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dorsey, jenkins, coleman = dominant ?


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Does any one else think that if dorsey falls to 6 we should grab him to play de. I know hes a little short but i feel like him jenkins and coleman would give us one of the best run defenses in the league. You would most likly need all five lineman to stop the three on a play. What do you guys think?

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Does any one else think that if dorsey falls to 6 we should grab him to play de. I know hes a little short but i feel like him jenkins and coleman would give us one of the best run defenses in the league. You would most likly need all five lineman to stop the three on a play. What do you guys think?

No, if we wanted to spend a **** load of money to see if we can convert a dominant college DT with a bum knee to a 3-4 DE in the NFL, we can keep Drob for another year.

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SOrry, but i have to disagree. Dorsey's best position is going to be UT in a 43 defense where he will be able to utilize his quickness and power in order to penetrate and collapse the pocket. He is a bit short to be the ideal 34 DE and will have trouble shedding the larger RTs in the league. He is good against the run, but isn't someone you want occupying a RT and TE or RT and OG depending on the situation. Don't get me wrong, I think he definately could do it and do it alright, but it's not his best position by any means and drafting him to play that position would be a mistake. We're better off getting someone like Kentwan Balmer, Marcus Harrison, Pat Sims or my two favorites, Dre Moore and Red Bryant.

Not a bad question though, just i don't think it would be our answer.

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Does any one else think that if dorsey falls to 6 we should grab him to play de. I know hes a little short but i feel like him jenkins and coleman would give us one of the best run defenses in the league. You would most likly need all five lineman to stop the three on a play. What do you guys think?

Sorry but I think you'll be in the minority on this subject. BTW Welcome to Jets Nation

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SOrry, but i have to disagree. Dorsey's best position is going to be UT in a 43 defense where he will be able to utilize his quickness and power in order to penetrate and collapse the pocket. He is a bit short to be the ideal 34 DE and will have trouble shedding the larger RTs in the league. He is good against the run, but isn't someone you want occupying a RT and TE or RT and OG depending on the situation. Don't get me wrong, I think he definately could do it and do it alright, but it's not his best position by any means and drafting him to play that position would be a mistake. We're better off getting someone like Kentwan Balmer, Marcus Harrison, Pat Sims or my two favorites, Dre Moore and Red Bryant.

Not a bad question though, just i don't think it would be our answer.

I would love for the Jets to draft this position in the second round, and I agree re the guys they should consider with the pick (Sims or Moore at #36 would be sweet, IMO). I think DE should be a priority along with CB, WR and LB.

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I think Dorsey could do a fine job at DE. People get too caught up in heights/weights/arm length, what it comes down to, is his ability to play the defensive line. How can someone claim he can't shed a RT & RG but can shed a Center & RG? I know the RT is a mauler, but lets be honest, a RDE is smaller than a guy like Dorsey.

Playing Dorsey at DE would surrender quite a bit in terms of pass rush, and for a top 10 pick, you really shouldn't be walking into any type of situation that gives you a one dimensional player. In that regard, I would agree with BroadwayJoe, and go after a guy like Dre Moore in the second round, or Bryant in the 3rd (yes i realize we don't have a third STFU).

I would like to take a pure DT like Dorsey and play him at DE, but probably not with the sixth pick.

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Does any one else think that if dorsey falls to 6 we should grab him to play de. I know hes a little short but i feel like him jenkins and coleman would give us one of the best run defenses in the league. You would most likly need all five lineman to stop the three on a play. What do you guys think?

I heard Dorsey had an injury problem that was causing his stock to drop.

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