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Gary Sheffield, Unplugged ( Why not just shut the **** up?)


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Gary Sheffield, Unplugged

Posted: Friday August 5, 2005 4:34PM; Updated: Friday August 5, 2005 5:14PM


Gary Sheffield is no stranger to controversy. In a story for next week's New York magazine Sheffield blasts the media's portrayal of the Yankees. The following are some of the more quotable moments in Sheffield's career:

"My season is when I get paid. I'm not doing that. . . . I'm not sacrificing my body or taking a chance on an injury for something that's made up. This isn't the Olympics. That's a big difference. This is something you made up."

-- June '05 when asked if he would participate in next year's World Baseball Classic

"They're a walking disaster. They act like they're tough, how they care so much about winning, but it's all a front. They're just a bunch of characters."

-- On the '04 Red Sox

"The Brewers brought out the hate in me. I was a crazy man. . . . I hated everything about the place. If the official scorer gave me an error, I didn't think was an error, I'd say, 'OK, here's a real error,' and I'd throw the next ball into the stands on purpose.' "

-- September '92 on his days in Milwaukee.

''It did sting. hit me in my left shoulder. When they (doctors) cut my shirt open, the bullet fell out. The doctor said I was lucky I had the kind of windows I have in my car. I think it's double glass. It was a big hole, but it just grazed me. The doctor said I was lucky I moved or it would have hit me in the heart.''

-- October '95 after getting shot in the shoulder

"It don't make a difference who it is. If I didn't choose to go there, things are gonna have to change about my whole situation, contract, years, everything. Other than that, you might as well not bother trading for me, cause you're gonna have a very unhappy player. You gonna inconvenience me, I'm gonna inconvenience every situation there is. I mean, the only reason I'm playing is 'cause I wanna play for the Yankees."

-- June '05 after being rumored in a trade to the Mets for Mike Cameron

"I've been guilty by association my whole life. My uncle with his drug problem and I've been under investigation for that since I was 17 years old. And now I've been listening to the news and they've been trying to link Barry Bonds to things and everybody knows that I've been outspoken about training with the guy, so, obviously, they're trying to put two and two together and say, `We got something.' "

-- April '04 talking about a New York Times quote about BALCO

"We're going to bring our gold, our jewel in there, which is A-Rod. We're going to see how the chips fall this time. That's our man and we know he's our man. We're going to look out for him when he's in a situation like that. When he's in a hostile environment, we've got to make sure he's comfortable because it helps our team."

-- July '05 to the New York Post about A-Rod playing in Boston

"What did I do to be a villain?" Sheffield continued, listening patiently as someone recounted the reasoning. "Well, I mean you can't look at it that way. I didn't initiate it. It's a situation where I showed restraint, and I moved on from there."

-- July '05 after punching a fan in the right-field stands at Fenway

''I'm always mad at everybody -- that ain't the case,'' Sheffield, the Yankees' right fielder, said Monday. ''Because I don't sit here and smile with everybody, that don't mean I'm mad. It's just my personality. I don't see Randy Johnson smiling, but that don't mean he's mad.''

-- March '05 to the New York Times

''I don't really like spring training, to be honest with you,'' Sheffield said. ''I just get pumped for the season.''

-- March '05 to the New York Times

"(Bonds) said, 'I got guys here, they can get your urine and blood and prescribe a vitamin specifically for your blood type and what your body needs. And that's what I did."

-- October '04 on the BALCO case to the San Francisco Chronicle"I've been on my back a lot, and that's what I don't like. If that's how baseball is played, I'll just have to play like that and deal with people throwing at me"

-- May '89 during his rookie season on getting hit by pitches

Do me a favor Gary Sheffield....Tell me how you took steriods and tried to cheat the game? You POS mother****er....I hope your wifes X-rated video goes on sale so i can burn as many copies as possible as hand them out on the street you c**ksucking mother****er.

Vladimir Guerrero Should be in right field not this walking CANCER...but it's just further proof Nobody knows WTF their doing these days....Torre is shell of his former self....Steinbrenner has lost his mind and Brian Cashman still never recovered from losing David Ortiz to Boston...

