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PatsFans.com upset at Randy Moss

johnny green balls

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How did the offensive line manage to lay such an egg? Randy Moss complained in postgame interviews that the Giants had more intensity than the Patriots. If so, how? How can 18-0 not motivate you? How can the Super Bowl not motivate you? Was it because Belichick cancelled Saturday walk-throughs and made the team more complacent than it should have been? Was it because Belichick seemed too confident in his press conferences on Friday ("We're ready to go!")?

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Let up.

And if you had an ounce of brain you'd realize theyre referring to the entire team, not just your boyfriend Randy.

And Randy was deadon. The Pats didnt match the Giants intensity. The Giants looked like a team on a mission, while the Pats overrall looked half asleep.

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How did the offensive line manage to lay such an egg? Randy Moss complained in postgame interviews that the Giants had more intensity than the Patriots. If so, how? How can 18-0 not motivate you? How can the Super Bowl not motivate you? Was it because Belichick cancelled Saturday walk-throughs and made the team more complacent than it should have been? Was it because Belichick seemed too confident in his press conferences on Friday ("We're ready to go!")?

I assume you know this, but that article says no such thing. It says that Bob is upset that the Pats had less intensity. Randy Moss just expressed what most people with two eyes could see: the Giants looked like they wanted it more. Maybe it was from overconfidence or maybe from getting punched in the mouth on the front lines. Moss did not say, nor does "patsfans.com" intimate that Moss himself had less intesity than the Giants. In fact, you also might have noticed Moss exhorting his teammates before the kickoff after his TD. Trying to get them "up" and to support the D. I suppose you'll see that as a sign of grandstanding and turdism and he probably should have stayed on the bench like Tomlinson.

Good night.

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Let up.

And if you had an ounce of brain you'd realize theyre referring to the entire team, not just your boyfriend Randy.

And Randy was deadon. The Pats didnt match the Giants intensity. The Giants looked like a team on a mission, while the Pats overrall looked half asleep.

I assume you know this, but that article says no such thing. It says that Bob is upset that the Pats had less intensity. Randy Moss just expressed what most people with two eyes could see: the Giants looked like they wanted it more. Maybe it was from overconfidence or maybe from getting punched in the mouth on the front lines. Moss did not say, nor does "patsfans.com" intimate that Moss himself had less intesity than the Giants. In fact, you also might have noticed Moss exhorting his teammates before the kickoff after his TD. Trying to get them "up" and to support the D. I suppose you'll see that as a sign of grandstanding and turdism and he probably should have stayed on the bench like Tomlinson.

Good night.

contrary to your egos, this has nothing to do with you. i hate the pats and especially randy moss. if i come across articles portraying him in a bad light, i'm going to post them. you guys are defending randy moss. seriously, look at yourselves.

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Kraft's buddy Goodell destroyed it but everyone knows there is much much more and it will come out in time.

Whatever you say. Where is the proof? You are taking the word of a disgruntled ex-employee. Way to be impartial.

The guy making these accusations was fired by the Pats in January of 2002. He wasn't even in the A/V Department (He was in the scouting dept.)

The Rams/Pats Super Bowl occurred in February of 2002.

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Whatever you say. Where is the proof? You are taking the word of a disgruntled ex-employee. Way to be impartial.

The guy making these accusations was fired by the Pats in January of 2002. He wasn't even in the A/V Department (He was in the scouting dept.)

The Rams/Pats Super Bowl occurred in February of 2002.

So your fraud franchise lost a 1st round pick, was fined 750k and the evidence was destroyed because they did nothing right? LMAO. Why can't you live in the world of reality?

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So your fraud franchise lost a 1st round pick, was fined 750k and the evidence was destroyed because they did nothing right? LMAO. Why can't you live in the world of reality?

The Pats broke a rule and were punished. The NFL destroyed the tapes. WTF do the Pats have to do with the NFL destroying the tapes?

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The Pats broke a rule and were punished. The NFL destroyed the tapes. WTF do the Pats have to do with the NFL destroying the tapes?

It's common sense that the NFL doesn't want to admit that their sport hasn't been on the level the last 8 years. Now they are being forced to and it's not gonna be pretty.

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It's common sense that the NFL doesn't want to admit that their sport hasn't been on the level the last 8 years. Now they are being forced to and it's not gonna be pretty.

If the NFL is covering up stuff why are you still a fan?

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contrary to your egos, this has nothing to do with you. i hate the pats and especially randy moss. if i come across articles portraying him in a bad light, i'm going to post them. you guys are defending randy moss. seriously, look at yourselves.

Our egos? Pot meet kettle.

I believe that your Dad posted yesterday "let's put this to bed and agree to disagree,, this is getting tedious" Then you posted again and you both whined about "Matt chiming in again" If you want to post bull****, unsupported opinions and support them by posting links that don't relate expect to be called on it.

I don't care if you post anti-Pats articles. I hate them. I hate Randy Moss too. In fact I tend to think he is overrated. On the other hand when you post an article "portraying him in a bad light" I think the article should actually portray him in a bad light. This particular piece did nothing but quote Moss and did not in any way suggest anyone was "upset with Randy Moss" or that Moss himself had less intensity than other other pats or the Giants.

