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" Speculation as to motive behind Jets offseason transactions varied " ~ ~ ~


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March 12, 2008

Home > The Way We Hear It

~ ~ ~ NY Jets

March 12, 2008

Speculation as to motive behind Jets offseason transactions varied

While it's owner Woody Johnson who signs the check, head coach Eric Mangini and general manager Mike Tannenbaum are given almost unilateral control over the Jets' football operations. In the frenetic pace of the first few weeks of free agency, the Mangini-Tannenbaum duo took full advantage of their decision-making powers, executing more high-profile transactions than any other team. Opinions on the Jets' offseason haul are mixed. Some see the additions of talented players like OG Alan Faneca, OLB Calvin Pace, NT Kris Jenkins, OT Damien Woody and FB Tony Richardson as a clear sign that the Jets are on the way back up. Others criticize the decisions, arguing that the Jets are throwing exorbitant dollars at past-their-prime (or in the case of Pace, still unproven) players. Furthermore, many of the detractors believe that Mangini and Tannenbaum are looking for a quick fix, regardless of the long-term repercussions, with the rationale being that the duo feels they need a strong 2008 season to save their jobs

> http://www.profootballweekly.com/PFW/The+Way+We+Hear+It/default.htm

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March 12, 2008

Home > The Way We Hear It

~ ~ ~ NY Jets

March 12, 2008

Speculation as to motive behind Jets offseason transactions varied

While it's owner Woody Johnson who signs the check, head coach Eric Mangini and general manager Mike Tannenbaum are given almost unilateral control over the Jets' football operations. In the frenetic pace of the first few weeks of free agency, the Mangini-Tannenbaum duo took full advantage of their decision-making powers, executing more high-profile transactions than any other team. Opinions on the Jets' offseason haul are mixed. Some see the additions of talented players like OG Alan Faneca, OLB Calvin Pace, NT Kris Jenkins, OT Damien Woody and FB Tony Richardson as a clear sign that the Jets are on the way back up. Others criticize the decisions, arguing that the Jets are throwing exorbitant dollars at past-their-prime (or in the case of Pace, still unproven) players. Furthermore, many of the detractors believe that Mangini and Tannenbaum are looking for a quick fix, regardless of the long-term repercussions, with the rationale being that the duo feels they need a strong 2008 season to save their jobs

> http://www.profootballweekly.com/PFW/The+Way+We+Hear+It/default.htm

I said that before free agency that they would be very aggressive..with al that cap money.. they would spend as much as they could to get a winning team on the board because they feel there jobs are on the line and it makes no sense to leave the cap for another Gm

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Its legit to criticize the Jets for these moves because (a) they are the Jets, and (B) teams that have recently employed some version of this strategy have typically failed. But its knee jerk. I bet no one is considering the larger picture and how these guys will impact an otherwise young team (almost entirely drafted by the Jets). I also bet they havent seen the official version of the contracts and the guarantees contained therein, which apparently are smaller than originally reported.

Despite these signings and the Jenkins trade, the Jets are still a very young team which has retained the vast majority of its draft picks going forward. Helping the present, in the case of this version of the Jets, will serve to help the future of the franchise (assuming, of course, that the Jets have selected the right guys to build around).


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It's funny that they complain about $ paid to "over the hill" players and then also complain about someone who is still 100% unproven. What, you only sign guys in FA that are at the absolute peak of their career?

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March 12, 2008

Home > The Way We Hear It

~ ~ ~ NY Jets

March 12, 2008

Speculation as to motive behind Jets offseason transactions varied

While it's owner Woody Johnson who signs the check, head coach Eric Mangini and general manager Mike Tannenbaum are given almost unilateral control over the Jets' football operations. In the frenetic pace of the first few weeks of free agency, the Mangini-Tannenbaum duo took full advantage of their decision-making powers, executing more high-profile transactions than any other team. Opinions on the Jets' offseason haul are mixed. Some see the additions of talented players like OG Alan Faneca, OLB Calvin Pace, NT Kris Jenkins, OT Damien Woody and FB Tony Richardson as a clear sign that the Jets are on the way back up. Others criticize the decisions, arguing that the Jets are throwing exorbitant dollars at past-their-prime (or in the case of Pace, still unproven) players. Furthermore, many of the detractors believe that Mangini and Tannenbaum are looking for a quick fix, regardless of the long-term repercussions, with the rationale being that the duo feels they need a strong 2008 season to save their jobs

> http://www.profootballweekly.com/PFW/The+Way+We+Hear+It/default.htm

It's funny that they complain about $ paid to "over the hill" players and then also complain about someone who is still 100% unproven. What, you only sign guys in FA that are at the absolute peak of their career?

