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Garb sorry for your loss BEEN THERE DONE THAT. You are a standup guy in my book for showing up.Anyone who sent you a text or pm ridiculing the game is a COWARD!

I've been there and done that too. Looks like I am there again. Disn't miss it one bit.

Funny thing though - talking to folks....they were disappointed, but not pissy like the Jets fans were last week. I kept hearing "well, you can't be tops forever. This team has been good to me for seven years." I guess they are right - but geez louise, you would think that BB would have a contingency plan in place in case Brady went down? Cassel was Gawd awful. The defense followed suit. I have a friend that works game days - feeding the players - she said that the players looked like they were at a funeral post game. Except for Ellis Hobbs...and quite frankly, besides some of his (for nothing) ko returns, what was he smiling about? She did say that the worst was Moss. Said he looked down-right distraught. That can't be good. Eh....it's 'gonna be a long season, I think.

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I've been there and done that too. Looks like I am there again. Disn't miss it one bit.

Funny thing though - talking to folks....they were disappointed, but not pissy like the Jets fans were last week. I kept hearing "well, you can't be tops forever. This team has been good to me for seven years." I guess they are right - but geez louise, you would think that BB would have a contingency plan in place in case Brady went down? Cassel was Gawd awful. The defense followed suit. I have a friend that works game days - feeding the players - she said that the players looked like they were at a funeral post game. Except for Ellis Hobbs...and quite frankly, besides some of his (for nothing) ko returns, what was he smiling about? She did say that the worst was Moss. Said he looked down-right distraught. That can't be good. Eh....it's 'gonna be a long season, I think.

moss did not try, wait until you see his alligator arms play

pats will call TB regarding garcia

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I've been there and done that too. Looks like I am there again. Disn't miss it one bit.

Funny thing though - talking to folks....they were disappointed, but not pissy like the Jets fans were last week. I kept hearing "well, you can't be tops forever. This team has been good to me for seven years." I guess they are right - but geez louise, you would think that BB would have a contingency plan in place in case Brady went down? Cassel was Gawd awful. The defense followed suit. I have a friend that works game days - feeding the players - she said that the players looked like they were at a funeral post game. Except for Ellis Hobbs...and quite frankly, besides some of his (for nothing) ko returns, what was he smiling about? She did say that the worst was Moss. Said he looked down-right distraught. That can't be good. Eh....it's 'gonna be a long season, I think.

I saw something I have never seen before-a Belichick defense completely flummoxed by a formation that he HAD no answer for-Miami and Henning ran the same formation 5 times, every play a big gainer...and I've been watching him since the 80's

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I saw something I have never seen before-a Belichick defense completely flummoxed by a formation that he HAD no answer for-Miami and Henning ran the same formation 5 times, every play a big gainer...and I've been watching him since the 80's

True. Offesne as well. But I HATE josh McDaniels...anyway, I though Capers was brought aboard to help out? He sux.

As long as the Jets blows chunks - I'm okay, though. Sorry to say that - but the messages I got today and after TB went down have put me over the edge. Eff the Jets.

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...right here ;) Got home from the game about 45 minutes ago. It was worse in person. Trust me. There 'till teh bitter end though standing and screaming D-E-F-E-N-S-E......guess they didnlt hear me. :) Brought my nephew to his first pro game. Little sh*t is a bad luck charm ;) Kidding...I think?

Anyway, Matt Cassel looked like absolute sh*t. Joey Porter was right - that asswipe. LOL! The defense was abysmal. Tedy Bruschi needs to go away. The safeties were out of position all day and the lb's were - geez, I dunno....lost? Josh McDaniels sucks donkey testies - but I've been riding that bus since he became the OC. As I state before, no Brady = long ass season.

Anway, received two v-mails and two texts from jets fans today....rubbing it in as usual (received a plethora of messages when Brady went down).....and to those that left messages? FU! Seriously. No more Ms. Nice. You all bailed for the exits after the game last weekend....me, today? hung out with fellow Pats fans and comimserated while sparking up the grill. Did I rub last weeks win in your faces? Nope. Do you rub the Miami drubbing in ours? Yup. Different kind of fan, I guess. So, 1) what does it say about your team losing to a Matt Cassel led team? 2) Hope SD makes you all cry. I'll be sure to rub it in real good.

You talk about how you don't rub the games in, and then go on to rub last week in. Good job.

Keep telling yourself you're above all of us. Hope it makes you happy.

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A buddy of mine tells me alot of patty fans were booing their team today, that true? Ya'd think that after winning that many regular season games in a row they'd have been decent about it, no?

yup boos rained down as they skulked their way into the LR at half time Paul

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A buddy of mine tells me alot of patty fans were booing their team today, that true? Ya'd think that after winning that many regular season games in a row they'd have been decent about it, no?

First of all, I was at the Meadowlands last week and I said sh*t after the game - and I got plenty of smack pre-game. Trust me. All bets are frickin' off now after the calls and texts I got today. I forgave the Brady is down stuff - now? Nope.

As far as the boos go? I was actually there, so I know. Anway, a small crowd booed Cassel. He deserved it, but quite frankly the Defense deserved it more. Certainly was not a big crowd - but I did hear 'em. These are the "new" fans. The ones that haven't gone through the lean years that most of us have. They have no clue from which we came.

