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In a Word ... Awesome!!

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This is already shaping up to be a killer draft, and IMO Bradway deserves gigantic kudos

Lets face it, the man GAMBLED and WON

Not once ... GAMBLED TWICE ... Gambled when he traded the 26th Overall Pick to fill a pressing need a TE, and Gambled when he opted for one of the most deadly kickers to come down the pike in eons with that first 2nd RD Pick ... and in both cases he came out a HUGE WINNER

1. The need at TE has been addressed with a 26 Year old playmaker

2. We replaced a mentally shot choke-artist with one of the most deadly kickers to come down the pike in eons

3. We flatout STOLE Justin Miller at 57 Overall ... not only an outstanding Corner, but also an outstanding return man {two needs filled with one player}

IMO this is a HUGE WIN for Terry Bradway ... almost a mind-boggling win ... I can hardly believe how Great this has gone for the Jets ... it almost makes me wonder if there is divine intervention at work here, because its hard to believe things can go THIS WELL by sheer chance

And those are my honest-to-goodness feelings about how this has gone for the Jets

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I don't understand why anyone is surprised. Terry has ALWAYS been excellent with the draft, aside from BT and Askew. Every GM has their mistakes but Bradway has always been an ace drafter in my book. This draft is par for the course.

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bro, do you believe we got mike nugent AND justin miller!!! :D:D

as soon as I saw us pick Nugent, I was cool about it, I knew Miller would be there for us at 57

Bradway knows his stuff

If he can get us CJ Mosley in the 3RD RD he deserves a drink! :wink:

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3. We flatout STOLE Justin Miller at 57 Overall ... not only an outstanding Corner, but also an outstanding return man {two needs filled with one player}

OK, I've always give credit where credit is due.

Huge coup, no two ways around that.

Congrats folks. :(

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OK. The Trade I liked, Jolly I like. I take Hawthorne the DT and Browner the S/CB. No hind sight involved.

You don't like Miller?? Good Guys you picked..

But the Draft ain't over yet and Klecko and the

Pats Brady were 6th rounders..And TB is on a Roll! :mrgreen:

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Holy crap... this has like, never happened. Tx just gave credit to the Jets. Mark it down. Cause, we'll never see it again. :lol:

TX always winds up giving credit when due

hey wheres that convict poster, whats his name? richard seymour or NE hick who am i thinking about? the guy who gets arrestes all the time

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You don't like Miller?? Good Guys you picked..

But the Draft ain't over yet and Klecko and the

Pats Brady were 6th rounders..And TB is on a Roll! :mrgreen:

I'm mellowing on the picks Sav, my friend. Letting them sink in. Seeing how they feel....

But man, I REALLY fear Turnstile Jones and Who Me Lagree....I SEVERELY fear them.

Oh hell, maybe I'm wrong on them too.... :oops:

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Call me nuts, but I'm thinking maybe THE ALMIGHTY was in the Jets war-room this weekend

I can hardly believe how well this has gone ... I'm speechless

Nice 26 Year old TE who can make plays in the passing game ... check

Lethal/deadly/money-in-the-bank kicker ... check

Blue-Chip CB/Return-man ... check

What's next ... Mean Joe Green at 88 Overall?

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I'm mellowing on the picks Sav, my friend. Letting them sink in. Seeing how they feel....

But man, I REALLY fear Turnstile Jones and Who Me Lagree....I SEVERELY fear them.

Oh hell, maybe I'm wrong on them too.... :oops:

I was happy we resigned Tank Reed..I like the way

he plays..Maybe we get a wide Body DT later on!! :wink:

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Gil Brandt and Pat Kirwin just said Justin Miller is a 1st RD talent who dropped due to some character concerns, but the Jets landed a 1st RD Corner at 57 and a CB who will be in the Pro Bowl if he keeps his attitude in check


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I'm mellowing on the picks Sav, my friend. Letting them sink in. Seeing how they feel....

But man, I REALLY fear Turnstile Jones and Who Me Lagree....I SEVERELY fear them.

Oh hell, maybe I'm wrong on them too.... :oops:

Warfish, I'm not worried about DT. Robertson is about ready to dominate, and there is still time to get a DT in round 3, even a guy we wanted all along like CJ Mosely.

OT, I'll admit, I'm worried about. But what were we supposed to do? The OT class is very weak. Brown and Barron were impossible to get. I dunno what to think about missing on Barnes, but heck, if the coaching staff sees something in Jones and he works out as they feel he will, then there's no way this draft can be knocked.

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No disagreement 80. I'm mellowing on these picks. I loved the Jolly trade, and said so from the start. And given that we COULD have stayed put and gotton Miller at #26 with nothing, THIS is a good set of picks, a quality Kicker, a TE with hands and the CB we apparently wanted all along.

So I'll wait, and try to be happy. But nothing will take away my fear if Turnstile Jones is the opening day OT. He'll have to show me soemthing in pre-season...like NOT letting Chad get killed.

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So I'll wait, and try to be happy. But nothing will take away my fear if Turnstile Jones is the opening day OT. He'll have to show me soemthing in pre-season...like NOT letting Chad get killed.

Warfish, I agree 100 % with you there. LT was my biggest concern at the start of the offseason, and that remains true. If Adrian Jones ends up failing as a LT, we're screwed, plain and simple. However, I have faith in Mike Heimderdinger. Jones has plenty of raw talent and he has the quickness to play the position, unlike Fabini. I hope that we can get a vet via June 1st cuts or maybe draft a decent OT later on, but otherwise, it appears that the OL is set for next year. I'm hoping for the best.

But in terms of the draft, there was no real way for Bradway to bring in a bonafide starting LT with the group in this draft. Hopefully next season will bring about a better crop so we can find ourselves a real franchise LT.

But with the picks Bradway did, he pretty much did the best he could. As of now, I give Bradway a B+ for the offseason.

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Not to be pessimistic but right now all the the teams are pleased with their picks not just the Jets.

I would have taken 2 CB's (you can never have enough good CB's) with the 2 second rounders - Miller, McFadden? Wilson?

Not that John Hall was the greatest kicker but Brien was a downgrade at the position and nobody really had a problem with him until the Steeler game. The kicking situation should have been addressed 2 years ago. Not many kickers drafted in the first 2 rounds in recent history... he has to be our (suucessful) kicker for several years .

Doug Jolley > slow down fella's - it's not like we got Tony Gonzalez.

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