Im not going to sit here and say " Oh...just wait we will be there"...Why? We don't deserve to be there.

Unless boston folds this Yankee team won't do a god damn thing to help themselves...you know why?

They are the worst assmebled ,most overrated team in MLB.

Watching Arod carry this team and everybody sucking off the Cancer stick ,Garriod Sheffield(like that one Bosox?) and Derek Jeter is just pathetic anymore.

Jeter hasn't done sh*t....He's been going thru the motions since Arod came to NY.

Giambi? **** him....I don't care if he hit 45 this month...go test his ass. Ill put money down that says his piss is dirty.

The guy couldn't hit the broad side of a barn last month...now he can't miss? And eveything is crushed?

Jorge Posada? Please dear god make him retire....Bernie Williams? Holy jesus christ,does this guy even have a pulse?

Im embarressed by the effort and by the professionalism of this team.

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smizzy, my boy, welcome to the side of goodness, righteousness, and serenity. Glad to have you aboard.

I am speechless. I am so proud of smizzy this morning I almost feel like shedding a tear of joy!

smizzy, a former member of the despised JN.com Yankee Yahoos has FINALLY seen the light and relinquished his membership to the Evil Empire!!!

I'll trade you a Smizzy for any COMBINATION of these self-hating Red Sox fan/Yankee apologists any day of the week. smizz, wait 'til the Yankee Elimination Party...you'll have a blast and I'll personally see to it that youre my guest of honor!

Woooooo Hoooooo!!! Yeeeeeee haaaaaaaw!!!!!

The JBF Anti-Yankee Conversion Tour continues...

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Sheffield's a dope and Giambi's a cheater. Vlady would have been the smart move. ANd?

And now since Posada and Williams are done, they're also of no use. But you lump them and Jeter(who's main function these days seems to be to bitch at umps after called strike 3, to stop rallies and to get on YES for reaction shots lately) in with the bad guy and the cheater. It's unfortuante these guys aren't doing the job, but that isn't as bad as being a jerk or a cheater.

I can understand the frustration. This team is poorly assembled. How a $200 million plus team is so pitching-poor that it's soliciting the likes of Aaron Sele and Hideo Nomo is pretty awful.

Steve Howe, Darryl Strawberry, Jose Canseco-all part of teams in this run. Howe and Straw obviously had seriuos drug problems; Canseco is a total jerk. Did you stop rooting for those teams? There's probably numerous others you can find who weren't humanitarians.

But the message you have is that you will only root for a team filled with good guys,decent human beings, salt of the earth types. Good luck finding one. Because I'll bet you'll never find one. Like Seinfeld said, you're rooting for laundry.

There's no one before this outside of Sheff's house(the one with wife who was with R.Kelly on video) who didn't know he was an a-hole before this.

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A lot that Smizzy stated is true but I am getting the feeling that if the Yanks send Al to the pen (if Pavano ever doesn't require yet another rehab start)

and go with a rotation of,






They will make the play-offs. Remember when that was guaranteed, assumed in years past due to pay-roll?

This has to rank as the Yank fans most enjoyable season since the mid- late 90's as every game means something.

I am sure there is still a percentage of fans who prefer the 15 game lead in August but this is a pennant race and even Met fans are tuning in.

Now if only someone can locate the Captain. :wink:

9 weeks left.....Good Luck.

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Sheffield's a dope and Giambi's a cheater. Vlady would have been the smart move. ANd?

And now since Posada and Williams are done, they're also of no use. But you lump them and Jeter(who's main function these days seems to be to b!tch at umps after called strike 3, to stop rallies and to get on YES for reaction shots lately) in with the bad guy and the cheater. It's unfortuante these guys aren't doing the job, but that isn't as bad as being a jerk or a cheater.

I can understand the frustration. This team is poorly assembled. How a $200 million plus team is so pitching-poor that it's soliciting the likes of Aaron Sele and Hideo Nomo is pretty awful.