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If Jets fans were as dedicated as you...

there wouldn't be any Jets fans. Don't give up on a 2-1 team.

....I'm a realist. I'll go to the games and watch for improvement while I assimilate to this new way of viewing (it's been a while). Anyway, did you see Matt Cassel today? He can't throw left. His reads are slow....shoot, Moss was in man coverage at least five times and not once did he check off. He can't throw accurately more than ten yards. He has too much zip on the ball. Freaks out and throws into coveraage or into the ground. Thanks God for the bye-week.

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A buddy of mine tells me alot of patty fans were booing their team today, that true? Ya'd think that after winning that many regular season games in a row they'd have been decent about it, no?

Not in Massachusetts. We have the highest ticket prices in the Country and when our teams play like crap we let them have it. The players know it.

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Not in Massachusetts. We have the highest ticket prices in the Country and when our teams play like crap we let them have it. The players know it.

they deserved to be boo'd 2day....nevah seen a mumbles D play so bad

why didn't jets attack on both sides of ball, enquiring minds want to know.

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....I'm a realist. I'll go to the games and watch for improvement while I assimilate to this new way of viewing (it's been a while). Anyway, did you see Matt Cassel today? He can't throw left. His reads are slow....shoot, Moss was in man coverage at least five times and not once did he check off. He can't throw accurately more than ten yards. He has too much zip on the ball. Freaks out and throws into coveraage or into the ground. Thanks God for the bye-week.

you know what it reminded me of Garb? When Brooks Bollinger was given the reigns against Baltimore after Chad and Feidler got hurt-they completely hamstrung him with a lousy gameplan-not trusting him at all...it was like Beklichick didn't want to expose him for what he really is by letting him air it out once in a while

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they deserved to be boo'd 2day....nevah seen a mumbles D play so bad

why didn't jets attack on both sides of ball, enquiring minds want to know.

Steelers fans make me chuckle. We don't care about the past Paul, we care about what is going on right now.

Your guess is as good as mine why the Jets didn't crush the Pats last week.

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Wassup Patriot37 enjoying football sunday. YOUR kind of quiet in here today

I am? I posted here directly after the game.

Yeah, I did enjoy the game. I respect teams that go out and play football instead of whining about the Refs or Stealing signals. YOU know the type.

Today, Miami deserved to win. The Jets deserved to lose last week. I'll bet Penny cant wait to play back in Jersey.

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I am? I posted here directly after the game.

Yeah, I did enjoy the game. I respect teams that go out and play football instead of whining about the Refs or Stealing signals. YOU know the type.

Today, Miami deserved to win. The Jets deserved to lose last week. I'll bet Penny cant wait to play back in Jersey.

I don't get it. You don't respect the team you root for? How the **** does that work?

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i am trying to get over my initial feeling that letting chad go for farve was a bad move. PLEASE brett, prove me wrong tomorrow night in SD! PLEASE!

im happy for chad. you go boy. and i am f-ckin tickled to pieces at the fall of those slimy cheaters. karma bitches!

as for the comments by pats fans, im sorry but you guys suck. i live in the bronx and i have to admit i respect redsox fans, maybe you pat fans need an 80 year losing streak to humble you a little bit.... that would be sweet!

we are in for some crazy football gentlemen...


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Steelers fans make me chuckle. We don't care about the past Paul, we care about what is going on right now.

Your guess is as good as mine why the Jets didn't crush the Pats last week.

I haven't been to Gillette since last year. BOY, what a difference several months makes! I HATE IT! It's a cement city. The stadium is enclosed in one big cement city with trees and flowers, high end eateries, shops, Museum, Movie complex, Hotel should be completed soon, an entertainment venue, a big Bass Pro shop, etc. I'm waiting for the luxury condos to be built - you know it's coming. It just doesn't "feel" right. I pine for the old days (and yah, they usually stunk) - but it felt like a football venue - not a place for the grey poupon crowd to watch a game, half of 'em sit on their hands, while their wives have lunch, shop and take in a movie. What really bugged me is the small screen set up next to one of the jumbotrons that scrolled the movie titles and show times. Welcome to corporate america! This is Krafts vision? Yuck. I hope for all your sakes that the new Giants doesn't turn into a great big shopping mall. It's just not right.

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I haven't been to Gillette since last year. BOY, what a difference several months makes! I HATE IT! It's a cement city. The stadium is enclosed in one big cement city with trees and flowers, high end eateries, shops, Museum, Movie complex, Hotel should be completed soon, an entertainment venue, a big Bass Pro shop, etc. I'm waiting for the luxury condos to be built - you know it's coming. It just doesn't "feel" right. I pine for the old days (and yah, they usually stunk) - but it felt like a football venue - not a place for the grey poupon crowd to watch a game, half of 'em sit on their hands, while their wives have lunch, shop and take in a movie. What really bugged me is the small screen set up next to one of the jumbotrons that scrolled the movie titles and show times. Welcome to corporate america! This is Krafts vision? Yuck. I hope for all your sakes that the new Giants doesn't turn into a great big shopping mall. It's just not right.

You should have left at halftime to go see a movie...

they should give fans a half price discount at the movies during an ass kicking.

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