If the Pats would have made the same moves.. they would be very smart.. but its the Jets.. everyones favorite whipping boys..

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Generally i scoff at teams with this many pick ups. But we aren't going about it the same way Dan Snyder does. He always picks up players that had a flash in a few games, and assumed they will do that all the time (randel el, that bum they just cut), or guys well past their primes (bruce smith). I believe it was AZ that signed that scrub from the Buccanears after their super bowl win...i guess they never took the time to realize all three picks were thrown right to him.

I won't defend, or criticize the Pace, Woody, and Richardson pickups until i see them play. I will defend the Faneca and Jenkins signing, since they are already proven players, and nobody can say we didn't need both positions in a serious way.

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It's funny that they complain about $ paid to "over the hill" players and then also complain about someone who is still 100% unproven. What, you only sign guys in FA that are at the absolute peak of their career?

And how is it mortgaging the future when we kept most of our draft picks, and indeed, are trading away useless players for more draft picks?

The media will criticize everything you do so it's better to just ignore them. PFT is the national enquirer of sports rags, and it's not like sports "journalists" were esteemed to begin with.

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If the Pats would have made the same moves.. they would be very smart.. but its the Jets.. everyones favorite whipping boys..

its easy to pile on crappy teams and brown nose the good teams.

I doubt the Jets F/O cares what PFW thinks of their offseason.. or what anyone thinks of their offseason. You dont get any extra wins because the media likes what you do.

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I think they have done a fine job SO FAR , but I think the 2 reasons for the rebuilding us into a contender are (1) The people who run this team finally reached the point of embarressment that the fans have been at for the last 40 years ,thanks to the G-MEN winning another Super Bowl before our JETS could. (2) They have to at least get back to the AFC Championship game next season before they hit us with those huge PSL bills....

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March 12, 2008

Home > The Way We Hear It

~ ~ ~ NY Jets

March 12, 2008

Speculation as to motive behind Jets offseason transactions varied

While it's owner Woody Johnson who signs the check, head coach Eric Mangini and general manager Mike Tannenbaum are given almost unilateral control over the Jets' football operations. In the frenetic pace of the first few weeks of free agency, the Mangini-Tannenbaum duo took full advantage of their decision-making powers, executing more high-profile transactions than any other team. Opinions on the Jets' offseason haul are mixed. Some see the additions of talented players like OG Alan Faneca, OLB Calvin Pace, NT Kris Jenkins, OT Damien Woody and FB Tony Richardson as a clear sign that the Jets are on the way back up. Others criticize the decisions, arguing that the Jets are throwing exorbitant dollars at past-their-prime (or in the case of Pace, still unproven) players. Furthermore, many of the detractors believe that Mangini and Tannenbaum are looking for a quick fix, regardless of the long-term repercussions, with the rationale being that the duo feels they need a strong 2008 season to save their jobs

> http://www.profootballweekly.com/PFW/The+Way+We+Hear+It/default.htm

A make or break year for Tangini because they've invested so heavily in FA? - I don't buy it (no pun intended). Tangini will be around at least until the new stadium opens up in 2010 wink.gif

As far as what's motivating Tangini there's no question they're trying to put the best team on the field they can for '08.


In other words, don't work for an NFL team if you're not going to compete to win. That's the message they are sending to the fans and the players. That's what attracted FA's Faneca, Jenkins, Pace and Richardson to the team. Today's Jets culture is a REAL WINNING CULTURE. Not some bs slogan mouthed to the media for good effect.

Tangini are not desperate for their jobs. They are not trying to save themselves by making some high-risk irrational moves. They are following a plan. A plan they've worked on for months with ownership. They know what their needs are, what's available in FA and the draft, and they understand how to use their cap space. They're pulling the trigger on every opportunity available. Aggressively. Again sending a message. This organization wants to win.

So you say every team wants to win. And I'll tell you a lot of teams are full of bull**** and that's what they sell to their fans. The Jets under this regime is not full of bull****. Not just the fans, but the players know it too.

