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Celtics fans take story about Pierce personally.


June 8, 2008

BOSTON -- "You're a moron."

Of the thousands of words that have filled my e-mail inbox in the last two days, those were three of the nicest.

"I hope to God you are punished in some way, shape or form."

Oh, I've been punished, all right.

In the wake of Friday's column accusing the Boston Celtics' Paul Pierce of milking his knee injury like a professional wrestler, I've been subjected to hundreds of e-mails whose cheap personal attacks would be an insult to professional wrestling.

"You disgust me. You are a whore."

Virtually all the vile missives were from angry Celtics fans, who weren't content to enjoy their team's opening victory in the NBA Finals against the Lakers.

They felt as if someone were threatening their hero, so they rushed to his defense. They didn't agree with the message, so they attacked the messenger.

For every smart e-mail challenging my opinion, there was an angry e-mail ripping me personally.

"Die, you lily-livered ass."

Are we in Boston or Deadwood?

"I wonder how many dried-up spit stains you've got on that cheap tie of yours, you stuttering, stammering slob."

C'mon, I don't wear cheap ties.

In my dozen years as a columnist here, I have written many critical articles about Los Angeles teams, and received loads of critical e-mails, so many that I sometimes wondered whether I had actually changed my name to Kobe Hater or Trojan Boy.

But never have these e-mails been so personal. Never have they been so nasty.

Southern Californians may sometimes have disliked my words, but they've never threatened my health.

"You better have extra security with you Sunday because Celtic fans who recognize you from ESPN will want to take a slap at you, and if I were there, I know I would."

Of all the humanity-questioning notes, the most disturbing was apparent from a subject line that contained three words that could not be printed in this newspaper.

Then the writer really got mad.

"I hope you . . . get cancer and die," he wrote. "Why don't you just die or quit, you ugly fat (bleep). I'm going to find out where (a relative) is buried and me and my buddies are gonna dig (the) skeleton up."

At first, I was angry that someone could react with such hate to a story of such frivolity. I don't write about wars, I write about games.

I was angry, then curious.

Where does this come from? Is this a New England thing? Is it an anti-Lakers thing?

Is the romantic Lakers-Celtics rivalry actually a product of this dark underbelly?

Against all common sense, I tracked down the guy who wrote me the e-mail about cancer and skeletons.

I can't believe he agreed to speak to me, but he e-mailed his phone number immediately.

His name is John Marsinelli. He is 31-year-old baker from Cambridge.

He said for nine months of the year, the Celtics are his life.

"There's not much else to do around here during that time, either it's too cold or to hot," he said.

He awakens every morning at 4:30, arrives at his supermarket bakery by 6, and returns to his apartment and the Celtics.

For the home games, he has a balcony season ticket. For the road games, he has a TV and an empty family room.

"I can't watch the games with anyone else," he said. "From pregame to postgame, I watch by myself. I scream at the TV. I throw my hat down."

And then you send horrible e-mails to guys like me?

"I was just venting," he said. "I don't know you personally, I was aggravated about a lot of other stuff in my life, I just got mad."

I wanted him to apologize.

I stretched out the phone conversation waiting for an apology.

He would not.

It was as if, somewhere in his Celtics soul, he could not.

He hung up the phone, then sent me another e-mail with a pleasant request to mail him two copies of this story to his home address.

Nothing personal. Just Celtics. Very scary.

For fairness' sake, I contacted a Celtics fan who had sent me an e-mail that was respectful in its disagreement.

His name is Josh Stevens, he's a 24-year-old computer worker from the Boston area, and he said he's not surprised by the wrath.

"I've heard Celtic stories for years from my father and my grandfather, now it's my generation's turn to experience the Celtic pride," he said. "For people my age, it's a Celtic resurgence, it's our passion."

In an age when an e-mail has no conscience and anonymity knows no fear, that passion can quickly get personal.

In doing so, both its strength and credibility are diminished.

For years, New England lived on an endearing reputation of being the most hard-luck sports region in the country.

With all the recent winning here, the place is no longer endearing, just hard.

Even a moron can figure that out.

Plaschke is a self serving, stuttering douchebag. Have you ever seen him on Around the Horn? The guy sucks donkey balls.

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Sox times moving up for Tuesday, Thursday

Starting times for Tuesday's and Thursday's Sox-Orioles games at Fenway Park are moving up from 7:05 p.m. to 6:05 p.m. in order to give fans the chance to be able to catch the Celtics-Lakers NBA Finals games taking place in those nights.

The next three games of the Finals are taking place in Los Angeles:

Game 3: Tuesday, June 10 (9 p.m., ABC)

Game 4: Thursday, June 12 (9 p.m., ABC)

And if the Celtics-Lakers play a Game 5 on Sunday (9 p.m., ABC)? No schedule changes, as the Sox are in Cincinnati with a 1:15 p.m scheduled start.

You think they would do that in NY???

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NBA Finals: Officiating Costs Lakers Game 2 & Possibly Their Season


The Los Angeles Lakers played average at best in game two.

Lamar Odom was confused and played a below average game scoring only 10 points and getting only 8 rebounds. They allowed Rondo to get 16 assists and Powe to get 21 points in only 15 minutes.

However, the Lakers lost game two because of the terrible officiating.

The Celtics got to the line 38 times, while the Lakers, who have the best player in the planet, got to the line a mere 10 times. Leon Powe, some nobody off the bench, got to the line 13 times, three more than the whole Lakers team.

