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Yanks mantra: 'Thank God for the Orioles'


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Interesting that Brian Cashman has not taking much of a beating anywhere. In the media, this forum, or pretty much everywhere. He's received a free pass. Cashman has received a ton of credit for rebuilding the farm system and we really haven't seen much impact, other than Chamberlain and it remains to be seen what their plans are for him. For the most part his record with pitchers have been abysmal. His "young arms" for the most part has crapped their pants, the next great CF is back in the minors, and still the Yanks have the highest paid team and its not even close.

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I think we will see Cashman back next year.

Despite the way they are finishing the Nady deal was a good deal just based on the fact they basically gave up nothing for and Marte and Pittsburgh was originally asking for the moon and the stars as the deadline approached.

I think though it is still too early to close the book on Hughes. The kid is only 22.

I think most fans are willing to give Cashman a pass because the players have badly underperformed this year at the plate. He is going to get his shot at fixing that this off season.

He will be back. My guess though is that it will be on short leash. If we get this again in 09 then he and Girardi will be out of here.

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Oh, because Muts ownership is broke counting pennies and never has any money to BUY players. I know you Mut fans are giggly because the Yankees have sh!t a huge egg. But shouldn't you be more concerned with your team ? Your squad blew a lead last year that put your fans in the paper crying like school kids. You haven't won anything worthwhile since 1986. Back away from Yankees problems and deal with your own.

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Oh, because Muts ownership is broke counting pennies and never has any money to BUY players. I know you Mut fans are giggly because the Yankees have sh!t a huge egg. But shouldn't you be more concerned with your team ? Your squad blew a lead last year that put your fans in the paper crying like school kids. You haven't won anything worthwhile since 1986. Back away from Yankees problems and deal with your own.

It's pretty funny that you are telling someone to worry about their own team, while you're worrying about another team.

Just sayin'

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The Dodgers aren't good. They have the good fortune of playing in the worst division in baseball. And their record has slightly improved after they got arguably the best hitter in the game...

lets put it this way..

Torre will be still in the dugout come October :D

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The Wookie needs to remind his team it's the major leagues, not dancing with the stars. You might need those pampers to dry your eyes again.

And this is what some Yankee fans are reduced to.

Mets fans don't have delusions of grandeur. We have lived through it all with this team. No disspointment will oudo others that we have already experienced.

Apparently, that can not be said for some Yankee fans.

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The Wookie needs to remind his team it's the major leagues, not dancing with the stars. You might need those pampers to dry your eyes again.

And this is what some Yankee fans are reduced to.

Mets fans don't have delusions of grandeur. We have lived through it all with this team. No disspointment will oudo others that we have already experienced.

Apparently, that can not be said for some Yankee fans.


schooled and bitch slapped...


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Reduced to ? Sorry. I won't sit back and accept my owner putting a piece of crap product on the field for 20+ years. That's not acceptable to me nor most true Yankee fans. You don't see me starting Mets threads now that my team has taken a big sh!t. The Wookie should stop worrying about the Yankees , and hope your team doesn't wet the bed again like last year.

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Reduced to ? Sorry. I won't sit back and accept my owner putting a piece of crap product on the field for 20+ years. That's not acceptable to me nor most true Yankee fans. You don't see me starting Mets threads now that my team has taken a big sh!t. The Wookie should stop worrying about the Yankees , and hope your team doesn't wet the bed again like last year.

rather to wet bed in october than to play golf in october,,,

seriously,,have a great wedding day and best of luck to ya...:D

u guys will be competitive again next year ,,just a one year blip..

and wookie??? i dont get it???:confused:

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