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Interesting comment sre HACKETT/ HUMDINGER/HERM

Kentucky Jet

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INSIDE DISH: Former offensive coordinator Paul Hackett was vilified in New York for his conservative playcalling, but the critics sometimes forgot that he took his marching orders from coach Herman Edwards. Now, with a new, aggressive coordinator on the staff (Mike Heimerdinger), the question becomes: Will Edwards let him run his own show? If Edwards treats Heimerdinger the way he handled defensive coordinator Donnie Henderson, hired last season, the answer should be yes. Edwards gave Henderson plenty of space. If Edwards responded that way to a coach with no previous coordinator experience, he shouldn't have any problems with an experienced coach such as Heimerdinger


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INSIDE DISH: Former offensive coordinator Paul Hackett was vilified in New York for his conservative playcalling, but the critics sometimes forgot that he took his marching orders from coach Herman Edwards. Now, with a new, aggressive coordinator on the staff (Mike Heimerdinger), the question becomes: Will Edwards let him run his own show? If Edwards treats Heimerdinger the way he handled defensive coordinator Donnie Henderson, hired last season, the answer should be yes. Edwards gave Henderson plenty of space. If Edwards responded that way to a coach with no previous coordinator experience, he shouldn't have any problems with an experienced coach such as Heimerdinger


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For all you "Jets offense will be much better now that Hackett is gone" apologists, Bozo the Clown will still be patrolling the sidelines. :wink:

i think herm will be smart enough to let DINGER run the show....with aggressive OC and DC like these..he'd be foolish not to let them run it...

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For all you "Jets offense will be much better now that Hackett is gone" apologists, Bozo the Clown will still be patrolling the sidelines. :wink:

i think herm will be smart enough to let DINGER run the show....with aggressive OC and DC like these..he'd be foolish not to let them run it...

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i think herm will be smart enough to let DINGER run the show....with aggressive OC and DC like these..he'd be foolish not to let them run it...

I think the only reason Hermy let Hendu run his own show last year was because he was afraid of him. :shock:

Hermy is not smart enough to make that decision on his own.

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i think herm will be smart enough to let DINGER run the show....with aggressive OC and DC like these..he'd be foolish not to let them run it...

I think the only reason Hermy let Hendu run his own show last year was because he was afraid of him. :shock:

Hermy is not smart enough to make that decision on his own.

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For all you "Jets offense will be much better now that Hackett is gone" apologists, Bozo the Clown will still be patrolling the sidelines. :wink:

Herm is about as conservative as they come as a HC. I think a lot of that had to do with having absolutely NO confidence in Hackett. It should be interesting to see what happens when the jets are up 10 in the second half of games this year. Herm has traditionally shut it down at that point and try to hold on for victory. It's up to Dinger to gain herms confidence early - then he will give him the green light to basically do what he wants - similar to Hendu.

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For all you "Jets offense will be much better now that Hackett is gone" apologists, Bozo the Clown will still be patrolling the sidelines. :wink:

Herm is about as conservative as they come as a HC. I think a lot of that had to do with having absolutely NO confidence in Hackett. It should be interesting to see what happens when the jets are up 10 in the second half of games this year. Herm has traditionally shut it down at that point and try to hold on for victory. It's up to Dinger to gain herms confidence early - then he will give him the green light to basically do what he wants - similar to Hendu.

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This would hold alot more water if Hackett wasn't also a living abortion in Kansas City, too. The guy has been burned in effigy at every stop he's been to. I blame Herm the idiot for bringing Hackett here in the first place--because Herm does all the hiring, right Herm-lovers?--but he doesn't take the whack for Hackett sucking. Of course, Herm was powerless to fix it, but hey, baby steps. To wuote Bradway, we're on a "seven year plan."

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This would hold alot more water if Hackett wasn't also a living abortion in Kansas City, too. The guy has been burned in effigy at every stop he's been to. I blame Herm the idiot for bringing Hackett here in the first place--because Herm does all the hiring, right Herm-lovers?--but he doesn't take the whack for Hackett sucking. Of course, Herm was powerless to fix it, but hey, baby steps. To wuote Bradway, we're on a "seven year plan."

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After the debacle that was hackett, Heimerdinger wouldn't have taken this job if he didn't get to run the offense with minimal input from Edwards.It may look like a lateral move. But Heimerdinger knows a guy who makes this offense go well into the playoffs will get HC consideration. The fact that it's in NYC doesn't hurt. And that's whay he took this job.

