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Pics from JETS Pats game.....


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If you're going to call that a hold, you're going to call holding on every single play in the NFL.

That was a joke post. I have no idea what the down and distance was on that play but Mayo (51) got a good elbow to the head of a Jets lineman so its all good.

You and every other Pats hater should stop talking about the Pats "holding" on every play. Holding happens on every play in the NFL.

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Bren -- YES!!!


With the new version of vbulletin that we will be upgrading to their is a very simple way to showcase those galleries. Was it easy to upload them that way? If so please use those since you have total control over them.

If there are any problems please let me know. (I don't remember if you can upload multiple pictures at the same time).

This would be the link to see all your albums! http://jetnation.com/forums/album.php?u=10

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great pics. Wish I could have made it by you guys to tailgate, but we showed up before the lots were open so we went to some bbq joint down the block. When we came out the lot was full of people tailgating and we really couldn't pull out so we were stuck there, and dragging all that beer around just wasn't possible. Gainzo and Brenda, thanks for the offers, definitely have to get together next time, and Gainzo, hope to see you in NJ when the Pats come here to get an ass kicking in the playoffs.

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