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Season Tickets, ALREADY???


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I have been on the waitlist for about 7 years with last years waitlist number being a little over 3,000. You can imagine my shock when I opened my mail to find out that I am no longer on the waitlist and instead am being offered season tickets in the upper endzone. WTF? I have been progressing about 300-500 on the waitlist per year and this year I jumped 3000? Strange.

I have a dilemma. I have been buying entire seasons from an acquaintance I met about 5 years ago through a mutual friend. His seats are sec. 334, row 8 (very nice seats/view of the field) and he has explained that he will transfer the tickets to me because he just doesn't go anymore. Problem is we were late doing it this year so it has to wait until next year to be done. I already paid for 2008 and now am finally offered tickets of my own. What do I do?

I have a strange feeling that transferring his tickets to my name in 2009 will be more difficult than would have been this year. I imagine various new fees being associated with the tickets since the team will be entering the new stadium and psl's etc.

Should I roll the dice and hope that I can transfer his tickets next year or buy the extra set of season tickets and try and sell them to keep all my options open? The latter option seems problematic as people have not been successful in selling their entire seasons this year. (could be due to the fact that we sucked last year).

I guess it's a good problem to have.

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I have been on the waitlist for about 7 years with last years waitlist number being a little over 3,000. You can imagine my shock when I opened my mail to find out that I am no longer on the waitlist and instead am being offered season tickets in the upper endzone. WTF? I have been progressing about 300-500 on the waitlist per year and this year I jumped 3000? Strange.

I have a dilemma. I have been buying entire seasons from an acquaintance I met about 5 years ago through a mutual friend. His seats are sec. 334, row 8 (very nice seats/view of the field) and he has explained that he will transfer the tickets to me because he just doesn't go anymore. Problem is we were late doing it this year so it has to wait until next year to be done. I already paid for 2008 and now am finally offered tickets of my own. What do I do?

I have a strange feeling that transferring his tickets to my name in 2009 will be more difficult than would have been this year. I imagine various new fees being associated with the tickets since the team will be entering the new stadium and psl's etc.

Should I roll the dice and hope that I can transfer his tickets next year or buy the extra set of season tickets and try and sell them to keep all my options open? The latter option seems problematic as people have not been successful in selling their entire seasons this year. (could be due to the fact that we sucked last year).

I guess it's a good problem to have.

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I just got my ticket invioce too. This is happening to lots of people...

Did thousands of season ticket holders drop their tickets last year? Why? We've been 4-12 (or worse before) and this didn't happen. Last time a jump like this happened they instituted the waitlist fee of $50.

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I just got my ticket invioce too. This is happening to lots of people...

Did thousands of season ticket holders drop their tickets last year? Why? We've been 4-12 (or worse before) and this didn't happen. Last time a jump like this happened they instituted the waitlist fee of $50.

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i actually got them transferred to my name as well, i would take the pair this year from the jets, and have an extra.. becuase i think the jets will institute somehing next year to make it harder/more expensive for fans to do that.. im in 320.. upper endzone, cheapest psl im thinkin

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i actually got them transferred to my name as well, i would take the pair this year from the jets, and have an extra.. becuase i think the jets will institute somehing next year to make it harder/more expensive for fans to do that.. im in 320.. upper endzone, cheapest psl im thinkin

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Now it makes sense why I got that high end pullout from the organization over the new stadium - I'm that low on the list too & more than likely, I'M GOING TO FIND THAT LETTER IN MY MAILBOX THIS AFTERNOON!


To be continued...

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Now it makes sense why I got that high end pullout from the organization over the new stadium - I'm that low on the list too & more than likely, I'M GOING TO FIND THAT LETTER IN MY MAILBOX THIS AFTERNOON!


To be continued...

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Several thousand people didn't renew. Interesting.

I hope that sends a strong message to the Jets.

I'm kind of surprised at that much of a decline also.

Probably a couple of factors in play here.

The 4-12 season. Coupled with the fact that the Giants won the SB. A lot of band wagon jumpers would rather sit home and watch the Giants, then sit in the stadium and watch the Jets.

The looming PSL's. A lot of Jets fans are blue collar types. What's the sense of sitting on a waiting list for tickets they can't afford. IMO that is what the big spending spree was about this year. If the Jets go 4-12 again next year not many folks are going to cough up the kind of money it takes to buy a good seat. If they are 12-4, they will sell like hot cakes. Sadly it won't be to the same fans that have been coming for 20 or more years.

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i am in the high 8000's and if they offer them to me this year.. i think i will have to turn them down.

i wasnt ready for them yet.

i was hoping to get into the geriatric section another 10 years. LOL


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Several thousand people didn't renew. Interesting.

I hope that sends a strong message to the Jets.

Yes it is a message that Jets fans are dying to have huge PSL's and very high ticket prices because the law of supply and demand indicates that we will pay anything to watch our team, losers or not :roll: Woody will not be the first businessman to kill the proverbial golden goose.