Steve Howe, Darryl Strawberry, Jose Canseco-all part of teams in this run. Howe and Straw obviously had seriuos drug problems; Canseco is a total jerk. Did you stop rooting for those teams? There's probably numerous others you can find who weren't humanitarians.

But the message you have is that you will only root for a team filled with good guys,decent human beings, salt of the earth types. Good luck finding one. Because I'll bet you'll never find one. Like Seinfeld said, you're rooting for laundry.

There's no one before this outside of Sheff's house(the one with wife who was with R.Kelly on video) who didn't know he was an a-hole before this.

You know what I am growing increasingly sick to death of? Bugg's cavalier attitude about all the treachery in Yankeeland. Its really getting old. He clogs up perfectly good threads with his bullsh*t that nobody is buying, not even him.

Look at the above post! So the Yankees are old and they suck like a Hoover? So what? So Giam-balco is back on the juice? Who cares? So Sheffield is a horrid human being? What could go wrong?

Look at his previous posts. They reek of ignorance and stupidity. At first I thought it was an act meant to piss off Yankee Haters. Now I am relatively sure he believes this crap. Listen to him:

So the Yankees cant pitch or hit a baseball or play defense? How can that possibly prevent them from winning the World Series? Is this clown for real?

So they spent $200 million this year? There's no added pressure for them to win! Nor should their payroll provide ammunition for haters to rejoice in their misery.

So the Yankees use steroids, ruin the competitve balance of MLB, and rape small market teams of their players in an effort to satisfy the gluttony of their depraved owner...does that make them hard to root for? YES, bugg, it does mean that!

The Yankees suck, some of them have been CAUGHT (literally with their pants down) using steroids, and theu spend way too much money! They arent winning anything this year, we all know it, and were all going to enjoy it immensely!!!

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"The Brewers brought out the hate in me. I was a crazy man. . . . I hated everything about the place. If the official scorer gave me an error, I didn't think was an error, I'd say, 'OK, here's a real error,' and I'd throw the next ball into the stands on purpose.' "


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A lot that Smizzy stated is true but I am getting the feeling that if the Yanks send Al to the pen (if Pavano ever doesn't require yet another rehab start)

and go with a rotation of,






They will make the play-offs. Remember when that was guaranteed, assumed in years past due to pay-roll?

This has to rank as the Yank fans most enjoyable season since the mid- late 90's as every game means something.

I am sure there is still a percentage of fans who prefer the 15 game lead in August but this is a pennant race and even Met fans are tuning in.

Now if only someone can locate the Captain. :wink:

9 weeks left.....Good Luck.

Im nt the type of guy to watch my team trun into a pile of sh*t and they say " well...if we do this and that"

Truth of the matter is...Our Pitching staff is sh*t.

The "Team" is really a bunch of individuals who don't care about the team concept.

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Sheffield is a dumbass, but I love the way he plays, and if he really were a cancer, teams would desperately try to move him every time he was on a team a la Carl Everett.

A-Rod and the rest of the team seems to love the guy, and the guy is a beast of a hitter. He acts like a jerk to the media, but his teammates defend him every chance they get, so I have to think he's not a cancer (which I think is an overrated term anyway).

I'd love Vlad on our team, but I'm happy with Sheffield.

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rape small market teams of their players in an effort to satisfy the gluttony of their depraved owner

Kinda missed where you were so incensed when the Sawx took Schilling and Pedro in salary dumps.

The Yanks are a lousy team.Sheff's a jackass. Giambi a cheater. By all means when you find a team chock full of guys singing "Kumbaya" after every game on their way to feed the homeless, let me know.

I had a fun day at the beach with the kids. Try it sometime. Beats the hell out of watching the Yankees suck again.

It ain't their year. Start football already.

And get some prozac for JBF.Poor guy's gonna have stoke about a team he doesn't even like. Beginning to think he really likes the Yankees to so obsess over'em.

JBF"s having a stroke my Lord, Kumbaya...

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