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Giambi says "Sorry!"


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Isnt this story like 2 yeas old already? He apologized then, whats the big deal?

"Nobody wanted to talk about [steroids]," Giambi continued.

Neither did he. When he did talk about drugs in front of the BALCO grand jury it wasn't because he wanted to save baseball. It's because the government came after him with a subpoena. When he issued that fake apology at Yankee Stadium, it wasn't because he wanted to do the right thing, even though he wanted to be treated afterward like the most standup guy ever to wear a pinstriped uniform. It was because he got caught. It was because his grand jury testimony got out.

To the end, trying to clean up this sport and all the slobs who used drugs and now want to blame that on somebody else is like trying to sweep up the desert. To the end, Giambi says he's not hiding anything, even if he didn't want to do any more talking yesterday. To the end he says, "that stuff," whatever that stuff is, didn't help him hit home runs.

Sure it didn't. Another story Giambi can tell walking. Not now. But soon. mlupica@nydailynews.com

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