develop in this situation. If this coaching staff and GM let this season go down the tubes and can't get them into the playoffs even with Zach they should all be fired. Zach is still only 23 years old and I believe with the right guidance can at least get them into the playoffs. I don't want anymore old pass their prime QB's or backups that couldn't deliver for other teams. Douglas has failed in building an Oline and now Salah has to prove he is an exceptional HC. The only curse on the Jets is the owners the last 52 years! My analysis.

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Agree to an extent. The Oline was always going to take a few weeks to come together. There is one change I would make now. Put Tippman in at center. He's bigger, younger, and more athletic than McGovern. Zach probably took more snaps from him than McGovern this preseason. Start getting Gipson more snaps as our slot. The kid is electric and adds more firepower than Cobb. Look at the 49ers usage of Purdy - that should be the model for Zach. We are built in similar fashion, no reason to waste the talent we have. Evaluate, adapt and adjust.

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Gastineau Lives, My point is the fans were saying the curse, SOJ, Zach sucks etc. Not all the fans but enough. I've been through it all with this team and I bleed green and I hate negativity! All team in all sports go through adversity! Look at the Yankees their number one prospect comes up and lights up the stadium and now needs Tommy John Surgery. Last night we won the game despite losing Rodgers and now it's up to Salah and his staff to not let this season go completely off track. There may be no Super Bowl but if Zach improves and we can get in the playoffs the season is a success. Douglass has to build a better O line with depth if he is here next year. Plus the NY and sports media are nothing but distracting noise with all their so called experts. The Jets have to shut them out!

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Text Jet, I agree on Tipman 100% also may-be put Becton on the left side and Brown on the right and rotate Mitchell in. Also Gipson has to get on the field more. He caught my eye in perseason more than any of the draft picks. I liked him from the beginning!

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Just now, Squirt said:

Text Jet, I agree on Tipman 100% also may-be put Becton on the left side and Brown on the right and rotate Mitchell in. Also Gipson has to get on the field more. He caught my eye in perseason more than any of the draft picks. I liked him from the beginning!

I don't think flopping tackles is a good idea.  Brown has played in the league for 43 years and has always been on the left and balked at playing right last year.  Becton still seems to have trouble with speed, so it's not like swapping them solves anything.  Teams will attack weakness wherever it is.  I think Gipson will see more time.  With Zach mainly throwing within 8 yards of the LOS it makes sense to keep the speed and YAC ability there.

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2 minutes ago, Trotter said:

Rodgers is 39 - nothing changes that but he tore an achilles, something guys in their 20’s do.

it sucks but it happens. Maybe it was the turf. Maybe he just got twisted in a particular manner, but it was not a case of him being 39 and breaking down

I knew a kid who was 17 and got his achilles torn on something more pedestrian than what happened to Rodgers. Don't understand why people are attributing his age to this, especially since he tended to actually be less injury prone as he got older.

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2 hours ago, #27TheDominator said:

I don't think flopping tackles is a good idea.  Brown has played in the league for 43 years and has always been on the left and balked at playing right last year.  Becton still seems to have trouble with speed, so it's not like swapping them solves anything.  Teams will attack weakness wherever it is.  I think Gipson will see more time.  With Zach mainly throwing within 8 yards of the LOS it makes sense to keep the speed and YAC ability there.


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