The media wants to say building through FA is a loser's approach and cite Dan Snyder and the Redskins as the prime example. I don't buy that argument at all. Without going into who they picked up in FA and why it didn't work for them I'll just say FA isn't anymore of a risk than the draft. If you have good personnel people who can evaluate talent, then you've got as good a chance of picking up a good FA as a good draftee.

Besides Tangini is using FA the way it should be used... to fill as many holes as possible so that they can draft the best players available. Have we lost our draft picks because of FA so we can't ALSO build for the future with young players? Who cares how much money is spent. Would I be happy to have 2nd rate players on the team but be $40 million under the cap? How absurd! The only thing that matters is being able to manage player contracts and the cap from year to year and Tannenbaum has everyone's confidence that he can do that.

If the Jets have a good draft and they get good production from their FA's, then Tangini deserves an A+ for this offseason even if they don't go to the playoffs this year.

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I think it has something to do with the FO trying to improve the team, but what do I know.

I think the FA signings are good, yes we may have overpaid a bit (especially with Pace) but there's little doubt that they are going to vastly improve the team, especially in the trenches. Not to mention we've only given up and 3rd and 5th round draft pick which means that in addition to all the signings we've made, we're still going to have plenty of picks. This is not like how the Redskins do it, as they sign and trade for players and give up many valuable picks in the process, while the Jets are keeping theirs.

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It's funny that they complain about $ paid to "over the hill" players and then also complain about someone who is still 100% unproven. What, you only sign guys in FA that are at the absolute peak of their career?

Funny how they criticize us for paying over the hill players yet the "PRAISED" the patiots linebacker core every chance they gott last year.

Seau, the thirty year vet!

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The offensive line was horrid last year. Or even worse than that. It needed to be addressed. And a smart guy was needed to be at LG, next to the 2 kids. So Facena makes a lot of sense.

R/T was a weakness also, and Woody has the size and ability (albeit it was only a few games last year) to play there.

We needed a big man in the 3-4 which Mangini is committed to. Jenkins fits the need. We need a speed rusher for the 3-4, who can also play as an edge lineman at times. Pace fits that need.

I am not sure if the need for a big bruising blocker was a major need, but it can't hurt.

I see the signings as filling needs, not as throwing $$$$$$$$$ around.

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A make or break year for Tangini because they've invested so heavily in FA? - I don't buy it (no pun intended). Tangini will be around at least until the new stadium opens up in 2010 wink.gif

As far as what's motivating Tangini there's no question they're trying to put the best team on the field they can for '08.


In other words, don't work for an NFL team if you're not going to compete to win. That's the message they are sending to the fans and the players. That's what attracted FA's Faneca, Jenkins, Pace and Richardson to the team. Today's Jets culture is a REAL WINNING CULTURE. Not some bs slogan mouthed to the media for good effect.

Tangini are not desperate for their jobs. They are not trying to save themselves by making some high-risk irrational moves. They are following a plan. A plan they've worked on for months with ownership. They know what their needs are, what's available in FA and the draft, and they understand how to use their cap space. They're pulling the trigger on every opportunity available. Aggressively. Again sending a message. This organization wants to win.

So you say every team wants to win. And I'll tell you a lot of teams are full of bull**** and that's what they sell to their fans. The Jets under this regime is not full of bull****. Not just the fans, but the players know it too.

The media wants to say building through FA is a loser's approach and cite Dan Snyder and the Redskins as the prime example. I don't buy that argument at all. Without going into who they picked up in FA and why it didn't work for them I'll just say FA isn't anymore of a risk than the draft. If you have good personnel people who can evaluate talent, then you've got as good a chance of picking up a good FA as a good draftee.

Besides Tangini is using FA the way it should be used... to fill as many holes as possible so that they can draft the best players available. Have we lost our draft picks because of FA so we can't ALSO build for the future with young players? Who cares how much money is spent. Would I be happy to have 2nd rate players on the team but be $40 million under the cap? How absurd! The only thing that matters is being able to manage player contracts and the cap from year to year and Tannenbaum has everyone's confidence that he can do that.

If the Jets have a good draft and they get good production from their FA's, then Tangini deserves an A+ for this offseason even if they don't go to the playoffs this year.

Bang on!

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