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Resume Writing


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Can anyone recommend a good service? Anyone here do this?


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Can anyone recommend a good service? Anyone here do this?


I had a service do one for me way back when. I thought it was really over the top. they put in stuff like hobbies: restoring old victorian furniture. gimme a break

attaching a pic seems to be the new rave btw. be sure to photoshop out farm animals etc though.

I just glanced at a file full of em & they're all pretty much the same

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Write your own resume keeping in mind the following:

You don't want to bore the reader so don't list every mundane duty or responsibility that you perform. Focus on accomplishments and quantify your experience (saved time, money etc., implemented this and that, improved efficiency etc. Use a lot of action verbs!

Never, ever refer to yourself (I did......) just list items accomplished such as performed, created, implemented etc.

Don't include references. If someone wants them they will ask. Also no personal info or hobby that is not relevant

Use technical terms and systems, packages etc. related to the job that you are looking for.

For someone with experience, education goes on the bottom

NO TYPOS!! Proofread the damn thing or you have no shot

I have been interviewing people a lot over the past couple of months and the resumes go from wonderful to something I wouldn't wipe my a$$ with. There are plenty of resume resources online, don't waste your money paying someone.

BTW: Know some facts and figures about the company before you go in for the interview.

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Write your own resume keeping in mind the following:

You don't want to bore the reader so don't list every mundane duty or responsibility that you perform. Focus on accomplishments and quantify your experience (saved time, money etc., implemented this and that, improved efficiency etc. Use a lot of action verbs!

Never, ever refer to yourself (I did......) just list items accomplished such as performed, created, implemented etc.

Don't include references. If someone wants them they will ask. Also no personal info or hobby that is not relevant

Use technical terms and systems, packages etc. related to the job that you are looking for.

For someone with experience, education goes on the bottom

NO TYPOS!! Proofread the damn thing or you have no shot

I have been interviewing people a lot over the past couple of months and the resumes go from wonderful to something I wouldn't wipe my a$$ with. There are plenty of resume resources online, don't waste your money paying someone.

BTW: Know some facts and figures about the company before you go in for the interview.

All good advice GreenDNA- the worst thing you could do is not to know some facts about the company you are going on a interview for.

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Write your own resume keeping in mind the following:

You don't want to bore the reader so don't list every mundane duty or responsibility that you perform. Focus on accomplishments and quantify your experience (saved time, money etc., implemented this and that, improved efficiency etc. Use a lot of action verbs!

Never, ever refer to yourself (I did......) just list items accomplished such as performed, created, implemented etc.

Don't include references. If someone wants them they will ask. Also no personal info or hobby that is not relevant

Use technical terms and systems, packages etc. related to the job that you are looking for.

For someone with experience, education goes on the bottom

NO TYPOS!! Proofread the damn thing or you have no shot

I have been interviewing people a lot over the past couple of months and the resumes go from wonderful to something I wouldn't wipe my a$$ with. There are plenty of resume resources online, don't waste your money paying someone.

BTW: Know some facts and figures about the company before you go in for the interview.

This is great advice. If anyone needs any specific help I can do so - just pm me or post it here.

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All good advice GreenDNA- the worst thing you could do is not to know some facts about the company you are going on a interview for.

I always start by asking someone why they are interested in working for our company. Some people come back with a laundry list of reasons and it appears that they have take an interest and done some research, even if it is BS. One person replied "I don't know, the agency sent me here!! :confused0085: :confused0085: At that point it's time to go because you have no shot.

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I always start by asking someone why they are interested in working for our company. Some people come back with a laundry list of reasons and it appears that they have take an interest and done some research, even if it is BS. One person replied "I don't know, the agency sent me here!! :confused0085: :confused0085: At that point it's time to go because you have no shot.

curious to what your views are to pics attached. I actually believe it helps me size em up

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curious to what your views are to pics attached. I actually believe it helps me size em up

Almost every resume I get for a position in Europe has a pic attached. In the US I have never seen it, so it's probaably a cultural thing. I don't suppose that it hurts because you can discard the slobs without wasting your time and you can put the hotties on the top of the pile ;)

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