While most people (save Bradway, Edwards and now Gruden) KNEW Hackett was a toolbag from Day 1, the beating Cottrell's rep took here hasn't gone unnoticed in the coaching fraternity. Cottrell did a good job in Buffalo with the 3-4 to find himself trying to run a Cover 2 Edwards insisted on, personnel be damned, and took the fall when it didn't ever really work. Edwards cannot expect his career to go anywhere if another respected coordinator(be it Henderson of Hiemerdinger) leaves Hofstra with his reputation in tatters at the hands of Edwards.

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After the debacle that was hackett, Heimerdinger wouldn't have taken this job if he didn't get to run the offense with minimal input from Edwards.It may look like a lateral move. But Heimerdinger knows a guy who makes this offense go well into the playoffs will get HC consideration. The fact that it's in NYC doesn't hurt. And that's whay he took this job.

While most people (save Bradway, Edwards and now Gruden) KNEW Hackett was a toolbag from Day 1, the beating Cottrell's rep took here hasn't gone unnoticed in the coaching fraternity. Cottrell did a good job in Buffalo with the 3-4 to find himself trying to run a Cover 2 Edwards insisted on, personnel be damned, and took the fall when it didn't ever really work. Edwards cannot expect his career to go anywhere if another respected coordinator(be it Henderson of Hiemerdinger) leaves Hofstra with his reputation in tatters at the hands of Edwards.

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HERM is basically a conservative HC. He mentored under DUNGY who is still the same way. Imagine having MANNING and still being conservative and NOT winning a SB. The point is that HERM must shake his tendencies and let the OC run the show with his input. Listen to the RAVEN game we lost. It has been broadcast over NFL channel and you will see what I mean. CHAD told HERM to address the troops at the half because of LAMONTS bad decision and INT! HERM refused and the team came out FLAT. My point is it is about time that HERM took the heat for NOT being the leader that he should be. Players can be blamed all U want but it is up to the HC to put them in the position to win. If HERM knows little about OFFENSE, should he be a HC? He can learn in the ARENA LEAGUE!

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HERM is basically a conservative HC. He mentored under DUNGY who is still the same way. Imagine having MANNING and still being conservative and NOT winning a SB. The point is that HERM must shake his tendencies and let the OC run the show with his input. Listen to the RAVEN game we lost. It has been broadcast over NFL channel and you will see what I mean. CHAD told HERM to address the troops at the half because of LAMONTS bad decision and INT! HERM refused and the team came out FLAT. My point is it is about time that HERM took the heat for NOT being the leader that he should be. Players can be blamed all U want but it is up to the HC to put them in the position to win. If HERM knows little about OFFENSE, should he be a HC? He can learn in the ARENA LEAGUE!

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I think the only reason Hermy let Hendu run his own show last year was because he was afraid of him. :shock:

Is this not a man who exudes fear?


Dinger: Herm will let Dinger run offense, and Herm will like it, bitch! Dinger want food!

Herm: Don't hurt me!

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I think the only reason Hermy let Hendu run his own show last year was because he was afraid of him. :shock:

Is this not a man who exudes fear?


Dinger: Herm will let Dinger run offense, and Herm will like it, bitch! Dinger want food!

Herm: Don't hurt me!

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Is this not a man who exudes fear?

that face is a cartoonists dream-I could draw a caricature that would be dead on-maybe I should.Union County Tech taught me a couple



Dinger: Herm will let Dinger run offense, and Herm will like it, b!tch! Dinger want food!

Herm: Don't hurt me!

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Is this not a man who exudes fear?

that face is a cartoonists dream-I could draw a caricature that would be dead on-maybe I should.Union County Tech taught me a couple



Dinger: Herm will let Dinger run offense, and Herm will like it, b!tch! Dinger want food!

Herm: Don't hurt me!

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For all you "Jets offense will be much better now that Hackett is gone" apologists, Bozo the Clown will still be patrolling the sidelines. :wink:

Name me ONE offense that Hackett ran correctly? Also since when did you start giving media outlets credibility?

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For all you "Jets offense will be much better now that Hackett is gone" apologists, Bozo the Clown will still be patrolling the sidelines. :wink:

Name me ONE offense that Hackett ran correctly? Also since when did you start giving media outlets credibility?

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