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New Logo for JetNation.com


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HI Everyone,

I am not trying to pick an argument with anyone. I am posting because I have been talking with Max about a redesign for this site.

This is a new logo I came up with. Max strongly feels that he cannot change his old logo.

I am just curious that if everyone could give their input.

If everyone hates it and loves the old one, then I will keep my mouth shut.

If everyone loves it, Max, please listen to them.


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It's not just a new logo - it is a whole new site design - look at other jets site...this one makes people turn away.

if people are being turned away purely based on the logo...which i doubt... and they are not looking at the content of the site, do we really want them here?

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To be honest my personal feeelings is I could not care less about a logo about a site I take the time to visit and work work?- I repeat what I said earlier all the hard work Phil has put in with this site he has the call on this and I should not.

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That would be the layout of it....

so yes, he does need a new design. Other forums have more people posting because the site is "prettier"......

Listen Ph, take it from max's wife you are not getting any brownie points by saying that we will get a better jet site by adding your designs. If anything you are digging a deeper hole for yourself!

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You really disappointed me today. You take this public and do nothing but show your immaturity.

Just to be clear with everyone. Phinhater told me that he wanted to redo the site. I agreed that we need help graphics wise. He agreed to do it for free. What he wanted in exchange was a footer that said Site Built By Blah Blah Blah graphics. I agreed and all along we said as long as we could see eye to eye we would move forward with this.

Today I made it clear to John that I did not want to replace Verde's logo. I asked that he not replace the original JetNation logo with a different version of the JetNation skyline logo. I told him I didn't want either logo in the banner. I asked him to put text that said JetNation.com or use his shield logo which I really liked.

He responded and said he couldn't work around the old logo. I wasn't asking him to work around it. It was a minor change what I asked for. What I got in return was John saying he wasn't sure if he wanted to continue on this project. He said he would let me know by the end of the day. JetNation waits for no man, so I thanked him for his time and effort and said we needed to just cancel this project. We obviously weren't on the same page.

To which I get this response: Stop using the other graphics I made for you. What is this romper room? We disagree so I am taking my ball and going home? Unbelieveable.

Here is the thing -- JetNation will surpass 8 million hits this month. We have 3,500 unique vistors a day. The Jets have won 6 games since the day we launched. We are pretty damn proud of what has been accomplished here. Better graphics will make things easier on the eyes no doubt. BUT the reason why this site will continue to grow is simple:

WE HAVE THE BEST POSTERS. It is about football talk here. Our content here is unparalled by free sites. That is what this is all about. So thanks for your offer for new graphics. But no thanks.

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That would be the layout of it....

so yes, he does need a new design. Other forums have more people posting because the site is "prettier"......


You can stop PMing me now. I will take down your other graphics.

By the way you seem to know a lot about building websites and making them grow. You should actually launch one first before blasting me and others for the work that was done in launching this one.

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You really disappointed me today. You take this public and do nothing but show your immaturity.

Just to be clear with everyone. Phinhater told me that he wanted to redo the site. I agreed that we need help graphics wise. He agreed to do it for free. What he wanted in exchange was a footer that said Site Built By Blah Blah Blah graphics. I agreed and all along we said as long as we could see eye to eye we would move forward with this.

Today I made it clear to John that I did not want to replace Verde's logo. I asked that he not replace the original JetNation logo with a different version of the JetNation skyline logo. I told him I didn't want either logo in the banner. I asked him to put text that said JetNation.com or use his shield logo which I really liked.

He responded and said he couldn't work around the old logo. I wasn't asking him to work around it. It was a minor change what I asked for. What I got in return was John saying he wasn't sure if he wanted to continue on this project. He said he would let me know by the end of the day. JetNation waits for no man, so I thanked him for his time and effort and said we needed to just cancel this project. We obviously weren't on the same page.

To which I get this response: Stop using the other graphics I made for you. What is this romper room? We disagree so I am taking my ball and going home? Unbelieveable.

Here is the thing -- JetNation will surpass 8 million hits this month. We have 3,500 unique vistors a day. The Jets have won 6 games since the day we launched. We are pretty damn proud of what has been accomplished here. Better graphics will make things easier on the eyes no doubt. BUT the reason why this site will continue to grow is simple:

WE HAVE THE BEST POSTERS. It is about football talk here. Our content here is unparalled by free sites. That is what this is all about. So thanks for your offer for new graphics. But no thanks.


Since we are making it public - seriously, you should have told me you wanted the old logo before i worked over 20 hours on it. This past weekend you emailed me changes to make on the site knowing that I was going to spend a good amount of time on it. You told me AFTER that you watned to change your mind. If you noticed on the mock up, everything was built around the logo. When I say built around, I mean everything on the site has a piece of the logo.

You don't understand and that is ashame.

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Since we are making it public - seriously, you should have told me you wanted the old logo before i worked over 20 hours on it. This past weekend you emailed me changes to make on the site knowing that I was going to spend a good amount of time on it. You told me AFTER that you watned to change your mind. If you noticed on the mock up, everything was built around the logo. When I say built around, I mean everything on the site has a piece of the logo.

You don't understand and that is ashame.

1. Open photoshop

2. Remove your current logo

3. Upload shield logo

4. Match colors

Yeah but what do I know I am a simpleton that doesn't know anything about building a site.

John -- you started this thread. Then when people said they like Verde's logo better you PM me saying they are just being loyal to me? Cmon man you asked for opinions and you are getting them. Good, bad, indifferent you have to be able to handle it.

Starting this thread was immature. It was a slap in my face. And I always act calm and always try to take the high road. But I will be honest. I am friggin fired up right now. Really fired up.

I think it would be best to just put this issue behind us.

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not to agree or disagree with anyone...but the old logo sucks and anyone who thinks that graphics and visuals don't make a bit of difference on a website...is just...uh...stupid.

Nobody is saying graphics don't matter. But the biggest point is that the # 1 factor in this site is the POSTERS. People come here for football talk. Agreed we need a nicer design. But to say that people will blindly stay here because of a new look and no substance is not accurate.

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That old one looks like a morning talk show logo out of Omaha Nebraska. It is definetly not a sports logo.

Hey thanks for signing up for the site. You guys crack me up.

Nobody is knocking your work. I have been highly complimentary of your work. The bottom line is that I should have the right to print the business cards that I want. It does come out of my pocket. What was happening here was your buddy phinhater told me he couldn't work around my request.

So we agree to disagree. Starting a public pissing match on a private matter is juvenille.

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