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Teddies in the House


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Kennedy came in last night..At same place I had cancer surgery..

Duke is best place he can be for what he is going through...

Kennedy at Duke to undergo brain tumor surgery


Posted: Today at 6:51 a.m.

Updated: 26 minutes ago

Durham, N.C.

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We are all humbled by our mortality. Nobody is guaranteed another day. This could happen to anybody at any time, whether it is brain cancer or a car wreck.

My maker gave me the power to forgive and it's my choice to use it, and to show mercy and compassion, even to those who have trespassed against me.

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My brother-in-law died of a glioblastoma back in the 90s. It was almost exactly a year after his diagnosis, even after trying all traditional and experimental therapies at the time. I hope Ted finds that elusive miracle.

well, i found a miracle at duke..

so they are out there

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well, i found a miracle at duke..

so they are out there

I'm actually getting emotional as I type this thinking back on those challenging times. I can't imagine what you have gone through, but am beyond happy for the miracle you have found. I wish you continued health, spiritual fulfillment and happiness.

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Very delicate surgery. Senator Kennedy should be grateful that he has the means and resources to find, and get the best, to perform this surgery. By all accounts his doctors is widely regarded as the best.

A friends sister had breast cancer - went into remission for five years - only to have it come back - on her brain. Chemo, radiation, holistic meds, organic diet, prayer, you name it, she had it. Then she had three surgeries - and everytime she came through as a different person. You just have no idea what you are screwing around with up there. It's scary.

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Very delicate surgery. Senator Kennedy should be grateful that he has the means and resources to find, and get the best, to perform this surgery. By all accounts his doctors is widely regarded as the best.

A friends sister had breast cancer - went into remission for five years - only to have it come back - on her brain. Chemo, radiation, holistic meds, organic diet, prayer, you name it, she had it. Then she had three surgeries - and everytime she came through as a different person. You just have no idea what you are screwing around with up there. It's scary.

ya,,its scary,,,i as lucky for what i had that the best in states was at duke...

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Wrong thread. Please visit the "Hot Chicks that would never give us the time of day unless they are on the clock" thread.

really? I dint know you played for that team..

Proud of you for coming out of closet,,you go girl


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I met the guy in 1999 at an awards dinner in Washington. His son, Ted Jr., was one of the honorees. They were both really nice guys. I'm glad to hear his surgery went well. I met Peyton Manning at the same dinner and he was a dick.

Ted Junior is my age and he lost a leg to cancer when we were kids. I remember that having an effect on me, back then.

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You're not a real diesel dyke unless you kick-start your vibrator and roll your own tampons.

I've never heard that term before - diesel dyke. What the heck is that?

Off to the gym. Going to hang out with sweating people - mostly girls - I'm excited. LOL!!

True story: I was a member at a womens only gym in the financial district of Boston. Would go at lunch or after work. Anyway, I recall coming out of the shower - and changing in the change room attached to the shower - so I was fully clothed - with wet hair. Anyway, this woman comes up to me and says something like "Hi, my name is whatever. Are you new here? Do you like it? I'm not too crazy about the complimentary blow dryers they let us use. Blah, blah, blah"......and yes, being friendly is a good thing BUT NOT WHEN YOU ARE AT BEST, 55, AND BUTT-NAKED AND UM....NOT WELL TENDED....Jeezus H. Christ, I could not get away fast enough. I terminated my membership the next day.

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I've never heard that term before - diesel dyke. What the heck is that?

Off to the gym. Going to hang out with sweating people - mostly girls - I'm excited. LOL!!

True story: I was a member at a womens only gym in the financial district of Boston. Would go at lunch or after work. Anyway, I recall coming out of the shower - and changing in the change room attached to the shower - so I was fully clothed - with wet hair. Anyway, this woman comes up to me and says something like "Hi, my name is whatever. Are you new here? Do you like it? I'm not too crazy about the complimentary blow dryers they let us use. Blah, blah, blah"......and yes, being friendly is a good thing BUT NOT WHEN YOU ARE AT BEST, 55, AND BUTT-NAKED AND UM....NOT WELL TENDED....Jeezus H. Christ, I could not get away fast enough. I terminated my membership the next day.

are you saying she was a poor gardener...Haha

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I've never heard that term before - diesel dyke. What the heck is that?

Off to the gym. Going to hang out with sweating people - mostly girls - I'm excited. LOL!!

True story: I was a member at a womens only gym in the financial district of Boston. Would go at lunch or after work. Anyway, I recall coming out of the shower - and changing in the change room attached to the shower - so I was fully clothed - with wet hair. Anyway, this woman comes up to me and says something like "Hi, my name is whatever. Are you new here? Do you like it? I'm not too crazy about the complimentary blow dryers they let us use. Blah, blah, blah"......and yes, being friendly is a good thing BUT NOT WHEN YOU ARE AT BEST, 55, AND BUTT-NAKED AND UM....NOT WELL TENDED....Jeezus H. Christ, I could not get away fast enough. I terminated my membership the next day.


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Glad to hear the surgery went well. My mother had a similar surgery (craniotomy) about a month and a half ago. She's in a vicious fight with adrenal cancer..

i will think good thoughts for your mom, 80. i hope she beats it.. she raised you.. she must have a lot of fight in her ;)

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