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Are we now a legitimate threat in the AFC


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ya mean like when our QB missed two chippie field goals to prevent the Jets from going to the AFC Championship Game?

You mean the game where Chad lead our team to 3 points? In the entire game? 3 points? If O'Brien makes those 2 field goals but we don't score 7 on D and 7 on Special Teams, we lose 17-9. You are right, Chad had nothing to do with that loss. He played like a champion that day. His kicker let him down. Yeah, right.

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I've seen what Kellen Clemens can do and it's hoist up plenty of interceptions and never staying in the pocket because he can't see over most offensive and defensive linemen. You cannot honestly tell me you were impressed with what you saw last season.

Quinn has a rocket arm and he's mobile. He didn't play last season because he's a rookie and Derek Anderson surprisingly had a very good year. I'd take either one of those guys over Penningtno, Clemens and Tui any day of the week.

Truth is, I wasn't impressed with Anderson going into 2007 either. And neither were the Browns, who started the year with him behind Charlie Frye.

I'm still holding out hope, but I'd be lying if I said I really expected him to suddenly be a top QB.

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Lets contol the Jet fever a little- Clemens is still a question mark and just because you bring in bunch of guys does not mean they will jell and perform- see Redskins. Just be optimistic.

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I knew a topic like this would come up as soon as we picked up all these players. WERE NOT UNTILL WE HAVE GREAT PLAY FROM KELLEN. If Jet fans you learn something these past coupe of years you need a QB to make the playoffs and right now they are both *Chad and Kellen* fighting for the starting job thats not a good sign right now. Jenkins has to learn to play the 3-4 defense, Pace had one good season, Woody is coming off of a bad season you need to take the good with the bad.

Jets made big steps but we are coming close but NOT YET playoffs maybe but we are no treat without a FOR SURE STARTER at QB.

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while we're better in the trenches you can hardly label us a good team. we have potential but players need to gel as a team and good coaching is req'd.

as of now we are no better than the 4-12 jets til we prove otherwise on the field.

i'm glad we're signing guys in the trenches though.

i can't wait to see out front 7 do work especially if we draft Gholston that's going to be sick

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I call bs on the can't see over linemen. Kellen is not a midget, he is 6'2". Quinn is 6'4". 2 inches does not make that big of a difference. Most linemen these days are 6'6" to 6'8" tall, so Quinn can't see over them either. Both QBs as well as all other QBs depend on throwing lanes. And Kellen has a high overhand release point, so 2 inches means absolutely nothing.

Kellen has a rocket arm and is mobile. He just doesn't have the bull **** hype coming out of ND. Are you easily impressed with names?

Have you actually watched Kellen play a football game? If he's 6'2 then I'm 7'6 like Yao Ming. No way Kellen is over 6 feet tall.

Football players get their ht./wt numbers exaggerated all the time in football on every level, high school, college and even NFL. It happens all the time. In the NBA John Starks was listed as 6'5. If you really think Starks was 6'5 I have some Enron stock I'd like to sell you. If you think Kellen is actually 6'2 I have some TWA stock I'd like to sell you.

And yes, height does matter for NFL quarterbacks. That's why shorter QB's rarely ever make it in the NFL. I don't care how high your release point is. If you can't see over the heads of most of the Offensive and Defensive linemen while you're in the pocket you are seriously *****ed.

The guy sucked last season and the Warner comparison is a fair one because the same excuse is always made for Kellen: his line sucked last year. Well, I gave you player at the same position who is not known as a mobile QB who played behind an even worse O-line in Arizona that got Matt Leinart killed and he threw 27 tds last season.

You call bs? I call homerism on your part skippy.

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Kellen played 8 games behind the worst O-line in football.

So did Chad.

Yes, they're both better than what the Jets have right now at the QB position.

As for the laundry list of excuses people are making for Kellen, Kurt Warner played behind an even worse offensive line last season in Arizona nad he threw 27 td passes.

Thanks PN, spot on.

We are a legit threat in the AFC if our defense goes from the crap heap to top 5. This depends on the coaching because they have clearly gone out and gotten the players they need.

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Have you actually watched Kellen play a football game? If he's 6'2 then I'm 7'6 like Yao Ming. No way Kellen is over 6 feet tall.

Football players get their ht./wt numbers exaggerated all the time in football on every level, high school, college and even NFL. It happens all the time.

Except that in the NFL, players are measured and weighed at the combine. They broadcast that on the NFL network. He didn't shrink since then, so we can assume that his listed height from the combine is correct.

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I think on paper we are bigger threat than last year, does that count?

With some beef and talent on the O-line now, we should be able to control the pace of the games better with our ground game. Had we had that last year we wouldve come out on top of some those close games.

If Clemens/Pennington can settle down into a comfy pocket 90% of the time we WILL be a legit threat this year. Maybe actually open up the playbook and look like a professional offense this year too.

This defense needs to gel quickly and try to continue to build on the progress of the second half of last year. I dont know if thats possible with Jenkins as an unknown at NT, but if it does we can be a force early. --and win.

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