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Who would you rather have as our starting QB in 2008?


Who would you rather have as our 08' Starting QB?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. Who would you rather have as our 08' Starting QB?

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Clearly Chad is the better game manager. And he's such a nice guy.

God can be a bit of a prick. Did you ever read the old testament? Talk about a locker room cancer. And don't get me started on his off the field issues. He's wiped out whole cities. And then there's Mary. The married woman who father his child. Sheesh!

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Considering the choices you gave us I had to go with Pennington.

God is way to busy with the middle East, Jerusalem and all that sort of thing to make a serious commitment to the Jets as QB

If Pennington starts and God backs him up, and gives him some support, who knows maybe a miracle and heals his arm, I think Chad will do fine

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