Every time the Celtics drove and got touched, the refs would call a sissy foul and bail them out. On the other hand, when the Lakers were driving (mostly Kobe), they would get hit much harder and more often and not get a call

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NBA Finals: Officiating Costs Lakers Game 2 & Possibly Their Season


The Los Angeles Lakers played average at best in game two.

Lamar Odom was confused and played a below average game scoring only 10 points and getting only 8 rebounds. They allowed Rondo to get 16 assists and Powe to get 21 points in only 15 minutes.

However, the Lakers lost game two because of the terrible officiating.

The Celtics got to the line 38 times, while the Lakers, who have the best player in the planet, got to the line a mere 10 times. Leon Powe, some nobody off the bench, got to the line 13 times, three more than the whole Lakers team.

Every time the Celtics drove and got touched, the refs would call a sissy foul and bail them out. On the other hand, when the Lakers were driving (mostly Kobe), they would get hit much harder and more often and not get a call

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NBA Finals: Officiating Costs Lakers Game 2 & Possibly Their Season


The Los Angeles Lakers played average at best in game two.

Lamar Odom was confused and played a below average game scoring only 10 points and getting only 8 rebounds. They allowed Rondo to get 16 assists and Powe to get 21 points in only 15 minutes.

However, the Lakers lost game two because of the terrible officiating.

The Celtics got to the line 38 times, while the Lakers, who have the best player in the planet, got to the line a mere 10 times. Leon Powe, some nobody off the bench, got to the line 13 times, three more than the whole Lakers team.

Every time the Celtics drove and got touched, the refs would call a sissy foul and bail them out. On the other hand, when the Lakers were driving (mostly Kobe), they would get hit much harder and more often and not get a callresulting in a tough attempt usually ending with a bad miss.

Times like these would also give the Cetics the opportunity to run in transition and be effectiveespecially with Rondo distributing to Ray Allen for three three-pointers.

All of the Lakers haters and Celtics fans are going to say Lakers fans are just whining. Additionally, the media is saying the frontcourt (mostly Gasol and Odom) are soft and have no toughness.

The Lakers are by no means a physical team. They are a finesse teammostly because of Bynum's absence in the middle.

The haters are also going to say that the Lakers took a lot jumpers and weren't aggressive like the Celtics who drove to the basket more. They are wrong.

In game two, the Lakers had 42 perimeter shots and 41 shots in the paint while getting to the line only 10 times. The Celtics took 45 perimeter shots and only 23 shots in the paint while getting to the line 38 times.

As bad as the Lakers playedor as bad as the officiating wasand as good as the Celtics shot from both the field and from the three-point line (53 percent from the field and 64 percent from the three-point line), the Lakers were still in the game and had a chance to steal one on the road.

The league wanted Boston to win game two because now the series is going to last 6-7 games which David Stern and all of his executives have been dying for.

They know the Lakers are going to hold serve and win their three games at home, and that they are going to be up 3-2 going into game six in Boston.

This could cost the Lakers their season.

It will be extremely difficult for them to win four games out of five against a very good team and clinch the series by winning in Boston to end the Celtics' magical season.

However, I think the Lakers are going to win the next four games in a row. They are going to hold serve at home where the officiating will be much more fair, and their bench and role players will play a lot better while the role players of the Celtics will play worse.

Then, in game six, the Lakers are going to win a close game with Kobe dominating the fourth quarter and securing his fourth championship with a legendary performance to shut up all of his haters.


tha seasons ova

cuz of that clown david stern

**** david stern

**** boston

**** cm28

**** tha nba

i aint playin in tha nba no more

tha league is a joke and costin me lot of money and they causin emotional damage

umma sue them fo 1000000000000000 million dollars

**** david stern

**** tim donagee

**** them all

he best not eva come to my hood

cuz i aint deal wit his bull****

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tha seasons ova

cuz of that clown david stern

**** david stern

**** boston

**** cm28

**** tha nba

i aint playin in tha nba no more

tha league is a joke and costin me lot of money and they causin emotional damage

umma sue them fo 1000000000000000 million dollars

**** david stern

**** tim donagee

**** them all

he best not eva come to my hood

cuz i aint deal wit his bull****

realtalk homie

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tha seasons ova

cuz of that clown david stern

**** david stern

**** boston

**** cm28

**** tha nba

i aint playin in tha nba no more

tha league is a joke and costin me lot of money and they causin emotional damage

umma sue them fo 1000000000000000 million dollars

**** david stern

**** tim donagee

**** them all

he best not eva come to my hood

cuz i aint deal wit his bull****

You must be kidding right?

As I have already stated; where was your outrage over the foul discrepancy in the Lakers/Jazz series? Did Stern want the Lakers to win?

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You must be kidding right?

As I have already stated; where was your outrage over the foul discrepancy in the Lakers/Jazz series? Did Stern want the Lakers to win?

dont u see it

he did that to have ppl think they aint fixin tha game

david donagee is tryin 2 run kobes rep as tha best eva

he wants lebron to be

they out to get me and kobe

that aint right

someone gotta tell him what it do

but this is tha only way

mike jordan is in on tha plan

so is pp fakin that injury

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tha seasons ova

cuz of that clown david stern

**** david stern

**** boston

**** cm28

**** tha nba

i aint playin in tha nba no more

tha league is a joke and costin me lot of money and they causin emotional damage

umma sue them fo 1000000000000000 million dollars

**** david stern

**** tim donagee

**** them all

he best not eva come to my hood

cuz i aint deal wit his bull****

um.... they're only down 2 games... and both were on the road.

Pack a bowl and relax... no need getting all worked up ova the NBA.

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