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My vision for a NEW NHL

Fred Jetstone

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I'm seeing the NHL moving lock-step-inline with everything globalism.

I propose eliminating fringe cities like Carolina, Buffalo, Tampa, Detriot etc...

Then adding teams in places like Stockholm, Helsinki, Moscow, Zurich and Prague.

We're in an age of supersonic Jets.

Create a European division.

This is what the NHL needs now.

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What's with all the negativity?

This is a GREAT idea.

A truely global professional sports league. Genius.

Think of the tv contracts. The merchandising. The international flavor. The hot-to-trot, eurotrash babes lookin' to make it with anything in a Rangers jersey.

You cats have no big-picture seeing abilities.

Oh, and I want a team in Tokyo as well. I have an amazing idea for something called slapshot-sushi but I won't go into right now. Have to patent the idea first. You understand.

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My vision is that hockey be put back on real tv. F this OLN crap.

Bring back the Whalers!

OLN is soon to be known as VERSUS NETWORK. They claim to be expanding coverage. NBC is also picking up more games.

I agree with the Whalers move, anything but Carolina. Personally, I'd move the Hurricanes to Sydney and sell season's tickets with promotional all-you-can-eat vegemite buffets. It'd rock.

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My vision is that hockey be put back on real tv. F this OLN crap.

Bring back the Whalers!

I agree with your first part, but cannot with the latter.

While I am all for more professional hockey teams in New England. Scratch that, I am all for any professional hockey team in New England. No professional hockey league should ever consider Hartford for a home for one of there franchises unless they call their sport soccer.

I agree with Fred to a point.

An Elite league should be created. While that is wishful thinking, if all the top leagues play their seasons roughly around the same time. There is no reason they can not have a Champions League like they do in soccer.

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I agree with your first part, but cannot with the latter.

While I am all for more professional hockey teams in New England. Scratch that, I am all for any professional hockey team in New England. No professional hockey league should ever consider Hartford for a home for one of there franchises unless they call their sport soccer.

I agree with Fred to a point.

An Elite league should be created. While that is wishful thinking, if all the top leagues play their seasons roughly around the same time. There is no reason they can not have a Champions League like they do in soccer.

I was joking about the Whalers. I only mentioned them because they had a cool song and the Bruins used to kill them.

You were right about Hartford. Connecticut is unfortunately stuck between New York and Boston, two Cities that love pro sports. As a Connecticut resident you must chose your teams.

Who do you pick? The Rangers, Bruins, Celtics, Knicks, Pats, Jets, Giants, Red Sox, Yankees or Mets

Most, if not all, Connecticut residents have allegiances to teams from NY or Boston.

They are trying hard to get a team of their own to follow (albeit a College team) by building the UConn football stadium in Hartford.

I don

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