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I have been on the waitlist for about 7 years with last years waitlist number being a little over 3,000. You can imagine my shock when I opened my mail to find out that I am no longer on the waitlist and instead am being offered season tickets in the upper endzone. WTF? I have been progressing about 300-500 on the waitlist per year and this year I jumped 3000? Strange.

I have a dilemma. I have been buying entire seasons from an acquaintance I met about 5 years ago through a mutual friend. His seats are sec. 334, row 8 (very nice seats/view of the field) and he has explained that he will transfer the tickets to me because he just doesn't go anymore. Problem is we were late doing it this year so it has to wait until next year to be done. I already paid for 2008 and now am finally offered tickets of my own. What do I do?

I have a strange feeling that transferring his tickets to my name in 2009 will be more difficult than would have been this year. I imagine various new fees being associated with the tickets since the team will be entering the new stadium and psl's etc.

Should I roll the dice and hope that I can transfer his tickets next year or buy the extra set of season tickets and try and sell them to keep all my options open? The latter option seems problematic as people have not been successful in selling their entire seasons this year. (could be due to the fact that we sucked last year).

I guess it's a good problem to have.

this is good news

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Raffy... Go for it! Just take the tickets, enjoy the games and be a part of something special.


I'm with you bro, but what do I do with the extra tickets I already own?

I'm thinking of incurring the loss (however minor as I should be able to sell some games during the year) just to get my name on the books for the future. I expect their to be serious problems with transferring the better sec. 334 seats next year. My thinking is that as soon as 2008 season is over (hopefully in 2009 ;)) the Jets will put a moratorium on transferring tickets to someone else until all psl fee's are paid. Not a problem right (cause would have to pay psl anyway)? Problem is, once they have you on the hook with the psl I assume then they will be able to charge for transferring the tickets to other individuals.

We'll see. My sister has become a Jets fan over the years and may just buy them for her and gift it to her as a wedding present.

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i am in the high 8000's and if they offer them to me this year.. i think i will have to turn them down.

i wasnt ready for them yet.

i was hoping to get into the geriatric section another 10 years. LOL


FYI, the geriatric section at the stadium wears blue and red and goes to different game days than the rest of us.

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I'm with you bro, but what do I do with the extra tickets I already own?

I'm thinking of incurring the loss (however minor as I should be able to sell some games during the year) just to get my name on the books for the future. I expect their to be serious problems with transferring the better sec. 334 seats next year. My thinking is that as soon as 2008 season is over (hopefully in 2009 ;)) the Jets will put a moratorium on transferring tickets to someone else until all psl fee's are paid. Not a problem right (cause would have to pay psl anyway)? Problem is, once they have you on the hook with the psl I assume then they will be able to charge for transferring the tickets to other individuals.

We'll see. My sister has become a Jets fan over the years and may just buy them for her and gift it to her as a wedding present.

"A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush"

Take the tickets that you will actually OWN. Next year, try to get the others transferred to you. Best case, you have a lot and can just give up one pair. Worst cast, you have the ones you get this year.

Either way, you will have tickets.

If you don't take these and next year he can't transfer (or decides not to) you are F'd.


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Lets see what happens when they get the bill for $25,000 for each seat.

I don't think they will be there. Pretty sure they aren't going to pay any PSL at all. Scratch 12 season ticket holders off the list (that is how many seats they have).

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I don't think they will be there. Pretty sure they aren't going to pay any PSL at all. Scratch 12 season ticket holders off the list (that is how many seats they have).

Now that's the tragedy of this whole business. I didn't know any of them personally

but as you know I come over to their tailgatewhen I come up for the games.

They are what a football fan is all about.

A great tailgate with a lot of great Jet fans and then watching the game from one

of the best seats in the house.

I've had season tickets from the 70s and every year there have been some

type of increase but you lived with it. If the Jets stick to any part of what this

survey indicates, they have crossed the line as far as the average season ticket

holder is concerned.

This my friends might be one of the dark days in Jets history.

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Now that's the tragedy of this whole business. I didn't know any of them personally

but as you know I come over to their tailgatewhen I come up for the games.

They are what a football fan is all about.

A great tailgate with a lot of great Jet fans and then watching the game from one

of the best seats in the house.

I've had season tickets from the 70s and every year there have been some

type of increase but you lived with it. If the Jets stick to any part of what this

survey indicates, they have crossed the line as far as the average season ticket

holder is concerned.

This my friends might be one of the dark days in Jets history.

Agreed. That is definitely the fear, that this will cross a line that there is no turning back from.

When you can get a group of tailgaters like that to not renew (they leave for the game at like 9pm the day before) and they drive the best tailgating vehicle in that lot -- well when you can get them to cancel, you have clearly gone too far.

At a certain point it isn't even about the money.

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