Now go whine to somebody about this being a personal attack because personally I don't give a **** anymore.

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Why are people asking for proof the pats cheated like it doesn't exist? There was proof and the NFL burned it up in an attempt to cover it up. They were caught cheating once and now there there are allegations of past cheating and a senate investigation you want me to give the pats the benefit of the doubt? Don't make me laugh, that's like saying there is no proof Michael Jackson likes little kids. There might not be an publically available proof for this specific allegation(yet) and they might not get in trouble for it this time but, come on, you know they cheated just like you know Michael Jackson likes little boys.

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I went onto Patsfan.com on Sunday nite. For what it's worth the "fans" there, and I use the term loosly, were pretty disgusted with Moss. The general opinion was that he disappeared in the playoffs entirely and should NOT be resigned. The term "waste" when referring to Randy Moss was thrown around pretty liberally on their site.

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I went onto Patsfan.com on Sunday nite. For what it's worth the "fans" there, and I use the term loosly, were pretty disgusted with Moss. The general opinion was that he disappeared in the playoffs entirely and should NOT be resigned. The term "waste" when referring to Randy Moss was thrown around pretty liberally on their site.

Let them get rid of Moss- it makes the Pats offense significantly worse.

Wes Welker without Randy Moss = Wes Welker. The horror.

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Why are people asking for proof the pats cheated like it doesn't exist? There was proof and the NFL burned it up in an attempt to cover it up. They were caught cheating once and now there there are allegations of past cheating and a senate investigation you want me to give the pats the benefit of the doubt? Don't make me laugh, that's like saying there is no proof Michael Jackson likes little kids. There might not be an publically available proof for this specific allegation(yet) and they might not get in trouble for it this time but, come on, you know they cheated just like you know Michael Jackson likes little boys.

The other thing I find interesting is that the tapes that were given to the NFL were from 2006 and 2007. It is widely agreed that Mangini knew about their videotaping practices while he was there and that's how he knew to look out for it. So if Mangini came here in 2006 and that's the earliest the tapes given to the NFL were, then what happened to all of the tapes from before 2006?

My guess is that they either still exist and the Pats just didn't turn them in, or that the Pats only keep copies of the tapes for a two year period. Either way, to think this just started happening in 2006 is absurb and incredibly naive.

And how anyone can give an organization caught cheating the benefit of the doubt is baffling. They have no credibility at this point. None.

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The other thing I find interesting is that the tapes that were given to the NFL were from 2006 and 2007. It is widely agreed that Mangini knew about their videotaping practices while he was there and that's how he knew to look out for it. So if Mangini came here in 2006 and that's the earliest the tapes given to the NFL were, then what happened to all of the tapes from before 2006?

My guess is that they either still exist and the Pats just didn't turn them in, or that the Pats only keep copies of the tapes for a two year period. Either way, to think this just started happening in 2006 is absurb and incredibly naive.

And how anyone can give an organization caught cheating the benefit of the doubt is baffling. They have no credibility at this point. None.

NFL fans everywhere to NFL handling of SpyGate :wtf:

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NFL fans everywhere to NFL handling of SpyGate :wtf:

Didn't they destroy the tapes because one had been leaked out to Fox Sports and shown all over television?

Man, some people just won't give it up until they hear what they want to - regardless of it's validity. :rolleyes:

BTW - most of the people on Patsfan.com are homer-jokesters. I've been put down there so many times for - dare I say it! - pointing out the teams' flaws. Now, they are disppointed - and they just pile on Randy. Not for nothing - Randy (and Stallworth) were open most of the game on Sunday (Randy from local accounts was a wee-bit banged up too) but Tom Brady did not have enough time to get him the balls because the O-line was being man-handled and although the defense played very well (17 points) they could not close the deal when they had the chance. The Pats did not lose because of Randy Moss.

Hey Bob the Jets Fan- remember Andy Johnson? Oh man, that dude drives me banannas. Biggest homer ever. He was explaining how the Pats would destroy the Giants at Patsfans before the game - and I wanted to scream! The man is always wrong! Yesterday he was saying what a great season the Pats had regardless. He drives me nuts, Bob.

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Didn't they destroy the tapes because one had been leaked out to Fox Sports and shown all over television?


If someone is cheating , why would we take thier word that they handed in all tapes?? Or that maybe there were more tapes that they destroyed?

Its like a horse race, everyone has a different opinion

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If someone is cheating , why would we take thier word that they handed in all tapes?? Or that maybe there were more tapes that they destroyed?

Its like a horse race, everyone has a different opinion

You certainly won't take their word because you are a Jets fan. I get that. But there are other valid opinions here. K?

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If someone is cheating , why would we take thier word that they handed in all tapes?? Or that maybe there were more tapes that they destroyed?

Its like a horse race, everyone has a different opinion

You certainly won't take their word because you are a Jets fan. I get that. But there are other valid opinions here. K?

I think I said that. K?

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If someone is cheating , why would we take thier word that they handed in all tapes?? Or that maybe there were more tapes that they destroyed?

Its like a horse race, everyone has a different opinion

You mean like the walkthroughs for all their super bowls opponents? Does anyone in their right mind believe that they did it only once when it worked so well the first time? We're not even scratching the surface of this.

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